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What are the Keys to Tackling English CET-6 Reading Test Successfully?

English CET-6 reading test is one of the most challenging exams that Chinese students encounter in their academic life. What should you know in order to achieve a high score on the CET-6 reading test?

First of all, the key to being successful in the CET-6 reading test is to read frequently and widely. You should read various kinds of articles, ranging from science, technology, literature, history, economics, etc. Without sufficiently abundant reading materials, it is hard to grasp the meaning of the passage on the test. What’s more, by broadening your reading horizons, you will develop your vocabulary and comprehension abilities spontaneously.

Secondly, mastering the scanning and skimming skills is of great importance. Scanning enables you to find the relevant information in a short time by searching for keyword phrases or numbers. Skimming provides you with an overall impression of the passage, including the authors main idea, the structure, views presented, and evidence used to support these views. These skills dont happen overnight, and it takes significant practice to continually develop them.

Thirdly, having a solid grasp of fundamental grammar rules can help you better understand the articles and answer questions more effectively. You must be familiar with basic tenses, the use of parallel structures, and the distinction of parts of speech. Accuracy of grammar also affects coherence and writing style.

Fourthly, improving your speed and accuracy in reading is essential. During the CET-6 reading test, you only have twenty minutes to read three passages, with each article consisting of 500 to 700 words. Without regular reading habits, you are likely to become overwhelmed or bogged down by a large amount of content. Therefore, improving your reading speed while maintaining accuracy is key to achieving success on this exam.

Fifthly, develop attention to detail in comprehension. Questions on the CET-6 reading test mostly involve details or certain inferences of the article, making attention to detail essential. You need to be alert not to miss any necessary information while reading. Besides, you should be aware that some questions attempt to trick test-takers by denying contents that are similar to or fit the information in the passage. So, be cautious in answering.

Sixthly, practice sample tests repeatedly is paramount. Taking various sample tests or past tests from previous years can help you to become familiar with how the passages are structured and how the questions are formulated. By doing this repeatedly, you can get a sense of what the CET-6 test will be like and become more comfortable in taking the test when it comes time.

Seventhly, learning from your mistakes and weaknesses. After taking a sample test or receiving your scores, you should analyze where you went wrong, what mistakes you made, and what your weaknesses are. The English CET-6 reading test assesses your comprehension abilities, so if you merely memorize answers without understanding the logic behind what you got wrong, it may be challenging to improve your final grade.

Eighthly, maintaining a composed state of mind can be beneficial. Numerous test-takers fail to complete the test because of their nervousness or anxiety. However, they usually understand and know passages and answers clearly when in a more relaxed mood. You can train your ability to maintain a calm state of mind through multiple methods, such as meditation, deep breathing, and exercise.

Ninthly, writing short notes or outlines during the test can facilitate answering questions correctly. People who remember the passages critical information only by reading it tend to forget it amid the pressure of an exam. Taking comprehensive notes and outlining the central arguments presented on the passage can help in remembering the main points when answering questions.

Tenthly, managing your time effectively during the exam is also essential. You should create a timetable to pace yourself during the test, keeping in mind how much time you have to read, understand, and answer questions. This method prevents you from becoming tangled up in one question and missing other questions and eliminates the chance of losing marks due to procrastination and inefficient time management.

Overall, achieving success on the English CET-6 reading test involves a multifaceted approach. Hopefully, by following these tips, you can boost your ability to read, comprehend, and answer questions in English better. And the more comfortable you become in test-taking situations, the more successful you are likely to be.
