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跨文化交流的重要性和意义分别是什么? 新编跨文化交际英语教程(许力生)课文翻译





   跨文化交际日益引起人们的注意的原因:是由于交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展使得不同国家、不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触和交往。  L.S.Harms认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段:  A语言的产生;
   C印刷技术的发明;  D近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的迅速发展;    E跨文化交际。 近二十年来的交际是以跨文化为特征的。 二、对跨文化交际的不同理解  有的人认为每个人在文化上都是独特的,所以任何两个人之间的交际都是跨文化交际。  文化通常不是指个人的行为,而是指一个群体的生活方式和习惯。作者认为作跨国、跨种族、跨民族.研究不仅应该是跨文化交际研究包括的内容,而且应该是放在首位的。  在研究一个国家的文化特点时,我们的眼光首先应集中在它的主流文化上,其次才注意它的亚文化和地区文化的特点含义:人们应用符号并借助媒介交流信息的行为与过程;人与人之间直接交往活动;通过媒介进行的信息交流与沟通活动。 人类传播的发展: 信息符号传播:手势、有限的声音、体语符号、其它符号、实物 口语传播媒介传播传播类型:非人类传播与人类传播伴随人类产生发生出现;不同民族相互接触与融洽的结果;交通和通讯工具的发展促进跨文化交际的发展 含义:具有不同文化背景的人们之间进行的交际往来或信息传播与沟通活动 文化在跨文化交际中的


Intercultural communication is a form of global communication. It is used to describe the wide range of communication problems that naturally appear within an organization made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds. Intercultural communication is sometimes used synonymously with cross-cultural communication. In this sense it seeks to understand how people from different countries and cultures act, communicate and perceive the world around them. As a separate notion, it studies situations where people from different cultural backgrounds interact. Aside from language, intercultural communication focuses on social attributes, thought patterns, and the cultures of different groups of people. It also involves understanding the different cultures, languages and customs of people from other countries. Intercultural communication plays a role in anthropology, cultural studies, linguistics, psychology and communication studies. Intercultural communication is also referred to as the base for international businesses. There are several cross cultural service providers around who can assist with the development of intercultural communication skills. Research is a major part of the development of intercultural communication skills.


