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给我一篇《书虫》系列的英语读后感,200词左右、最好附中文! 牛津书虫系列怎么样 我不会语法 生词量也不是太高


第1篇 EVEN by the standards of the worst financial crisis for at least a generation, the events of Sunday Spetember14th and the day before were extraordinary. The weekend began with hopes that a deal could be struck, with or without government backing, to save Lehman Brothers, America’s fourth-largest investment bank. It ended with Lehman’s set for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and the bank preparing to wind itself up after those efforts failed. Other vulnerable financial giants scrambled to sell themselves or raise enough capital to stave off a similar fate. Merrill Lynch, the third-biggest investment bank, sold itself to Bank of America (BofA), an erstwhile Lehman suitor, in a $50 billion all-stock deal. American International Group (AIG) brought forward a potentially life-saving overhaul and went cap-in-hand to the Federal Reserve. On Sunday night the situation was still fluid, with bankers and regulators working to limit the fallout. They were girding themselves for a dreadful Monday in the markets. Australia’s stockmarket opened sharply lower on Monday (most other Asian bourses were closed). American stock futures were deep in the red too, and the dollar weaker. Spreads on risky credit, already elevated, widened further. 第2篇 The effect of the global financial The international financial crisis is becoming more and more worse, the impact on the Chinese economy is also further expansion, it even extended into every aspect of society.For example, manufacturing, energy, food, IT… and so on.. From the news,many international companies went bankrupt,and more companies begin to lay off employees, also cancelled the original recruitment plan. Around us, many people can not find a job. This is a global economic crisis, no one can disregard .Facing the crisis, We can only helpless?No way. Everything has two sides. The financial crisis also let investors concer about the long-term growth prospects field. For example, the field of new energy. It also provides China opportunities of increasing the input of new energy. We will use their wisdom, potential, and find the way to overcome it. This is the only way to minimize crisis, also can be safely in this crisis.

牛津书虫系列怎么样 我不会语法 生词量也不是太高


书虫牛津英语系列<< 在月亮下面>>这本书的故事概述、主要人物介绍和你最喜欢的人物及理由(全英文)

太阳是一个巨大的燃烧着的火球。没有来自太阳的光和热,我们就不能在地球这颗行星上生存。在这颗行星周围有臭氧层保护着我们免受太阳之火的伤害。但是如果臭氧层破裂,将会怎样呢?现在臭氧层上已经有了小洞,有人说那些小洞会变得越来越大——直到有一天再没有任何东西挡在我们和太阳的火焰之间。 事情发生在2222年。地球人制造了AOL——人工臭氧层。美丽的地球又有了1000年的生命。树又发芽了,下雨了,河里有了水…… 但现在是2522年,人工臭氧层已经破裂。幼嫩的树林开始枯萎,河流也逐渐干涸。凯和瑞拉从他们的宇宙飞船里看到了这危险的情景,可他们又能做些什么呢?月亮下面的部族里住着他们的朋友,可是路途遥远,而地球首领高格又不肯听从他们的指挥。 本书的作者罗维纳·阿金耶米是英国人。曾在非洲居住和工作了多年。现在她在剑桥工作和生活。
After Reading “Aesop’s Fables”
When I was young, people around me of the told me the story “The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf “ in order to educate me to be an honest person. At that age, in my opinion, it was just a story written by my parents or other people I knew to frighten me. As I grow older, I get to know that it is a fable from a very famous book “Aesop’s Fables”.
The book “Aesop’s Fables” wasn’t written by Aesop but was collected and anthologized by him. The working people created the stories in the book in ancient times. They created the stories using their living experiences and imagination, and then handed them down from generation to generation.
The book one of the precious cultural heritages. There’re more than one hundred fables in the book. The protagonists of most of the fables are animals or plants, which are depicted like human beings. This writing technique is called personification that is often used in fables and fairy tales.
Each fable that is short and understandable tells us a philosophy. There are two stories that impress me most. The first one is “ The tortoise and the Eagle”. A tortoise was complaining of her hard fate that no one would teach her to fly when an eagle hovered bear. He heard her lamentation and promised to take her a lift and float her in the air if she could give him some rewards. And then he carried her up in the sky suddenly he let her go. The poor tortoise fell down on a mountain. At the moment of death she cried:” I have deserved my present fates for what had I to do with wings and clouds, and who can with difficulty move about on the earth?” The story tells us if men had all they wished, they would be ruined. I quite agree with it. Take our personal lives for example. Everyone has his own merit and demerit. One is good at singing while another is good at dancing. Nobody can have all the skills that can be imagined. This is the reason why some people are fit for making decision while other people are suitable for carrying out the decision. So it is no need for us to be jealous of others as we have our own feature, which other haven’t.
The second one is “The Bear and the two Travelers”. It tells us that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. People live among a group of friends of whom some are true friends while some are untrue friends. When you are in trouble, observe your friends attitude towards you, you’ll find who are your true friends and who are not.
“Aesop’s Fables” is a nice book for us to learn more philosophy of life and more useful new words.


