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BEC商务英语高级需要多长时间备考 BEC高级各part具体分值


这个嘛 BEC高级要求专八的水平。我建议你要是不是英语专业或国贸专业的就先考中级。高级有难度的。BEC中级要求专业四级或大外六级以上的水平。所以呢,你要是想要不浪费钱,高级冒险了。并且,要考CET6应该要好好准备。如果同时再考别的,希望你多花时间。现在就开始准备吧。。。可以报个班什么的。BEC考的不仅仅是语言能力,商务知识也是有一定要求的。书也很重要。学生用书加模拟题和真题,最少你得花三个月吧。我说的是中级哦。。再加上你要准备大六。越早准备越好咯!


从来没有具体分值公布的,但是我想,每部分都做到60%准确率就一定会过,个人感觉这个东西的评判是每个部分给你一个分,比如68 79什么的,最后再通过某种计算方式给你个平均分,平均分超过60就及格。或者,比如写作强一点,打了GOOD以上,可能是有个79 86这样的分,但是听力只有weak,也就是D等级,但是不是差很多的话,二者互补也可以过。 BEC的算分方式不是像高考那样1个是一个,相信有一些不太相同的算法吧,但是,不管是什么考试,对得越多总是越有好处的。 建议楼主在平时训练时尽量达到每部分都超过60%的准确率,考场上发挥还要不如平时,所以平时的训练一定要足够,让自己能够稳操胜券,尤其作文,是个最好准备的东西,很容易打高分的,好好看看,格式正确就OK ,听力阅读口语就要靠多多练习了。 楼主加油吧



Choose the letter indicating the best choice  to complete each sentence or answer each question:

1.Which of the following statements best defines communication?

A.The sending of massages.

B.The sending and receiving of massages.

C. The sending and interpreting of massages.

D.None of the above accurately describes communications.

2.which of the following best describes a memo written to a vice president from a department supervisor?

A.Upward,former,and internal.

B.Lateral,formal,and internal.

C.Upward,informal,and internal.

D.Upward,informal,and external.

3.Cultural differences can be communication barriers because _______.

A. people speak different languages.

B.they prevent an effective exchange of information.

C.so many Americans speak only one language

D.technologies used by people of different cultures vary

4.Instead of making judgments based on stereotype, you should _____.

A.develope your own groups into which to categorize people

B.learn to understand people as individuals

C.judge people according to their appearance

D.assume similarities and differences based on a person"s cultural background

5.Which of the following main ideas should be communicated in a business message in indirect order?

A. The item you ordered is being sent today.

B. The information you requested is enclosed.

C. I am writing to confirm our meeting on Tuesday,August 26,at 10:30 a.m.

D. Your library books are overdue and a fine has been assessed.

II.Write a T in  the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F if the statement is false.Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.

____1.When determing a worker"s attitude about a situation,verbal symbols are more important than nonverbal symbols.

____2.Effective listening is more challenging for most individuals than effective reading.

____3.Even if a person speaks English as a second language quite fluently, there may be communication barriers between her and a person whose first language is English.

____4.Giving a compliment on his or her appearance to an international business associate is always a good way to help that person feel more comfortable.
____5.General views of proper business etiquette are the same for people from all cultures.

III.Rewrite the short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:

We take the liberty of sending you with this letter a copy of we current price-list for plastic handdbags. The quality of our products are well known and universal acknowleged and we are confident that a trial order would convince you that,in the prices quoted,the goods we are offer are excellent value for money.

IV. Translation

1.    Understanding your responsibilities as a participant in communication, understanding the forms of communication, and being aware of barriers to effective communication will aid you in becoming a better communicator.

2.    A simple way to avoid biases of race and age is to avoid mentioning race or age unless it is essential to your massage. Avoid disability bias by avoiding reference to a disabling condition. If you must mention the condition, use unbiased words.

V. Writing.

According to the given facts, format a business envelope:

The sender:


82 Dong An Men Street.China100066

Tel: (010)69236868

Fax: (010)69236869

The receiver:

Mr. Stevens J. Martin, Jr., AOC Incorporated, 1623 Byhalia Road, Collierville, TN, U.S.A. 38067


