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关于社交媒体对我们生活的影响 简单英语对话 关于上网的英语小对话

关于社交媒体对我们生活的影响 简单英语对话



A: Hey, Kattie, would you like to join us tonight at the the Pizza Hut around 6pm?
B: What the event, Jash?
C: Let me tell her, Jash.
B: Okay, go ahead, Paul.
C: It is the club meeting and we would love to have you if you can make it.
A: But I am not a member of your club though...
B: Not a problem. Everyone welcomes new-comers and you wont feel left out, I promise.
C: Yeah, you should come besides we are going and you always have us there. Come, please.
A: Well, what are you going to do in the Pizza Hut?
B: We will have pizza, of course, and hang out. It is not an official club event.
C: It is a passing time event and you should come.
A: Okay, if thats the case, where should I meet you guys? Which Pizza Hut?
B: I have an afternoon class till 5:45pm. If you want, we can ride there together.
A: Ummmm...
C: Or I can come over to pick you up if you go home early today?
A: Okay, that sounds better. Are you sure it isnt too much trouble for you to pick me up, Paul?
C: Nope.
A: Great. What time are you coming?
C: What about 5:30pm?
A: Sounds good to me. Well, I gotta run now. See you both later.
B: I gotta go too. Peace off, Paul.
C: Alright, see you then.

关于interpersonal relationship(人际关系)的英语对话

Topic5 Interpersonal Relationship
A: Hello everyone!
B: Hello everybody!
A: I am happy to see you.
BC: Happy to see you!
A: How things go on?
C: Well. I just feel time flies. Yesterday never comes back.
B: That’s true. And we never know what will happen tomorrow.
A: Oh, sounds so sentimental. Ok. We are here. Let’s pay attention on today.
BC: Ok.
A: Today we talk about Interpersonal Relationship: How to Improve Interpersonal Relationship?
B: In my opinion, first we should respect others, as an old saying: if you want others to respect you, you need respect others first.
C: En, that’s right. And I think it’s the first step to build relationship with others. Because if you don’t respect others, they’ll never be in contact with you, and naturally you have no friends.
A: And second, what should we do?
C: Sincerity. I found in dealings with others, somebody is lack of sincerity and considers friendship between others as play game. There would be no deep psychological communication no matter with whom.
A: And be enthusiastic. Right? If you are active and say hello to others when you meet a person, it will be easier to be acquainted.
B: Good. And we shouldn’t be selfish. If we are selfish we can not make a true friend. In fact true friends are not measured by what obtained. Give more and you will get what you unexpected and more precious one day.
A: That makes sense. We should also listen to others’ opinion with an open mind. And we have to always ready to help.
C: I feel we shouldn’t feel inferior. We need to be outgoing and friendly. Because of looks, build and other factors, some people have a feeling of inferiority during communication.
B: And sometimes they cannot explain their own views, hesitate to do things, lack of courage and don’t have their own minds. As a result, they cant offer valuable comments and suggestions, gradually, other people would feel that it is a waste of time when getting along with them and will naturally shy away.
A: Good talk! And wed better follow these rules: praise other peoples strong point and achievements. We, including you, all want to get others approve and praise. Because that makes you feel you are important in other people’s eyes.
B: If possible we should ask them to point out our advantages and disadvantages so that we can improve ourselves.
C: Ok. I learned a lot from you. How about you my friends?
ABC: well, thanks for you listening.



A:Hey,guy.Whats going on?
B:I am so coufused of something.Actually,Im in trouble now.
A:What happen to you?I remember you were just fine this moring.Tell something about it.Maybe I can help you.
B:Well,you know,I am a sophomore now and I will be a junior soon--just only in two month.But I have never had my goal so far.
A:Your goal?What goal?Arent you studying with us for our major,you can be a lawer,or you may be a good counselor in a bank,or you can... you can do many things...
B:I know,but.. to tell you the truth,I dont love my major at all.I want to be a businessman.
A:Fine,that sounds great.If you like it,just do it.You have a goal,and this its goal,isnt it?I will support you,you can make it.
B:Really,dont you think its a bad idea,I am a school student now?
A:Of course not,a dream of your own is most valuable than any other thing.Dont worry about it,but first of all,before you make up your mind,you should consider one thing that if you can do your best to achieve your dream.
B:Kidding?Of course I will.
A:a...uh,,,well,good job.Now you know how to do now?
B:Absolutely yes.Thank you very much.


Lifelong Learning 终生学习
dialogue 1
LI-cy: Today more and more people advocate lifelong learning. But peopIe have diifferent views about lifelong learning. How do you undcrstand lifelong lcaming?
Chirrdlor: I think lifelong lcaming is the concept that its never too soon or too late for learning
L Does that mean studyin8 all the time?
C: I dont think so. I think its about your attitude towards learning. One should be open to new ideas, decisions, skills or behaviors.
L: Tben the axiom -You cant tcach an old dog ncw tricks docsnt work any longer.
C: Youre right Lifelong lcarning is about f-iinding lcaming opportunities at all ages and in numerous comtexts: at work. at home and through leisureactiVities. It is not limited to highcr education.
L: Yes, I agn,e with you. When I retired I will panicipatc in programs to keep mcntally active.
C: Me too. To kccp up with the changing world. one must be involved in learning and be ready to accept new things.
L You know what? Ive rcccnOy been teaching myself.
C: Really? Thats great! I know that your company has a lot of clients in France.
L Yes. so I want to lcam French to develop my recr:
dialogue 2
L: Hello Chandler! How are you?
C: Fine. And yuu?
L: Just so so. I am too tired. My company has been holding too many training sessions lately.
C: Thats good. Not eVey company providcs cmpIoyees with training opportunity. It seems that your company wants to further develop their employees and enooura:gc lifelong ming.
L: Good?! For them but not to me.
c: So, whats the problem?
L Wc have to participate in training afTer a busy day and during the weckend. You know,afier work all you want to do is throw yourself onto your bcd. And during the We kend,you just want to stay at home and enjoy a family dinncr.
C: Yes, you are right. But one should keep learning! daily to maintain our keen mental power and our intellectual capacity. Constant learning us to Sharp our powcr of
L: Yes I agree with you on the point but couldnt the training be held during the working day instead of weekend?
C: Yes, you are right. I think weekend is the time for family gatbering aad rest Maybe youcould make that suggestion to your boss

四人英语情景对话 关于梦想急!!!

Hey, Jeanne, when you graduate, you want to be engaged in any occupation?
Oh, I want to be a doctor, because I can save more lives.
However, I hear you say, you want to be a teacher, why change?
You know, that is my dream all the time, but now, it has been possible to achieve.Jack, what is your dream?
I was young, I wanted to be a soldier, to defend our country.But then,
my foot accidentally injured, so missed opportunities, until now, is
also in my heart.
I feel sorry to hear that .But, at least
we all have dreams, we have to work hard for it.I believe that, even if
we dont realize it, we are also proud of!

关于english study 的二人英语对话

A:Hello,Kate! Fancy meeting you here1! Working again,are you? B:Yes,Ive got to,if I want to pass all the exams.
A:Hows life,Kate?All right? B:Yes,not too bad,thanks.Im a bit fed up revising though.Are you? A:Pretty good,thanks.My exams are over now,so I can afford to relax a bit.Im going to a football match this afternoon.Is terrible weather though,I hope it doesnt rain.
A:Oh,shes all right.But busy as usual.Well,Id better be going,I suppose.The match starts at 3:30.Bye!

生活过得怎么样,凯特?不错吧? 还不错,谢谢。不过我对复习有点厌倦了。你呢?
