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典范英语 科密特船长与紫色星球 概括 典范英语8 第6、7、8、9、10本的故事梗概 一百字以上

典范英语 科密特船长与紫色星球 概括

2012-01-19 17:57
我只有科密特船长与紫色星球的:it was quiet morning at morning at stardust space station. captain stella was checking the space shuttle.这是安静的早晨在早上在星尘太空站。斯特拉船长检查航天飞机。captain comet was watering the plants and spanner the robot was bored.彗星上尉是浇水的植物,扳手机器人很无聊。‘can i sit at the control desk? he asked.“我可以坐在控制台?他问。all right, said captain comet, but don’t touch anything and don’t press that red button.好了,船长说彗星,但不要碰任何东西,不要按那个红色的按钮。spanner sat down at the desk and looked at all the buttons.扳手在桌子前坐下,看着所有的按钮。there were buttons to open all the space station doors and buttons to turn on all the lights.有按钮打开所有空间站门和按钮,打开所有的灯。there was even a button to flush all the toilets!甚至有一个按钮来刷新所有厕所!there was also a big red button, labeled gravity.也有一个大的红色按钮,标记的重力。i’ll press it very quickly, said spanner, to see what it does.我会按它非常快,该扳手,看看它。he pressed the red button.他按下红色按钮。captain comet was watering the plants when he had a strange feeling.彗星上尉是植物浇水时,他有一种奇怪的感觉。he was floating above all floating, too.他首先是浮动浮动,太。he guessed what had happened.他猜发生了什么。spanner! he shouted, i told you not to touch that red button!扳手!他喊道,我告诉你别碰那个红色按钮!there was no gravity in space, so the space station made its own.在太空中没有重力,所以空间站创造自己的。spanner pressed the red button to make the gravity cone back on again-and all the pot plants fell to the floor.扳手按下红色按钮使重力锥上——所有盆栽植物倒在地板上。spanner! comet groaned.扳手!彗星的呻吟。it must be a planet它必须是一个星球spanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of the morning.扳手被清理为其余的早晨。when he turned the cleaner off, everyone heard a beeping noise. the noise was coming from the space scanner.当他把清洁剂,大家听到一个声响。噪音是从空间扫描。everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look.每个人都停止了他们正在做的事来找。the scanner has found something, said comet.扫描仪已经发现的东西,说彗星。he pointed to a found something, said comet.他指出一发现的东西,说彗星。he pointed to a flashing, dot that was moving across the screen.他指出一点闪光,这是在屏幕上移动。i wonder what it is? said captain stella.我不知道这是什么吗?斯特拉船长说。is it an asteroid? asked spanner. an asteroid? asked spanner. an asteroid is a lump of rock that floats in space.这是一个小行星?问扳手。小行星?问扳手。小行星是一块石头,漂浮在太空。i know that! said captain comet. anyway, it’s too big to be an asteroid.我知道!该彗星上尉。无论如何,它太大了是一个小行星。then it must be a planet, spanner said.然后,它必须是一个星球,扳手说。where has it come from? asked comet. and why is it moving so fast?哪里来的?问彗星。为什么它移动得这么快呢?you ‘d better go and have a look, said captain stella.你最好去看一看,斯特拉船长说。comet and spanner set off in the space shuttle to look for the new planet. spanner was very excited.彗星和扳手放在太空梭寻找新的星球。扳手非常激动。i’ve never found a new planet before, he said. what shall we call it?我从来没有发现一颗新行星之前,他说。我们怎么称呼它?let’s find it first, said comet.让我们先找到它,说彗星。but spanner wasn’t listening. i’m going to call it planet spanner, he said.但扳手没有听。我把它叫做行星扳手,他说。spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.扳手了嗡嗡的噪声和一个标志出槽在他的胸部。what are you doing? asked comet.你干什么呢?问彗星。i’ve made a flag to put on planet spanner. then everyone will know that we were the first to find it, spanner explained.我犯了一个标志放在行星扳手。