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辩论动物应不应该待在动物园里【英语】 适合小学生合唱节奏欢快的英语歌曲


Should animals stay in the zoo?
Nowadays,more and more people would like to go to the zoo to see animals.For the all kinds of animals in the zoo,the zoo attracts a lot of tourists.
Facing this phenomenon,different people have different opinions.Some people think it is a good measure to protect some animals that face the danger of extinction.Animals stay at the zoo can keep themselves safety.But some people are against to it.Because it will make animals lose their abilities which they should have in the forest.
As one coin has two sides.I think this measure is a not good activity,because it can make animals hve less freedom and stay away from their own homes.
动物是否应留在动物园? 如今,越来越多的人喜欢到动物园看动物.因为有各种各样的动物在动物园,所以动物园吸引了不少游客。


1、Twinkle Twinkle Little Star:《一闪一闪小星星》是儿童歌曲的音乐作品,收录在《律动英语童谣》专辑中。
2、jingle bells:《jingle bells》是一首圣诞歌曲,1857年,由词曲作家詹姆斯·罗德·皮尔彭特(James Lord Pierpont, 1822 - 1893)所作。

3、sketch plane:《sketch plane》是Cam Kelley于2011年08月01日发行的歌曲,收录在专辑《Sincere Sarcasm》中,音乐时长4分12秒。
4、Summer Vibe:《Summer Vibe》为加拿大乐队Walk Off The Earth原创并演唱的一首歌曲,收录于2013年3月19日发行的专辑《R.E.V.O.》中。
5、This Is The Life:《This Is The Life》是美国歌手Angie Miller演唱的歌曲。歌曲隶属于Angie Miller2014年发布的EP《Weathered》。
参考资料:一闪一闪小星星 (儿童演唱歌曲)-百度百科

英语作文 建立动物园的利与弊

The zoo provides the animals the comfortable and safe living conditions that can not be found in other places.   If the animals get hurt or ill, certain people will take care of them to prevent futher danger caused by the diseases.   Good opportunities for the people in the city especially those children who don‘t have the chance to set foot in the wild world   Watching the animals in the zoo may give the parents a good chance to teach their children to love the animals and the world   The parents can get the children know more about the animals in the zoo by watching listening even smelling instead of just looking at the dull pictures in the books.   The zoo is a good place to know the rules in the wild world. We can be much more closer to the nature.   By doing this we may be given deeper impression on the great power of the nature. To know how precious the animals are , and how to love them and live with them to keep the balance in the nature.  动物园里的动物提供安全舒适的生活条件,不能在其他地方找到的。 如果动物受伤或生病的人,一定会照顾他们,以防止疾病进一步加重的危险。 在动物园看动物可以给父母教他们的孩子爱动物和世界的好机会 父母可以让孩子们知道更多关于动物在动物园里看听力甚至闻而不是看书上无聊的照片。 动物园是一个了解野生世界的规则的好地方。我们可以更贴近自然。 通过这样做,我们可以对自然的伟大力量的深刻的印象。知道动物的珍贵,和如何去爱他们,和他们一起生活在保持自然界的平衡。

英语 oo 在哪些单词中发长音,哪些单词中发短音?多举几个例子

2、大部分字母组合ood中(good,wood,stood等),oo发短音[u],但有四个单词例外:food, mood中oo发长音[u:];blood, flood中oo发[ʌ]音;
3、大部分字母组合ool(fool,school等)和oot(shoot,root等)中,oo发长音[u:],但有两个单词例外:wool, foot中oo发短音;

1、重读音节词尾的字母组合oo(单词最后是辅音+oo结尾),读长音 /u:/发音。
如;too太;也、zoo动物园、bamboo竹子、cuckoo 布谷鸟、kangaroo大袋鼠。
如:roof屋顶、school学校、 fool傻瓜、cool 冷的、pool水塘、tool 工具、room房间。但wool(羊毛)[wul]例外。
如:boot靴子、tooth牙齿 、boot靴子、root根 、shoot射击、smooth平滑的。但soot[sut] 煤烟例外。
如:afternoon下午、cartoon卡通、balloon气球、cocoon保护膜 、noodle面条。


Go to the zoo to see the animals. 去动物园看动物
1、Do you like to go to the zoo to see the animals? 你喜欢去动物园看动物吗?
2、I am going to the zoo to see animals. 我将要去动物园看动物。
3、At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. 去动物园看可爱的动物。 
4、I made an appointment with a friend and went to the zoo to see animals tomorrow. 我和朋友约好了明天去动物园看动物。

动词不定式就是由“动词不定式符号to加动词原形” 构成了一种非谓语动词结构。也会有一些动词不定式可以不带to。动词不定式作主语用法:
例如:It is not easy to calculate this question. 算出这道题不容易。It’s fun to play snow in the winter. 冬季里玩雪是很有趣的。
