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题目为《How do you study English》的英语作文。 一篇英语作文“How do you learn English well”

题目为《How do you study English》的英语作文。

How do you study English
I was poor at English.But I am not now.My English teacher told me if I want to study English well.I should make my mind on it.From that day,I started to watching a lot of American movies.I cant hear one word clearly at first,but after 3 months.Surprisely I find that I could listen a little,maybe in a little future,I could chat with foreigners.And also ,I read a lot.I have bought a lot of English version of books.I often write some compositons and give them to my English teacher.So ,after a lot of hard work.I make a great progress.And this is how I study English.

一篇英语作文“How do you learn English well”

As we all konwn,English is becoming more and more popular and important.So learning it well is very necessary.
At first, you shuold practise your listening and speaking,which is so useful when you communicate with foreigners.You can listen to the radio,and imitate the oral pronunciation.It benifit you so much.Besides,reading is another important one.It not only enrich your vocanbulary,but also boarden your horizon.At the same time,writing is also necessary.It is the basic skill,and help you to build a good gramma structure.
In all,learning English is a hard and long work.Perseverance is the most valuable.
Good luck to you

以Learning English with grammar为题写一篇英语作文

语法(英文 :grammar)是语言学的一个分支,研究按确定用法来运用的"词类"、"词"的屈折变化或表示相互关系的其他手段以及词在句中的功能和关系。

how to succeed in college. 英语作文

if you want to succeed in college,you must belive yourself,and then arrange your time,this is a key point,it is not neccessary to study all day,rest is also important,during your free time,you can listen to music or go to see sight,it can help your brain have enougt rest.if you want to succeed in collage,to get on well with your friend is also important,to ask them to help you when you meet truble in your study,do not shame to ask them to help you,just help each other,can we learn a lot,this is fine.

hehe,this is my own exprience,what about you

以my troublesome apartment为题的英语作文

I rented an apartment when I was studying at my university. It was a very annoying apartment.
First, My roomates were a party animal. They hold parties every night after they drank at the bar. They were loudly chatting at the living room, and they were disrupting my sleeping. Moreover, My roomates were not likely to clean up the mess after they hold a party. The apartment was look like a pigsty as a result the landlord was very angry and kicked my roomates out of the apartment.
Second, my apartment dint have a fridge and washing machine. It made me very difficult to clean up my clothes and cook the food. Therefore, I had to wash my clothes by hand, and I had to eat out every day.
Right now, I have my own apartment. I have learnt lots of lessons from my troublesome apartment, and made my place a nice and clean apartment.


How do you learn English?你这样学习英语?
I learn by studying with a group.我通过与小组合作来学习。
Do you learn English by reading aloud? 你是通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?
Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. 是的,我是。这对我的发音很有帮助。
How can I read faster? 我怎样才能读得更快?
You can read faster by reading word groups. 你可以通过读意群来读得更快些。
How can I improve my pronunciation? 我怎样才能改善我的发音?
One way is by listening to tapes. 一种方法就是通过听磁带。
