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英语作文:关于网络暴力一个人因为在网上发帖遭到恶评而感到很沮丧。 中学生如何善用互联网 (作文)


英语作文:文明使用网络 Last night, I saw a movie about a girl who behaved not well in the bus, someone took the video of what she did and pubished it on the Internet. The next day, the girl was condemned by the world, she finally suicided. The movie represents the violence of the Internet, it arises people’s thinking on the civilization of the Internet. 昨晚,我看了一部电影,这是关于一个女孩在公车上行为不雅,有人把她所做的拍下来并公布在网络上。第二天,女孩受到了全世界的谴责,最后她自杀了。电影体现了网络暴力,这引起了人们关于文明网络的思考。 As the development of the Internet, nowadays, people can share the information in a quick way. People have the access to the instance news and can give their opinions on the Internet. But we see from these years that as there is no rule to supervise the Internet, some people use this stage to attack others. The most famous example is that a famous Korean female star killed herself because of the rumor from the network. Though network allows us express our opinion, we should not attack others. 随着网络的发展,现在人们可以快速分享信息。人们可以接触到及时即时新闻,在网络上发表他们的看法。但是从这些年来看,没有条例监督网络,一些人使用这个平台去攻击其他人。最出名例子就是一个出名的韩国女明星由于网络的谣言而自杀了。即使网络让我们表达自己的看法,但是我们不应该攻击人。 The violence of network is much harmful to the body violence. Wrong rumors can destroy a person’s mind, the one who spread the rumor should be condemned, he is just like a killer who is out of responsibility. In order to civilize people’s behavior on the Internet, a law should be made to supervise the manipulation. 网络暴力比肢体暴力更加伤害人。错误的谣言能够摧毁一个人的心智,那些散步谣言的人应该受到谴责,他就好比一个不用负责任的杀手。为了使人法哗瘁狙诓缴搭斜但铆们文明上网,应该制定法律来监督网络的操作。

中学生如何善用互联网 (作文)







Advantages and Disadvantages Of the InternetI think it is not all bad for millde school student to search the Internet.Some students play games on line.I dont agree it at all.It has nothing to do with their study.And it will make them lose the interests of learning.But also it is very nessary for us to search the Internet.In the modern world,using computer and the Internet is an important skill.We can use it to find some information that we need and communicate with our friends,teachers and parents.Sending e-mail and check out some international news are useful for us as well.


Recently, the alarm about the phenomenon of the hot figures on the Net has caused wide argument, and understandably so. With the popularity of the Internet and with so many people dreaming of being the focus of the public, there are some people taking advantage of the net to enter the show business. It just took several months from some photos to the coverage on foreign TV programs. Sister Furong only needs to stage a few poses and be well-known around the world.
Those who favor it hold the belief that people can use the new arising propaganda vehicle to promote themselves. They insist that everyone has a dream; therefore, they can make the dreams come true no matter what the cost is.
There exist some understandable reasons, nevertheless, we have to face that the negative effects that the phenomenon of hot figures on the Net has posed a big problem to people, especially to the youngsters. They will abandon their belief that as common people, high academic degree is the only permit to the upper class. Consequently, they dont study hard to make contribution to our nation but addict themselves to the question how to make themselves hot figures before the public eye. It will lead them to the wrong value to society.
In the information era, the young are exposed to the all kinds of lure. Parents and society should take effective measures to keep their access to the internet rationally available and don not abuse the internet which can benefit us a lot.

科技是不起会让人更加懒惰 英语作文

The power released by science and technology is unparalleled, but most of the energy is used to improve peoples lives, rather than the progress of human society.

When people are tired of dishwashing after a good meal, they invent dishwasher, disinfector and detergent. When people are fed up with preparing food three times a day, they have to come out with convenience food, microwave oven and refrigerator. And people do not want to do it yourself climate, based on Internet technology takeout, express, online stores have emerged.
When a new technology is created in the laboratory, people no longer consider how to promote the overall progress of civilization, but how to meet peoples lazy hope as the first starting point.
Originally, science and technology is a tool to improve peoples lives and promote social progress. However, the creator is convinced by its powerful power, and has been addicted to the beautiful life brought by science and technology.
People have long realized that laziness is a deep-rooted part of human nature and can not be eradicated. Therefore, it is listed as one of the "seven crimes" to remind people to be vigilant. But as long as there is a chance, the idea of laziness will occupy peoples heart.
One day in the future, people may lie in bed motionless, and technology has done everything for them, so that this human can live a meaningless life comfortably. Its very similar to the real destiny of human beings in the matrix - living as the source of matrix energy; Dead, discarded like garbage.


the Internet showed exquisite agile, talk rapidly., once leave the network language retardation,
There is occasional relax mood,
, access to information and convenient

克服思乡英语作文,题目是overcoming homesickness


I left my home to go to a senior high school three years age, which is a boarding school far from my home. I was homesick at the beginning of the new school life. I missed my parents, my relatives, and my old friends at home. At the same time, I didn’t like the foods in the new school. As the result of this, I couldn’t help being absent-minded in classes. And I felt sick then. I even had the idea to quit school.
Meanwhile, I knew I have to overcome the homesickness and concentrate on my study. I began to make new friends and share their feelings. We studied and played together. After quite some time, I recovered gradually and went through the school life successfully.


A: Hey, Kattie, would you like to join us tonight at the the Pizza Hut around 6pm?
B: What the event, Jash?
C: Let me tell her, Jash.
B: Okay, go ahead, Paul.
C: It is the club meeting and we would love to have you if you can make it.
A: But I am not a member of your club though...
B: Not a problem. Everyone welcomes new-comers and you wont feel left out, I promise.
C: Yeah, you should come besides we are going and you always have us there. Come, please.
A: Well, what are you going to do in the Pizza Hut?
B: We will have pizza, of course, and hang out. It is not an official club event.
C: It is a passing time event and you should come.
A: Okay, if thats the case, where should I meet you guys? Which Pizza Hut?
B: I have an afternoon class till 5:45pm. If you want, we can ride there together.
A: Ummmm...
C: Or I can come over to pick you up if you go home early today?
A: Okay, that sounds better. Are you sure it isnt too much trouble for you to pick me up, Paul?
C: Nope.
A: Great. What time are you coming?
C: What about 5:30pm?
A: Sounds good to me. Well, I gotta run now. See you both later.
B: I gotta go too. Peace off, Paul.
C: Alright, see you then.