Reading "Lubin Sun Crusoe" Feelings
"Lubin Sun Crusoe" is the British author Daniel Defoe wrote a novel. The story is about a person called Lubin Sun in the sea voyage, while the event of high winds, the people on board were killed, and only he survived, and drift to a desert island. He used 28 of the time, with their hard-working hands to create for themselves a life of their homes, and to his courage and perseverance to overcome various difficulties.
After the finish, I feel with Lubin Sun is very small compared with ah! In a desolate and uninhabited island life, already difficult enough, but, Lubin Sun is also available at all times to beware of Savage to attack him. If we do not self-protection awareness, it is very difficult, as Lubin Sun, life on the island in 28 years even to the safe return to Britain. Thus, self-protection awareness of the people, how important it is to ah!
General Napoleon once said: "many people can not rely on, only to survive on their own." Similarly, if we always have too many rely on their friends, parents of these people, when we have to survive independently, Will not be able to adapt to all this. But if the contrary, we usually on the life of their own independence, then, we encountered some unexpected things will be able to separate the face and heavy to calm attitude to resolve it.
We now live in the times, not necessarily the same as the Sun Lubin, drifting to a desert island, but our life and will not be plain sailing, and sometimes may also encounter some dangerous things. But only if we know how to take the right measures, we will escape from the danger out.

床头灯系列英语读物有助于提高英语水平吗? 除了书虫和床头灯还有哪些英语读物值得推荐?



What the devil is the matter ? (搞什么鬼?)   Here I am, sir, as I promised! (我来了,先生,我说过我要来的!)   To the devil with you. (见鬼去吧)   How dare you speak of her to me? (你怎么竟敢对我说起她)   Really, Becky,how can I know? (说真的,我怎么知道)   Don′t make me suffer like this! (别让我这样受苦)   There′s no need to get excited. (没有必要激动)   But please, I beg you to be friends with him now. (但求求你,我岂求你现在跟他做朋友)   I have been too weak with her. (我对她一直太纵容了)   I am wild with anger. (我气疯了)   You don′t come when you′re wanted, and now you come when you′re not wanted! (需要你的时候你不来,不需要你的时候你倒来了)   I want no further advice from you. (我不再想听你的意见)   I no longer think of her as my sister. (我不再认她这个妹妹)   I′m not going to be soft with her. (我不会对她来软的)   He′s dying of love for you. (他会因为爱你而被折磨死的)   What a trick you played on him! (你对他施了什么花招)   You can judge for yourself. (你可以自己判断)   With the devil′s help I will make you swallow this. (看在魔鬼的份儿上,我要让你把它吞下去)   He is more myself than I am .Our souls are the same! (他比我还是自己!我们心心相印)   Will the shock be too much for her? (这会不会对她太突然了?)   I′ve thought of you more than you′ve thought of me. (我想你要比你想我多)   You know your words will burn forever in my memory after you have left me. (你明白在你离开我之后,你的话仍将会烙印在我的记忆中) 
