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关于自己建立的公司 英语作文 英语翻译:非常高兴收到您的邮件!

关于自己建立的公司 英语作文

Dear ***
How time flys ! We havent seen each other for months, I miss you very much.
I am very good in this new school, my classmates and teachers are all very wonderful ,they help me a lot to adapt to this new school,so dont worry about me .
I find it interesting to live with other people. We all lived in our family before we admitted into universities, and the first night my roomates and I slept in the dorm is interesting. We talked a lot about our high school life, and we all cherish our old friends, you included.
Its time to go to sleep, hope to hear from you soo. Dot forget to tell me something about your schoollife.
Good luck!


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Java题目:建立一个人类(Person)和学生类(Student) 功能要求:

package test;

/** * Person中包含4个保护型的数据成员name,addr, sex,age分别为字符串,字符串,字符及整型。 表示:姓名、地址、性别和年龄。一个四参构造函数,一个两参构造函数,一个无参构造函数,一个输出函数用于显示四种属性。 * @author Administrator * */

public class Person { protected String name; protected String addr; protected char sex; protected int age; public Person(String name,String addr,char sex,int age){ this.addr = addr; this.age = age; this.name = name; this.sex = sex; } public Person(String name,String addr){ this.addr = addr; this.name = name; } public Person(){ } public void print(){ System.out.println("name="+name+",addr="+addr+",sex="+sex+",age="+age); } } =====================================================

package test;

public class Student extends Person{ private int math; private int english;

public Student(int math,int english) { this.math = math; this.english = english; }

public Student(String name, String addr, char sex, int age, int math,int english) { super(name, addr, sex, age); this.math = math; this.english = english; }

public Student() { super(); } public void print(){ System.out.println("name="+name+",addr="+addr+",sex="+sex+",age="+age+",math="+math+",english="+english); } }

2种关系在Myeclipse中都可以自动生成,右键source --》 constructor中就是构造函数的自动生成
