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英语中三个名词或短语并列怎么表达? 比如说,应该又快又好又简单。翻译成英语,总不能一直都用and连接吧 简单英语翻译:"以...为核心"

英语中三个名词或短语并列怎么表达? 比如说,应该又快又好又简单。翻译成英语,总不能一直都用and连接吧

2、应该又快又好又简单,翻译为英语是:It should be fast, good and simple。

1、and 和 
例句:I used to live in Paris and London.
2、both...and... 二者都
例句:Both Jane and Jim are interested in pop music.
3、either...or... 或者······或者······
例句:You must either go at once or wait till tomorrow.
4、neither...nor... 既不······也不······
例句:He neither wrote nor phoned. 
5、as well as 也、连同 
Bob as well as his parents is going on holiday this summer.
6、not only...but (also)... 不但······而且······
She is not only kind but also honest.


以...为核心:take...as the core
1、Brand localization ought to take the culture as the core. 
2、To become the carrier of industrial economic value, ethnic culture must take the cultural subjectas the core. 

英 [kɔː]  美 [kɔr] 
n. 核心;要点;果心;[计] 磁心
vt. 挖...的核
n. (Core)人名;(英)科尔;(西、意)科雷
[ 过去式 cored 过去分词 cored 现在分词 coring ]
例:The core activities of social workers were reorganized.
例:The core subjects are English, mathematics and science.


the same as
the e same as
与 | 与…一致
The same as usual
一如既往 | 判若两人 | 跟平常一样
be the same as
一样 | 平稳 | 相同 | 与什么相同
the same clothes as
与 | 一样的衣服
The same as healing
The same as English
The same as yours
look the same as
看起来一样 | 看起来像……一样
just the same as
Otherwise I feel the same as before.
A:But I deal with people there, the same as what I should do here.


The Wizard of Oz 绿野仙踪
桃乐丝回到家后跟她的阿姨的独白,不过是很老很老的片子了。 所以比较。。。老旧。。。不过最后一句很经典Theres no place like home!
Dorothy: But it wasnt a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldnt have been could you? No, Aunt Em, this was a real truly live place and I remember some of it wasnt very nice, but most of it was beautiful--but just the same all I kept saying to everybody was "I want to go home," and they sent me home! Doesnt anybody believe me? But anyway, Toto, were home! Home. And this is my room, and youre all here and Im not going to leave here ever, ever again. Because I love you all. And... Oh Auntie Em! Theres no place like home!
The Princess Diaries 公主日记
Mia: Hi, um... hello. Im Mia. Um, its stopped raining! Im really no good at speech-making. Normally I get so nervous that I faint or run away, or sometimes I even get sick. But you really didnt need to know that... But Im not so afraid anymore. See, my father helped me. Earlier this evening had every intention of giving up my claim to the throne. And my mother 0helped me, by telling me it was ok, and by supporting me like she has for my entire life. But then I wondered how Id feel after abdicating my role as Princess of Genovia. Would I feel relieved, or would I feel sad? And then I realized how many stupid times a day I use the word I. And probably all I ever do is think about myself. And how lame is that when theres like seven billion other people out there on the planet, and... sorry, Im going too fast. But then I thought, if I cared about the other seven billion out there, instead of just me, thats probably a much better use of my time.
See, if i were Princess of Genovia, then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard, and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions. So this morning when I woke up, I was Mia Thermopolis. But now I choose to be forevermore, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia.
Isabel: I never wanted to be a mom. Well, sharing it with you is one thing, but caring alone the rest of my life, always being compared to you. Youre perfect. They worship you. I just dont want to be looking over my shoulder everyday, for twenty years, knowing that someone would have done it right, done it better, the way that I cant. Youre mother-earth incarnate, you ride with Anna, you know every story, every wound, every memory Their whole lifes happiness is wrapped up in you. Every single moment. Dont you get it? Look down the road to her wedding. Im in a room alone with her Fitting her veil, fluffing her dress. Telling her, no woman has ever looked that beautiful. And my fear is that (pause) shell be thinking "I wish my mom was here".


Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years. It has been
almost over forty years since mans first landing on the moon. Now, some people
believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point
out the fact that it cost billions of dollars to carry on the space research,
but a little information was brought back.
   However, every coin has two
sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space
exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new
products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of
space programs, and they have benefited people all over the world. And whats
more, scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by mankind.
We believed that it wi!/bring more benefits in the future, which we can not
even imagine now. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. Thats why
several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.(英语作文)



the more we live, more brief appear
our lifes succeeding stages
a day to childhood seems a year,
and years like passing ages.
人 生 越 老,岁 月 越 短,
生 命 的 历 程 似 在 飞 换;
儿 时 的 一 天 如 同 一 载,
一 载 如 同 几 个 朝 代.
the gladsome current of our youth,
ere passion yet disorders,
steals lingering like a river smooth,
along its grassy borders.
青 春 的 热 情 尚 未 衰 退,
愉 悦 的 流 泉 但 觉 迟 迟,
有 如 一 道 草 原 中 的 绿 溪,
静 悄 悄 的 蜿 蜒 着 流 泻。
but as the care-worn cheets grow wan,
and sorrows shafts fly thicker,
yestars, that measure life to man,
why seem your courses quicker?
但 待 颊 上 的 红 霞 退 尽,
忧 愁 的 征 箭 越 飞 越 频,
星 星 呦 星 星,你 们 大 小 司 命,
你 们 的 运 行 为 何 越 来 越 迅?
when joys have lost their bloom and breath
and life itself is vapid,
why, as we reach the falls of death,
feel we its tide more rapid?
当 快 感 失 去 了 花 时 和 吸 引,
生 命 本 身 有 如 一 个 空 瓶,
当 我 快 要 临 到 死 境,
为 什 么 退 潮 更 加 猛 进?
it may be strange-yet who would change
times coures to slower speeding,
when one by one our friends have gone
and left our bosoms bleeding?
怪 诞 呀,可 能 是 怪 诞——
谁 要 不 想 把 日 程 放 慢,
友 人 的 谢 世 接 二 连 三,
胸 中 的 伤 痛 如 荼 如 炭.
heaven gives our years of fading strength Indemnifying fleetness;
and those of youth,
a seeming length,
proportiond their sweetness.
是 天,使 我 们 日 渐 衰 竭 的 暮年
得 到 迅 速 消 失 的 补 偿,
是 天,使 青 年 时 代 的 快 乐,
得 到 相 应 的 貌 似 延 长。
