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你最喜欢放松的地方,英语小作文100字以内 The Best Place to … 有什么坐着舒服的椅子,还便宜

你最喜欢放松的地方,英语小作文100字以内 The Best Place to Relax.

The Best Place to Relax 休息最好的地方
My back porch is my favorite place to relax. 我的后阳台是我最喜欢的休息的地方。
First, it has lots of comfortable chairs with soft pillows. 首先,这里有很多舒服的椅子和柔软的枕头。
I feel so good when I sit in them. 当我坐在这里的时候我感觉很舒服。
My back porch is also very peaceful. 我的后阳台也很宁静。
I can sit and think there.我可以坐在那里思考。
I can even read a great book and nobody brothers me.我也可以在那里读书,没人会打扰我。
Finally, in the evening, I can sit on my porch and watch the sunset. 最后,晚上的时候,我可以坐在阳台看日落。
Watching the beautiful colors always calms me.那美丽的颜色使我平静。
I can relax in many places, but my back porch is the best.我可以在很多地方休息,但是我的后阳台是最好的(休息的地方)。
