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求一篇50字的英语短文:我的假日 寒假英语日记50字带翻译


The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running and rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned.


今天我在抓紧最后的时间玩耍,邻居阿姨也很好心的送我回来,给我准备了. My mother was afraid I was hungry, so she prepared for me. Moms so nice,看了半天的电视, and my neighbors aunt also kind enough to send me back, but I didnt eat at night,不过没有宵夜吃,妈妈怕我饿Today I was playing at the end of the day, watching TV for half a day, playing games for half a day, going to my neighbors house in the evening,玩了半天了的游戏,晚上还去邻居家玩


  那天上午,满天都是白色的:白房子、白树、白屋顶……  白色的雪覆盖着大地。这时,我听见伙伴们的叫喊声,不由自主的下了楼。啊,雪真大呀!我是第一次看见这么大的雪,于是蹦蹦跳跳地在雪地上玩了起来,过了很久,我才想到要和伙伴们集合,我东张西望,终于找到伙伴们。突然,一个雪球向我砸来,我来不及躲闪只好乖乖被砸到了。“哈哈”,这时传来了神秘的笑声,“是谁这么缺德,谁?”我生气的问道。张泽过来了,原来是伙伴们在玩打雪仗。郑恒达想让张泽受一下苦头,可这么一砸,张泽机灵的躲开了,可我却成了受害者。我明白了,原来这是一场小误会。看来是我错怪他们了。我和伙伴们重新商量了一下打雪仗的规则。于是分成两组,每组四个人,刚好一方在上,一方在下。也不能靠近对方的活动区。有了这规则,大家玩的更开心了。突然,我看见张泽拿起一块冰砸向了何弘昌,何弘昌没注意被砸到了肩,十分痛苦,而张泽却说,“谁让他先砸的我”,何弘昌说,“我没有砸他”。说着就哭了起来。张泽见状,不但不到歉,还气冲冲的走了。“太过分了”。大家都说。这件事过后大家都瞧不起张泽了。  