  随着价值观与道德标准、社会关系、社会礼仪和社会风俗等方面,即西方文化主张个人荣誉、自我中心、创新 精神和个性自由,而中国文化主张谦虚谨慎、无私奉献、中庸之道和团结协作;西方人平等意识较强、家庭结 构简单,由父母以及未成年子女组成核心家庭;而中国人等级观念较强,家庭结构较复杂,传统的幸福家庭多 为四代同堂等。
  在跨文化交际中,由于文化障碍而导致的信息误解,甚至伤害对方的现象屡见不鲜。有时善意的言谈会使 对方尴尬无比,礼貌的举止会被误解为荒诞粗俗。因此,研究文化差异,研究正确的跨文化交际行为已成为不 可忽视的问题。
  在中国,对别人的健康状况表示关心是有教养、有礼貌的表现。但对西方人的健康表示关心,就不能按中 国的传统方式了。一个中国学生得知其美籍教师生病后,会关切地说“you should go to see a doctor!(你 应该到医院看看)”。不料,这句体贴的话反而使这位教师很不高兴。因为在这位教师看来,有病看医生这种 简单的事情连小孩都知道,用不着任何人来指教。如果就某种小事给人以忠告,那显然是对其能力的怀疑,从 而大大伤害其自尊心。
  中国人在饭桌上的热情好客经常被西方人误解为不文明的行为。因西方人认为:客人吃多吃少完全由自己 决定,用不着主人为他加菜添酒;而且饮食过量是极不体面的事情,因此客人吃饭后,主人不必劝他再吃。一 位美国客人看到中国主人不断地给他挟菜很不安,事后他抱怨说“主人把我当猪一样看待”。
  中国人路遇熟人时,往往会无所顾忌地说:“啊呀,老兄,你近来又发福了!”或者以关切的口吻说:“ 老兄,你又瘦了,要注意身体啊!”而西方人若听你说“you are fat”或“you are so thin”,即使比较熟 悉,也会感到尴尬和难以答。
  Cultural differences affect cross-cultural communication
  With values and ethical standards, social relations, social etiquette and social customs, and other aspects, that is, Western culture advocated personal honor, self-centeredness, innovative spirit, and individual freedom, and Chinese culture advocates modest and prudent, selfless dedication, and the doctrine of the mean and unity, cooperation ; Westerners strong sense of equality, the family structure is simple, by the parents and minor children of the nuclear family, while the Chinese hierarchy and stronger family structures more complicated, more traditional happy families for four generations, and so on.
  In cross-cultural communication, because of cultural barriers and lead to misunderstanding of information, or even hurt each others are common occurrences. Sometimes goodwill remarks will embarrass the other side incomparable, appearance will be misunderstood as absurd vulgar. Therefore, the study of cultural differences on the right of cross-cultural communication has become a problem that can not be overlooked.
  In China, others expressed concern about the health status of the cultured, polite performance. But Westerners expressed concern about the health, we can not by the traditional Chinese way. A Chinese-American students know their teachers became ill, will concern, saying: "you should go to see a doctor! (You should see to the hospital)." Unexpectedly, this considerate words to the contrary, the teachers very unhappy. Because in the view of teachers, sick to see a doctor this simple matter even children know, do not need anyone to tell. If on some trivial advice to people it is clearly doubt their ability, thus greatly hurt their self-esteem.
  Chinese people at the dinner table and the hospitality of Westerners often misunderstood as uncivilized behavior. For Westerners think: eat fewer guests to eat their own decision entirely, there is no need for him加菜Tim masters of wine; and excessive diet is extremely shameful thing, so after dinner guests, the owner advised him not eating. A master of American guests to see China continue to Jiacai very disturbing to him after he complained that "the masters, like pigs when I look at."
  Chinese路遇acquaintances, often unscrupulous and said: "啊呀,老兄, you recently made a further blessing!" Or to the tone of concern, said: "老兄, you lost, we should pay attention to physical ah!" And the West if you listen to people say "you are fat" or "you are so thin," even more familiar with, will feel awkward and difficult FOR.
  It is easy to see from the above examples: cultural barriers will truly affect cross-cultural communication. It is therefore necessary to study the differences between different cultures.


II.1. parks2. people3. swimming4. because 5. shops


Jiang Anshi applied for a job as a computer programmer in a large foreign-owned computing company. Because he was very well qualified in computing and had extensive experience, he thought that he had a very good chance of getting the job. Three people interviewed him. They started out by asking him questions about his qualifications and experience. He answered confidently.
Suddenly, however, one of the interviewers asked him whether he could work in a team. Jiang Anshi was rather surprised at the question but said, “Yes.” He was then asked why he was interested in this particular job. He explained that the job was very suitable for him as he had done similar work before. He also explained that the salary was better than the salary he was currently receiving. Finally, he was asked if he himself had any questions. He did not.
Jiang Anshi left the interview feeling that he had done well. However, he did not get the job and later found out that the successful applicant had less experience than he had.


英语本科可以使用以下专业教材: 跨文化交际英语教程 许力生(新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材) 此外,以下中文教材也非常好,可以作为参考书目: 跨文化交际学 贾玉新 中西文化之鉴:跨文化交际教程 跨文化交际研究——与英美人交往指南 林大津 中英文化习俗比较 杜学增 跨文化交际学概论,胡文仲 主编 下面两种英文原版/引进版可以作为研究生读物或教材: Communication Between Cultures Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach (Ron Scollon & Suzanne Wong Scollon) 以上树木网上可以搜索到出版社信息,不外乎外研社、上外社、对外翻译出版公司等几大外语出版社
