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有关污染的英语作文的翻译 英语作文《塑料袋的危害》非常感谢




Plastic bag is the loading of the national with most items, plastic bags is good, but the damage but he is also nots allow to despise.
You should know that plastic bag is made of the chemical elements, so it is not easy to dissolve. I checked the information, the plastic bag buried underground, to dissolve after hundreds of years to complete. Now people use is burning plastic bags, but because of the burning plastic bags can produce poisonous gas, can make a small portion of the land cannot grow, so are burned in the place where no one lives. In the smoke from the burning plastic bags to produce will produce carcinogenic substances, to the detriment of the human body, therefore, when burned, people would wear the mask to avoid inhaling substances.
Plastic bags very difficult to deal with not only, still have very ?

英语作文Plastic or doth bags Pala1对现在使用塑料袋的介绍 Pala2使用塑料袋的危害 Pala3使用布袋的好处 Pala4总结

Plastic bag was once called as the most useful invention in the 20th century and it was disposable in our country in the past few years.


However, in recent years, as the excessive use of plastic bag has brought a great pollution to our environment, our country has established and carried out a series of relevant regulations to limit the use of it. Since then most supermarkets have not provided free plastic bags when we are shopping.


In my opinion, limiting the use of disposable plastic bags is a significant and meaningful measure or policy to decrease environmental pollution as well as save social resources. And it also illustrates that our nation have realized the importance of environmental protection. Hence, it is really necessary and important to keep carrying out this measure or policy so that our nation and even the whole world can achieve sustainable development.



有关环保   1、考题示例   根据国务院发布的“限塑令”,自2008年6月1日起,在所有超市、商场实行塑料购物袋有偿使用制度,超市、商场一律不得免费提供塑料购物袋。请你写一篇英语短文,要求包括以下内容:   现状:目前中国每天消费近30亿个塑料袋,造成了严重的资源浪费和环境污染;   限塑令的意义:减少塑料袋使用量,提高公众的环保意识;   提倡:重拎布袋子,重提菜篮子。   参考词汇:禁令 ban 意识 awareness 提倡 advocate   2、参考范文   The problem of “white pollution” caused by used plastic is becoming increasingly serious, in which plastic shopping bags play an important role. In China about three billion plastic shopping bags are consumed every day, which results in a great waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution. Luckily, The government has put a nationwide ban on the use of free plastic bags, demanding that all stores and supermarkets not provide customers with free plastic bags after June 1. The rule will undoubtedly reduce the use of plastic bags and enhance the awareness of environmental protection. It is highly advocated that we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets from now on. 参考一下吧!


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as is known to ajj,it is a very common phenomenon for us when we go shopping ,we will buy what we need in daily life toghter with many "free" plastic bags ,which we are inclined to discard casually.it is an intresting and" beautifull landscapes" to see many corlorfull plastic bags flying in the sky especially when there is a strong wind.and we call these plastic bags "white pollution". as we all know,the white pollution is besoming more and more serious nowadays. though we know its bad effects,still we find it difficult to refuse them,as they are very convenient for us.for instance,if we set a plastic bag into a bowl when we eat our foods,we will feel it easy to wash.however we ignore its bad effects.so,i think,we should keep a careful eye on them to keep our healthy and have a beautiful environment.




  没人喜欢大气污染。科学家和工程师在全力以赴改进汽车和工厂,让它们产生少一点的污染。人们可以携起手来要求商人更关心这个问题。外出戴口罩美国进口普卫欣 天 猫
Air pollution is one of the most serious problems in the world today. People make the air dirty with machines. Machines produce gases and smoke. Badly polluted air can cause sickness and even death. We want to stop pollution, but we think it is a difficult problem to solve.
Most of our pollution is caused by things that people need. Automobiles and airplanes cause pollution. Factories cause air pollution, too. But they also provide jobs and products for people. Every day thousands of automobiles and factories can add tons of pollution air. It is dangerous to peoples health. It can damage the plants that provide us with food.
Nobody likes air pollution. Scientists and engineers try their best to develop automobiles and factories that produce less pollution. People can work together to persuade businessmen to be more concerned about the problem.


山西位于太行山之西,黄河以东。春秋时期,大部分地区为晋国所有,所以简称“晋”;山西的土特产品种类繁多。杏 花村汾酒是我国古老的历史名酒,色如水晶美玉,清香纯正,味美无穷,畅销内外;山西老陈醋甜绵酸香,不仅调味上佳,还可消食、美容、杀菌;有国家重点风景名胜区五台山、恒山、黄河壶口瀑布、北武当山、五老峰等。欢迎大家来山西旅游观光。我为我是山西人而感到骄傲!


Shanxi is located west of the Taihang Mountains, east of the Yellow River. Spring and Autumn Period, most of all for Jin, therefore referred to as "Jin"; Shanxi, a wide range of native products. Xinghuacun fen ancient history of our wines, the color of Crystal Jade, fragrance pure, delicious infinite, best-selling domestic and foreign; Shanxi mature vinegar sour sweet and fragrant cotton is not only a good flavor, but also digestion, beauty and sterilization; a national key scenic spots Wutai, Hengshan, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, North Wudang, Wu Laofeng so. Welcome to Shanxi tourism. I am proud that I was from Shanxi!

