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英语简单句造句 英语简单陈述句造句..急!!在线等!!~~


1.I agree with you
2.He gave me a present
3.he left Tom alone 因为我也不是很清楚宾补所以查了一下,关于宾补更多的在这里有


Im watering the flowers in the garden now.
He played computer at home just now.
She was reading the book at school 1 hour ago.
Tom played the piano in class yesterday.
Jim called mom in the morning at home.

英语语法:特殊疑问句 与 陈述句语序。

考点一 陈述句
1、 概念:说明一个事实或是陈述说话人的看法的句子,句末用句号。 2、 分类:
① 肯定陈述句
I like that book.我喜欢那本书。(陈述一个事实) I really agree.我确实同意。(陈述一个观点) ② 否定陈述句
I did not buy the TV.我没有买那个电视。(陈述一个事实)
请注意它们其中一个是带有宾语的,一个是不带宾语的。这两个例子的共同特点是都有一个主语和一个谓语,都是陈述肯定的事实或观点 。
① 肯定陈述名
The film is boring . 这部电影没意思。(陈述观点) ② 否定陈述句
Smoking is not good for your health.抽烟对你的健康没有好处。(陈述一个事实)
3、 陈述句的否定结构:
(1)句子的谓语动词为be , have 或者谓语动词有助动词、情态动词
主语+谓语动词/助动词/情态动词 + not + 其他成分 I am not a teacher. 我不是老师。
We have not (haven`t) any books on animals. 我们没有任何有关动物方面的书。 The children are not (aren`t) playing in the playground. 孩子们没在操场上玩。 He will not (won`t) come. 他不会来。
We must not (mustn`t) forget the past. 我们不能忘记过去。 It could not (couldn`t) be lost. 它不可能丢的。
(2) 当句子的谓语动词是do (即行为动词),而且没有助动词或情态动词时,其否定结构为:
主语+do (does,did) + not + 动词原形 + 其他成分
You do not (don`t) come here every day . 你没有每天都来这里。 He does not (doesn`t) teach this class . 他不教这个班。
They did not(didn`t) watch TV last night . 昨晚他们没看电视。
You really want to go to Hong Kong ? 你真的想去香港吗?
考点二 疑问句
第一节 一般疑问句
一般疑问句通常需要用yes 或no 来回答,所以又叫做“是非疑问句”。在读这种句子时要用升调。一般疑问句主要有以下几种类型: 1、“be + 主语 + 表语”结构 — Are you sleepy ? 你困了吗? — Yes, I am . 是的,我困了。 3、“情态动词 + 主语言+ 行为动词(或be)”结构 — May/Can I use the telephone? 我能用这部电话吗? — Yes, you can. 是的,可以。 5、“助动词(do, does, did)+ 主语 + 行为动词”结构
— Do you like swimming in summer? 你喜欢夏天游泳吗? — No, I don`t . 不,我不喜欢。
回答否定性一般疑问句时,要在Yes 后面用肯定结构,表示肯定;在No 后面用否定结构,表示否定。注意在说法上正好与汉语习惯相反。诀窍是在回答的时候,只要把它当成没有加否定形式的普通一般疑问句看待就可以了。注意下面例句的回答和它的意思。
— Is he not your elder brother? 他不是你的哥哥吗? — Yes, he is . 不,他是(我的哥哥)。
— No, he is not. 是的,他不是(我的哥哥)。 — Isn`t she very clever? 她难道不是很聪明吗? — Yes, she is. 不,她很聪明。 — No, she is not . 是,她不聪明。
第二节 特殊疑问句
情况来做具体的回答,不能像一般疑问句一样简单地用Yes 或No 来回答,特殊疑问句要用降调来读。 二、特殊疑问句的结构:
特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句
Who do English homework in the evening?谁晚上做英语家庭作业? What do you do in the evening?你晚上做什么?
What homework do you do in the evening?你晚上做什么家庭作业? When do you do English homework?你什么时候做英语家庭作业?
对所属(谁的)提问用whose“谁的” 对哪一个提问用which“哪一个”
对时间提问用when“什么时候”或what time“几点” 对物体提问用what“什么” 对地点提问用where“哪里” 对原因提问用why“为什么” 对方式提问用how“怎么样” 对数量提问用how many“多少”(用于可数名词复数)或how much“多少”(用于不可数名词)
1、 以why开头的特殊疑问句否定形式常用于表示建议、请求等。 Why don`t you have a try? 你为什么不试试呢?
2、 特殊疑问句常用到一些缩略形式,在平时学习中要注意习惯这些用法。 I don`t want to go there. How about you? 我不想去那儿,你呢? But what else? 可是还有什么呢?


