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英语翻译含税,不含税,英文怎么说 关于我最喜欢的城市的英语作文150字


价格是否含税应在价格之后注上如下内容: 含税价格: (VAT inclusive) (含增值税),“VAT”为“Value Added Tax”的缩写。 (GST inclusive) (含商品及服务税),“GST”为“Goods and Services Tax”的缩写。 不含税价格: (Tax excluded) (不含税) 有时可以把两种价格并列,以便客户作出选择。如: Price: ¥100 per unit (Tax excluded), or ¥115 per unit (GST inclusive) [价格: 每件100元(不含税),或每件115元(含商品及服务税)。] price before/after taxation 税前/后价 price without tax But there is no tax savings on the year s earnings 但是这个年收入是不含税的储蓄。 But there is no tax savings on the year s earnings 但是这个年收入的存款是不含税的。 2 persons , extra bed at 18 euros per night 加床每间夜18欧元。不含税。 We would like to know the price exclusive of tax of your pda 我们想要知道你们的pda不含税的价格。 All prices excl . sales tax 不含税价格:所有价格不含税 All esd prices are fob rmb price without tax , and the payment terms is l / c 委托人所有价格均为人民币不含税fob价格,定单结算方式为l / c 。 The photo is just for reference . when your order is more than 10 pieces , you can enjoy a wholesale price . the wholesale price is settled , not including tax and shipping fee 所有商品都是以实物拍摄,统一批发价,不含税和运费。款到发货。十件起批,可混批。 According to determined ore dressing technology , we have studied the building of the dressing - works for technology and economy and conclude that if the iron ore dressing - works will be set up , which could produce 138 , 000 tons of iron ore fine at the cost of 204 . 92rmb yuan / mt ( without taxes ) for jisco . its raw material is the lean iron ore and high phosphor content iron ore in stock 根据确定的选矿流程进行了选矿厂方案的技术经济、建厂条件、公辅设施论证,得出:如果投资建厂,可利用黑鹰山堆存贫矿和高磷富矿,每年为酒钢供应成本为204 . 92元吨(不含税)的13 . 8万吨铁精粉,经济效益和社会效益较为显著,建议酒钢公司在资金容许的条件下可以投资黑鹰山选矿厂建设。 Taxation rebate is a mechanism that entitles the enterprises or companies , based on the laws and regulations of a country , to get back some indirect tax from the government after exporting their products , value added tax and excise tax for example , so that they could sell their products in the international market at a more competitive price . generally , the mechanism is implemented in the hope that the export sales of the whole country would be improved , and the macro economic condition could be ameliorated as a result 出口退税是指一个国家根据本国税收法律的规定,对已经报关离境的出口商品,将其在出口前生产和流通各环节已经缴纳的国内增值税或消费税等流转间接税的税款退还给出口企业,使出口商品以不含税的价格进入国际市场,从而促进该国的对外出口贸易,同时调节与控制经济运行的做法。


我最喜欢的城市(my favourite city) Shanghai is my favorite city. I like it because I was born in there, and a lot of my family members and my friends live there. The shopping in Shanghai is cheaper than here, but it’s expensive in China. I have a lot of things to do there, like: shopping, playing, going to my friend’s home… And there’re also a lot of places that are interesting. In Shanghai, people speak the same language as I do. I was there for 13 years! I left there on August, 18th, 2005. And I was there because I was born in there and I lived there. There’re a lot of people in Shanghai. The people are like me. We all speak the same language. The people in Shanghai are busy and friendly. And Shanghai is also and international city. It’s beautiful and fancy. There’re a lot of tall buildings. That’s why Shanghai is my favorite city. It’s my home city. I love Shanghai!!! I’d like to go back to Shanghai, but just for a visit. Although Shanghai is good, I’d like to live here because I’d like to study here. I only get a little homework and the air here is flasher than Shanghai. The weather is hot in Shanghai. And the best time of year to go there is spring, because in spring, the weather is cool and warm. But some people asked me:” Why don’t we go there in the fall? The fall is also cool and warm.” I don’t think so, because in Shanghai, the fall is still very hot. I’d like to recommend this place to other because I want more and more people to know and visit my hometown. I hope if I ask my friends:” Have you ever been to Shanghai? Do you like Shanghai?” The answers shouldn’t be:” No, I haven’t been to Shanghai. And I don’t even know anything about Shanghai!” Now, I’ll recommend you to go to visit Shanghai in summer vacation or winter vacation or spring break or every time you’d like, you’d want, because Shanghai is a very nice city. If you go there, you’ll soon like it!


Prevention is better than cure: Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. 预防胜于治疗,出于对国家的卫生预算,很大一部分:应该从治疗转移到健康教育和预防措施的开支。The rising costs of health care have become an issue for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the state health budget be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment医疗费用的上涨已经成为世界上许多国家的问题。为了解决这个问题,建议在国家的卫生预算的很大一部分用于健康教育和疾病预防,而不是用于治疗First of all, many kinds of diseases are preventable and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could prevent catching a cold if they dress warmly and get good rest when the weather first gets cold in the winter. But many people get sick because they fail to do so and have to spend much more money seeing a doct123 Another case in point is cancer, the leading cause of death in the world. But lung cancer, liver cancer and many other kinds of cancer could all be effectively prevented if people take measures for their health in an early stage. Small things such as smoking less or eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients took measures for early cancer prevention. 首先,许多类疾病是可以预防和防止疾病的治疗,通常比它更便宜。例如,人们可以预防感冒,如果他们穿暖,并获得良好的休息时,首先获取的天气,冬天寒冷。但许多人生病是因为他们没有这样做,必须花更多的钱看到doct123另一个例子是癌症死亡的世界领先的原因。但是,肺癌,肝癌和许多其他类型的癌症都可以有效预防的,如果人们需要为他们的健康处于早期阶段的措施。例如吸烟或吃少更健康的食品小事情会一直成为破产,如果患者服用早期癌症预防措施,数百万家庭。In addition, health education also plays a key role in improving people’s health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it.此外,健康教育也可在增进人民健康方面发挥关键作用。通过为人们提供更多有关健康的信息,国家可以帮助人们了解疾病的预防措施以及如何实现它的重要性。In conclusion, we could save money in health care and treat patients more successfully if our country uses more money on health prevention and education. 最后,我们可以节省医疗保健和治疗病人的钱更成功,如果我们的国家以预防保健和教育更多的钱。


Nowadays,the science technology in our country China is more and more developed. We can buy ourselves many digital things and enjoy them. With the science technology,we are convenient to live in the world. Also, our life becomes more beautiful and comfortable. As a student, I should study hard. When I grow up,I will make contribute to people in the world. My favorite class is nature science, I believe in nearly future , I brought us many benefit in the nature science area.

以my troublesome apartment为题的英语作文

I rented an apartment when I was studying at my university. It was a very annoying apartment.
First, My roomates were a party animal. They hold parties every night after they drank at the bar. They were loudly chatting at the living room, and they were disrupting my sleeping. Moreover, My roomates were not likely to clean up the mess after they hold a party. The apartment was look like a pigsty as a result the landlord was very angry and kicked my roomates out of the apartment.
Second, my apartment dint have a fridge and washing machine. It made me very difficult to clean up my clothes and cook the food. Therefore, I had to wash my clothes by hand, and I had to eat out every day.
Right now, I have my own apartment. I have learnt lots of lessons from my troublesome apartment, and made my place a nice and clean apartment.
