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带or的英语单词,20个 生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛.用英语怎么说


1、doctor,英 [dɒktə(r)],美 [dɑːktər]    
n. 博士;医生
v. 篡改,伪造;阉割
例句:He is a Doctor of Philosophy.
2、operator,英 [ɒpəreɪtə(r)],美 [ɑːpəreɪtər]    
n. 操作员;技工;管理者;报务员;【计】运算符
例句:I am a computer operator.
3、sailor,英 [seɪlə(r)],美 [seɪlər]    
n. 海员;水手;扁平的硬边草帽
例句:He went about in the disguise of a sailor.

4、actor,英 [æktə(r)],美 [æktər]    
n. 演员;行动者
例句:The young actor pretended to be Hamlet.
5、visitor,英 [vɪzɪtə(r)],美 [vɪzɪtər]    
n. 参观者;访问者;访客
例句:The visitor twisted his neck to look at the photograph on the wall behind him.


英语是: Its not the lack of beauty in life,but the lack of the eyes to find the beauty.
lack 英[læk] 美[læk]
vt. 缺乏,缺少; 需要的东西;
n. 缺乏,不足,没有; 缺少的东西;
[例句]Despite his lack of experience, he got the job
beauty 英[ˈbju:ti] 美[ˈbjuti]
n. 美人; 美好; 完美; 突出的范例;
[例句]Everyone admired her elegance and her beauty.
eye 英[aɪ] 美[aɪ]
n. 眼睛; 视力; 眼状物; 风纪扣扣眼;
vt. 定睛地看; 注视; 审视; 细看;
[例句]I opened my eyes and looked.


Nowdays,there many apps on our smartphone,them help us to deal with the problem we met in daily life.Take myself as an example:my fovorite app is baidizhidao.When I was troubled by some problmes,I always tend to smart people on baiduzhidao for help.Its a really useful app.
in my spare time,I also will tap the logo on my cellphone to check if there are any one I can use my limited knowledge to help.Its really nice to share your idea and opinion with others


Nowdays,there many apps on our smartphone,them help us to deal with the problem we met in daily life.Take myself as an example:my fovorite app is baidizhidao.When I was troubled by some problmes,I always tend to smart people on baiduzhidao for help.Its a really useful app.
in my spare time,I also will tap the logo on my cellphone to check if there are any one I can use my limited knowledge to help.Its really nice to share your idea and opinion with others,on the one hand,you help others,on the other hand,its a kind of preview.


How are things going .

1.How are things going? 日子过得怎么样?
2.How are things going with you and nathan? 你和nathan进展得怎么样了?
3.Jim: Me too! How are things going with you? 吉姆:我也是!你过的怎么样?
4.How are things going over there? 你那边的事进展如何?


山西位于太行山之西,黄河以东。春秋时期,大部分地区为晋国所有,所以简称“晋”;山西的土特产品种类繁多。杏 花村汾酒是我国古老的历史名酒,色如水晶美玉,清香纯正,味美无穷,畅销内外;山西老陈醋甜绵酸香,不仅调味上佳,还可消食、美容、杀菌;有国家重点风景名胜区五台山、恒山、黄河壶口瀑布、北武当山、五老峰等。欢迎大家来山西旅游观光。我为我是山西人而感到骄傲!


Shanxi is located west of the Taihang Mountains, east of the Yellow River. Spring and Autumn Period, most of all for Jin, therefore referred to as "Jin"; Shanxi, a wide range of native products. Xinghuacun fen ancient history of our wines, the color of Crystal Jade, fragrance pure, delicious infinite, best-selling domestic and foreign; Shanxi mature vinegar sour sweet and fragrant cotton is not only a good flavor, but also digestion, beauty and sterilization; a national key scenic spots Wutai, Hengshan, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, North Wudang, Wu Laofeng so. Welcome to Shanxi tourism. I am proud that I was from Shanxi!

