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以toward a brighter future为题的英语作文 写1篇关于diy的英语作文(makeyourmun/dadcard)

以toward a brighter future为题的英语作文

I have a dream in my mind for a long time.The dream is that I want to travel all over the world.If possible,I will first travel to the U.S.A after my graduation from the middle school.America has left a very deep impression in my mind when I read some magazines and watch the American films on my computer.I think it is an amazing country which is far away from China.I will take a plane to go there,perhaps with my classmates.We will have some sight-seeings in different cities of America,have a talk with the native Americans and learn something about its development.


That made it impossible to realize "China dream" , with only 5 percent of rich,meanwhile,
hundreds of millions people feel unfair.And now in China,can you believe, it is the season of Light, it is the season of Darkness.
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times, some people are very rich;and some are very poor.It is the spring of hope, to the rich,and they have everything before them. So they are going direct to Heaven.At the same time, it is the winter of despair, to the poor,for millions of workers had lost their jobs,and thousands of farmers lost their land all over the country.Therefore the poor have nothing before them.
In any case, we Chinese need a change.Ill say,CHANGE IS THE LAW OF LIFE.

以Learning English with grammar为题写一篇英语作文

语法(英文 :grammar)是语言学的一个分支,研究按确定用法来运用的"词类"、"词"的屈折变化或表示相互关系的其他手段以及词在句中的功能和关系。