每个人都会知道,我们是第一个发现它的解释,扳手。he showed comet the flag. it was bright red with two spanners on it.他发现彗星旗。它是明亮的红色与扳手它。comet had to smile. very nice, he said.彗星有微笑。很好,他说。on the purple planet在紫色星球the planet looked very strange. it was purple and covered in huge spikes.地球看起来很奇怪。它是紫色和覆盖在巨大的峰值。comet landed the shuttle carefully on the planet.彗星的飞船降落地球上仔细。then he got out to have a look around.他走出去看一看。spanner stayed in the shuttle, making a flagpole for his flag.扳手呆在航天飞机,使旗杆旗。spanner found a metal rod.发现一个金属杆扳手。he fastened the flag to one end of the rod and put the other end into a hole in his chest.他把旗一杆的结束和把另一端插入孔在他的胸部。there was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener. when he took the rod out again, it had a nice sharp point.有声如电动卷笔刀。当他把棒又出来了,它有一个好的尖点。comet was looking at one of the giant purple spikes, it felt soft and warm.彗星眼前的是一个巨大的紫色穗状花序,感觉柔软和温暖。that’s very odd, thought comet, this spike feels like it’s alive.这是非常奇怪,认为彗星,这穗感觉像是活着。just then spanner arrived with his new flagpole. i name this planet- planet spanner. he said proudly.这时扳手和他的新旗杆。我叫这个行星-行星扳手。他自豪地说。no! stop! comet yelled.没有!停止!彗星大叫。but before comet could stop him, spanner hammered the sharp flagpole into the ground.但是,在彗星可以阻止他,扳手把锋利的旗杆到地面。there was a huge roar.有一个巨大的轰鸣声。what was that? asked spanner.那是什么呀?问扳手。quick, back to the shuttle shouted comet, as the ground began to shake.快速,回穿梭喊彗星,如地面开始震动。they strapped themselves into their seats and comet blasted off.他们把自己的座位和彗星升空。spanner looked at the screen. the planet’s surface was spinning around.扳手看着屏幕。地球的表面是在旋转。then the opening of a big, dork cave came into view.然后开了一个大洞,笨蛋了。around the outside of the opening were large, jagged rocks.周围以外的开口大,锯齿状的岩石。look. said spanner. they’re like giant teeth.看看。该扳手。他们就像巨大的牙齿。comet stared at the screen.彗星的盯着屏幕。that’s because they are giant.这是因为他们是巨人。it’s not a planet… said comet,这不是一个星球……说彗星,…it’s a space monster. gasped spanner.这是一个空间的怪物…。喘着气扳手。space chase太空追逐why is it so angry with us? cried spanner.它为什么这么生气?哭扳手。you’ve just hammered a big sharp flagpole into its backside, explained captain comet.你刚刚把一把锋利的旗杆的背后,解释彗星上尉。the huge teeth snapped shut behind them. it wants to eat us. wailed spanner. we’ve got to get away.巨大的牙齿断裂在他们身后关上了。它想吃掉我们。恸哭扳手。我们必须逃走。that’s what i’m trying to do. said comet. but it’s too fast.这就是我想要做的。该彗星。但它太快。comet fired the shuttle’s jets. then he tried to make a sharp turn, as the monster zoomed towards them.彗星发射航天飞机的飞机。他试图使一个急转弯,作为对他们的怪物放大。what are we going to do? cried spanner.我们要做什么?哭扳手。just then, captain stella’s face appeared on the screen. she had been watching then on the space scanner.这时,斯特拉船长的脸出现在屏幕。她曾在空间扫描。captain comet tried to make another sharp turn. the space monster was getting closer and closer.彗星上校试图让另一个急转弯。太空怪物越来越近了。are you all right? captain stella asked. what’s going on?有什么问题吗?斯特拉船长问。发生了什么事?we’re going to be eaten. wailed spanner. by a prickly purple space monster the size of a planet.我们要吃的。恸哭扳手。由一个带刺的紫色空间怪物行星的大小。apart from that, everything’s fine, said comet, making the shuttle dive to dodge the giant teeth.除此之外,一切都很好,说彗星,使航天飞机俯冲到巨人的牙齿。can i help? asked captain stella.我可以帮忙吗?问斯特拉船长。no, said comet. you不,说彗星

