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关于计算机的英语作文 英语作文“首先,然后,其次,最后”的高级用法是什么?


With the development of the computer technology and the internet,we have got a new media to know the outside world.And our life is greatly changed with it.On the internet,you can get both the domestic news and the international news as well.For our daily communication, you can send E-mails to your friends and the other people.Of course,you can study whatever you like on the internet,such as, English and other subjects.Meanwhile,you can appreciate music,sports and enjoy the video games.Recently,more and more people,especially young people,are interested in shopping online.Anyway,internet is changing our style of life and the way of thinking as well.
It is no doubt that computer and its internet play very important part in our life,study and work.On the computer,we can look for some new and fresh information so that we can study more knowledge.And more and more people realize that we are in the non-paper times. Thats to say we can do lots of things without paper like before.But meanwhile,some people,especially some young people are too addicted to the video games on the computer internet.It is a waste of time and energy.So,the question whether a computer is good or bad depends on how we use it.If we use it in a proper way,it will be very helpful to our life and study.


首先的高级用法可以用“first of all”
“然后 "为  “afterwards”
"其次为"“in the next part ”
"最后" 为“in the end”或“ finally”
first,firstly,first and foremost,to begin/start with,most importantly
二、表对比 与转折:
yet,however,nevertheless,in contrast (to),whereas,
in spite of(despite),instead,on the contrary,even if(though),
and,as well as,then,moreover,futhermore,in addition
,additionally,besides,whats more
as a result,consequence,for this reason,
in a word,in belief,in short,in all,above all,to conclude,
on the whole,to sum up,in summary

增加文采小窍门: 如果说第一、二步是对文章的构思,第三、四步骤则是真正地“写”了,用词是否贴切,文法是否正确,句式是否多变,文采是否有生气,关系到写作者的语言功底和水平,但也有些窍门是需要长时间累积的。

我眼中最伟大的发明英文作文带翻译 大概三五分钟 急急急急急 求帮忙

Of the worlds great inventions
Everyones awareness of the greatest invention in the world are different,and I think that,computer is the greatest.
In todays information age,computers have brought us considerable convenience.
It so that we can buy things at home,so that we can meet with friends to chat,so we know a lot of things they dont.
Various signs indicate that the worlds greatest invention is computer
I think the most important modern invention is the Internet.With the Internet,we can do many things.For example,we can shop,learn knowledge,listen to music,and watch movies online.The Internet makes the world smaller.We can meet and talk to friends and relatives far away without spending a lot of money.


中文:黄山凌晨的天空还是黑沉沉的,只有景区的灯光照亮了道路。当早晨五点我登上缆车时,夜色渐渐退去,东方逐渐露出了鱼肚白,缆车把我们从云谷寺送到了始信峰站。 走在上山的山道上,只见远处的群峰在清晨中朦朦胧胧、时隐时现,耳边闻到清脆的鸟鸣声,山上的新鲜的空气让人倍觉清新。虽然天空云层很厚,可已看到东方露出了霞光,只见东方厚厚的云层中一个火红的圆球正慢慢挣扎着云层的束缚而欲喷薄而出,天色变蓝,四周变的清晰起来,黄山群峰在晨曦中露出了格外秀丽和俊俏的真容。 沿山道往下走,路上只见黄山杜鹃花盛开,黄山杜鹃的花蕾是鲜红的,当开花后,花瓣变成粉红色,一株株的黄山杜鹃花在群山中显得格外娇媚。还有那散发出幽香的梨花和黄山苇毛樱花也开在那山峦之上,让人赏心悦目。更有那不知名的鸟跳跃在松树枝上,发出叽叽喳喳的叫声,仿佛在欢迎着远道而来的游客们。


Huangshan early morning sky is still dark, and the only scenic spot lights illuminate the road.

When the 5 oclock I boarded the cable car, the night gradually receded, the East gradually exposed gray dawn,

cable car was sent to us from the beginning of the letter Yungu Si Peak Station.

Walking in the mountains of the Hill, we saw the distant peaks of the hazy in the morning, when hidden, at times,

ear, smell the crisp sound of the birds, the fresh mountain air makes even greater fresh.

Although the sky was thick cloud cover may have seen the East exposed Xiaguang saw thick clouds in the East of a

red ball is slowly struggling to cloud the shackles and wish to gushing out of days, pale blue, surrounded by a clear

change up.

Huangshan peaks particularly in the morning revealed the true beauty and the handsome capacity.

Hill Road to go down the road I saw azaleas in full bloom Huangshan, Huangshan Rhododendron bud is red, when

flowering, the petals become pink, a Zhuzhu rhododendrons Huangshan mountains is extraordinarily flirtatious.

Then there is emitting a delicate fragrance of pear and cherry Huangshan Mao Wei also opened in the mountains on

top of that, fun to watch. More that an unknown bird vine jump in the pine, issued twitter cry, as if to welcome

visitors from afar.

英语作文题目是介绍一个地方150 180词

London is a place that is not easily forgotten. Anyone who visited the capita city would know. The Big Ben, Londons Eye and the ferry trip that I took was most exhilarating. I saw the entire London as Londons eye revolved slowed and peacefully. I admired the structure of the Big Ben. The sound of the clock as it struck twelve was magnificent as it echoed throughout London to let the people know the time.
I also went to parks and saw a string orchestra performing Scottish tunes, it was breathtakingly beautiful, as the music juxtaposed with the lovely sceneries in the park. How can anyone forget such memorable scenes?


1.My mother is taller than my father.Im heavier than my brother.We both like sports,although(虽然) he is more athletic(擅长运动的,活跃的) than me. He is more outgoing(外向的,友好的),and Im quieter.I think Im smarter than him. However(然而)We both enjoy(喜欢)going to parties.(聚会)We like to do the same(相同的) things.


My subject There are many subjects at school,like Chinese math English science history and so on.I think the math is more difficult than Chinese.And English is more popular than Chinese.So I like English very much.science is also good.But I think history is more interesting than science.


A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, Ive been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations? Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally.


As we all know, the Great Wall is a great building, I am proud of the Great Wall.
First, the Great Wall two thousand years of history; It is located in northern China. East from Shanhaiguan, west to Jiayuguan, total length of 8851.8 km.
Second, the Great Wall is Chinas ancient people created one of the great miracles on behalf of Chinas long history.
Third, in the past, the Great Wall was built to withstand enemy attack on the; Today, the Great Wall has become a popular tourist attraction, which every year attracts many tourists from around the world.

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