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考研英语一和专四谁难 哪有历年专四听力真题MP3免费下载的




英语专四专八学习资源: 1. (真题网) 2. (高校英语专八考试指南听力) 3. (沪江英语专四) 4. (沪江英语专八) 5. /(学生大考试站) 6. ((王迈迈英语教学网)) 7. /(教育学习网) 8. /(学程无忧) 9. 学网) 在线外语电台: 1. 等及外语电视台在线收看) 2. ) 3. /(英语学习频道) 4. / 5.4. 标准英语及英语电台) 另附: 专(专四考试新大纲) 新版大纲规定的考试题型主要有以下变化: 1. 大作文字数由150词增加到200词; 2. 听力理解部分取消单句(Statements),增加为短文(Passages),题数增加; 3. 阅读理解不再分常速阅读和快速阅读。


二 听写 Dictation
   要求学生在全面理解内容的基础上逐字逐句写出全篇短文。   2、 拼写和标点符号正确无误,错误率不超过8%。   
三 听力理解Listening Comprehension
   1、 能听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活、社会生活的讲演或交谈和难度相当于TOEFL中的minitalk等中等难度听力材料,理解中心大意,抓住主要论点或情节,能根据所听材料进行揣测和分析。   2、 能听懂VOA和BBC国际新闻的主要内容。   3、 考试时间约20分钟。   (二) 题型   听力理解部分为多项选择题,分三节:Section A, Section B和Section C, 共25题。   Section A:?每题为二句或三句的陈述(statement),共有7-9题。   Section B:?每题含一组对话,约三句,共有7-9题。   Section C: ?在若干篇VOA或BBC听力材料后有若干道选择题,共7-9题。   听力部分的每题后有约10秒的间隙,要求考生从试卷所给出的每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。录音的语速为每分钟约120个词,念一遍。   (三)测试目的   测试学生获取口头信息的能力。   (四)选材原则   1、 陈述部分为一般反映日常生活的句子,略有难度。?   2、 对话部分为一般反映日常生活的对话,句子结构和内容略有难度。   3、 VOA和BBC短篇听力材料为学生所熟悉的一般新闻报导、短评或讲话等。 专四证书
4、 陈述和对话中所用的词语不超出教学大纲词汇表对四级所规定的范围。所选用的VOA和BBC听力材料中的词语也尽量不超出上述范围。


British holidaying habits In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable for the average family in the UK, and more people started travelling abroad for their summer holidays. After all, the British weather wasn’t very good, even in summer, so a lot of people left the country for a vacation.
In the 1980s and 1990s, young people in the UK became wealthier on average. As a result, they started to go abroad in groups, to places such as Spain and Greece. Once they arrived at their destination, they met with other groups of young people and had one long party.
British holidaying habits have begun to change, however. Climate change means that the UK now has a hotter climate, so people do not need to go overseas to find good weather. Also, going abroad is more expensive. As a result, more British people are choosing to spend their summer holidays in the UK.
"Congratulations, Mr. Jones, its a girl."
Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and bring forth a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel proud when they receive the news, while others worry, wondering whether they will be good father. Although there are some men who like children and may have had considerable experience with them, others do not particularly care for children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. For other couples, pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have accepted willingly or unwillingly.
Whatever the reaction to the birth of a child, it is obvious that the shift from the role of husband to that of father is a difficult task. Yet, unfortunately, few attempts have been made to educate fathers in this resocialization process. Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, only recently has literature focused on the role of a father.
It is argued by some writers that the transition to the fathers role, although difficult, is not nearly as great as the transition the wife must make to the mothers role. The mothers role seems to require a complete transformation in daily routine and highly innovative adaptation, however, the fathers role is less demanding and immediate.
April 20, 2008
Dear my friend,
The summer vacation is coming next month. I hope you will visit our home town and stay with us. Its very beautiful here with everything in bloom now. If possible, you can come here by the train No. 1010, which will arrive here at 18:00.I am looking forward to seeing you as soon as possible.
Should private car owners be taxed for pollution?私家车主是否应交污染税?
With the development of society, many people can afford a car. As the number of the cars is rising, we are facing some problems. One big problem is the pollution caused by the use of cars. In order to solve this problem, government agencies in some big cities recently suggest that a “pollution tax” should be put on private cars in order to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city. For my part, I agree to this viewpoint, and my reasons are as follows:
To begin with, cars contribute to the environmental pollution. For example, a lot of big cities in China are now plagued by serious air pollution. Then it is the responsibility of these private car owners to pay for the pollution and they should be taxed. The purpose of collecting environmental pollution tax is to raise the fund, and then utilize the tax revenue lever to protect our environment.
Secondly, it is a good way to raise people’s environmental awareness by putting a pollution tax on private cars. If people suffer from the financial loss when making a decision, they will think more about their decision. Then they will consider more when deciding to buy a private car. Consequently, the increase rate of the number of the private cars can be controlled.
In a word, it is a very good and necessary attempt to use the means of taxation to treat the pollution. Of course, it must be kept in mind that all people, including the private car owners, should try their best to protect the environment.