典范英语8 第6、7、8、9、10本的故事梗概 一百字以上

第8本:Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually, he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him.But my mum found it . and called the factory on the vid-phone.were on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam, at last he was catched by connections squad van. At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet.
空袭就是俩小孩偷偷跑出安全区,从废墟里就出一支小狗,发现了一个地窖,进去以后发现是一个酒窖。不幸的是出口被空袭的爆炸堵上了。小狗在里面喝醉了,他们带着狗从里面的一个小洞准备出去,但是那是个死胡同。他们用手打开出口,出去以后发现了一个大炸弹,等待救援。最后被救了。 乔这个小男孩特别喜欢足球但是他运气特别差,参加一个比赛本来有一个很好的头球结果他因为离开自己的位置错过了这个球。他的同伴骂他是废物。他天天晚出去在两棵树之间练射门。他渴望有一个新球鞋,他老爹没钱,给他一个橄榄球鞋,但是在他的努力下,新比赛的最后几分钟他进球了。


Amy the Hedgehog Girl
Amy likes thehedgehogs very much. She wants to be a hedgehog expert. She finds a tape aboutHedgehogs. She listens to the sound over and over again. Every night, she runsdown into the garden and makes hedgehog noises as loudly as she can. In anight, there is a hedgehog come out to meet her. Mr Peck invites a lot of peopleto see Amy. She is cross. But she tells hedgehogs to patrol Mr Peck’s garden.Mr Perk wins three prizes for his vegetables. He and Amy are all happy.
On one day, Old Baggy-Pants was in a brand white new suit withoutcrease in it. Children all were surprised, but Derek got green stuff on Mr Such’snew white trousers, Janey tried to help him clean it off, things went from badto worse.

典范英语8 5翻译

喝你的茶Ray Martin,小城镇的足球俱乐部的新老板,很开心。这几乎是时间和他的团队赢得了1-0.ray冲到更衣室跟车队。十一杯茶都等待着玩家。团队里慢跑,看起来很累但是很开心。“干得好,伙计们,”笑了,雷。“你一定渴了。虽然它‟热喝你的茶。”“一分钟,老板。”史提夫说,船长。然后光注意到一个球员一个以茶入杯后淋浴房。当他们回来的时候,杯子是空的。”‟好笑,”思想的光芒。“在淋浴喝茶。”


二、对没一个版块选择一个关键词,通过这个关键词能够回想起整个大块的内容就可以了,同一层次的关键词是同一等级的内容,比如:动物、植物、微生物 ,就属于同一等级的关键词。动物和石头就不是同一等级的关键词。三、按照思维导图的作图要求绘制思维导图


.算是一片大树林里吧 爬山找到了goldie 但发现它有伤口 又帮它包扎好伤口 之后goldie边慢慢的恢复元气了:Danny他外公生病住院了 他就帮忙等待有golden eye的那只鸽子 那个有着golden eye的鸽子 却迟迟没有回来 他发愁晚上去医院的时候怎么向外公交代 于是在晚上去医院的时候他向外公说了慌 之后边回家 勇敢的跑到...- wating for goldie首先我想说这是典范英语8 -.. 但danny很发愁它是否还可以飞翔 就在这时得知外公即将回家的消息 后来外公 回到家了 然后danny 就试着放飞了goldie 令他惊讶的是 goldie真的飞起来了 外公非常开心 也忘记了goldie是否得到名次 下面的我可以明天再发吗 太多了 我要睡觉....


绘制小学英语六年级的思维导图,一定要参考华东师大刘濯源教授提出的"学科思维导图"绘制标准,因为只有学科思维导图才是重结构化思考(重视逻辑关系),也侧重对知识的深度理解及学习者逻辑思维能力的发展,如果你画强调放射性思维(重视自由联 。

典范英语6 oh otto故事梗概100词

A senven-year-old boy from outer space was called.Even though he was funny,he found the treasure whith jo cleverly.