1. The man cooks. 男人做饭。
2.The sun is shining brightly. 太阳在明亮地照耀着。
3.We all breathe, eat, and drink. 我们呼吸、吃和喝。
1.What he wants to tell us is not clear. 他要跟我们说什么,还不清楚。
2.Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question. 月球上有没有生命是个有趣的问题。
3.We 碃定百剐知溉版税保粳don’t think you are here. 我们认为你不在这。
1.句子的基本结构是:主谓宾(或许还有 补语、定语、状语、表语)要学会找句子主干。
3.简单句:有一套主谓宾的句子。如:It will not happen again.
5.主语从句:如果主语是有句子充当的,就是主语从句。如:That I am late for school will not happen again. 宾语从句 如:Mr. Wang knew that I was late again. 
6.定语从句: I was late for school, which is known to all. 
7.状语从句:I was late for school again because John stopped me on my way to school. 
8.并列句:就是句子有2套或者2套以上的主谓宾。 A句 and/but B 句 的形式。
I am from China, and he is from the U.S。

英语简单句,并列句,复杂句,并列复杂句,每句中的谓语如何确定???????急求问 谢谢

1,简单句如 He is sleeping in the room now. 先判断谓语核心词是sleep, 然后判断 is sleeping 是现在进行时态式, 主动语态,主谓一致。因此,本句谓语是is sleeping, 属于主谓结构。
2, 并列句如 He is sleeping in the room now so we had better not interrupt his sleeping. 首先确定并列连词 so,然后按照简单句的谓语判断确定句1的谓语是is sleeping 句2的谓语是had better not interrupt.
3. 复合句常为如下三种: 1. What he said sounds good. 2. i dislike the way he speaks to me. 3 if you keep it up, you can make great progress in your English learning. 结够为 主句+ 从句。从句包括3中 名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句。首先判断主句谓语,然后判断从句谓语。方法同上。


It will make a very big difference.
Every individual learns differently.
He was mean,also ugly.
4.as well
She can speak Japanese as well as English.
5.one more
I think I can do with one more piece.


1.you:You are smart boy.
2.twins:We are twins.
3.apple:I like apple.
4.right:You are right!
5.look:This loook isnt prety.
6.love:I love you.
7.can:I can water the flowers.
8.will:I hope you will get better soon.
9.but:She is prety,but isnt smart.
10.if:If you like.
11.father:My father is a teacher.
12.sister:My sister is a student.
13.sewwt:The honey is so sweet.
14.June:June the first is Childrens Day.
15.English:Luxy studies hard English.
16.an:An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
17.strong:Mr.Li looks strong.
18.class:Miss Lins class is funny.
19.phone:Answer the phone ,please.
20.why:Why do you like fall?
21.day:My favourite day is Monday.
22.dog:Lisas little dogs name is Ben.
23.dont:Dont forget tell him this.
24.for:This clothes is for you.
25.China:I love China.
26.boy:The boy is active.
27.girl:The girl is quiet.
28.rain:The rain ,just never seems to bring.
29.one: I could be the one.
30.today:Today is a bad day.
31.by:I often go to school by bus.
32.who:who are you?
33.may:May I have a look?
34.songs:My hobby is singing songs.
35.big:Who in a big big would?
36.feel:How do you feel?
37.miss: Ill miss very much.
38.did:Why did it thve two happen?
