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What Are the Templates and Sample Essays for English CET-4 Writing?

English CET-4 (College English Test Band 4) is a popular test for college students in China, which includes listening, reading, writing, and translating. Among all the sections, the writing section tends to be the most challenging one for many students, especially for non-English major students.

Therefore, what are the templates and sample essays for English CET-4 writing? In this article, we will guide you through the CET-4 writing exam, share the common templates and examples, and help you achieve a good score in the test.

First of all, lets take a look at the CET-4 writing section.

In the CET-4 writing test, you need to choose one topic and write an essay with at least 150 words within 30 minutes. The topics are generally related to social or environmental issues, personal experience, or current affairs. The examiners will grade your essay based on your ideas, organization, language use, sentence structure, and coherence. Therefore, it is important to be well-prepared before the exam.

Here are some common templates for CET-4 writing. You can choose one that fits your essay topic and practice writing in this structure:

Template 1: Introduction-Problem-Solution-Conclusion

Introduction: Briefly introduce the topic and its importance.

Problem: Talk about the problems and difficulties that people are facing in this area, and give some examples.

Solution: Offer some suggestions and solutions to the problems mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Conclusion: Summarize the main points and state your viewpoints on the topic.

Template 2: Introduction-Thesis-Support-Conclusion

Introduction: Start with a hook or a general statement that grabs readers attention.

Thesis: State your thesis or your main argument on the topic.

Support: Provide some supporting evidence and examples to illustrate your points, and explain how they back up your thesis statement.

Conclusion: Restate the thesis, summarize the main points, and give a final statement or a call-to-action.

Based on these templates, here are some sample essays for your reference:

Sample Essay 1: Environmental Problems

Introduction: Today, we are facing many environmental problems that threaten the planets livability.

Problem: Some of the major environmental problems are global warming, air pollution, and water scarcity.

Solution: To tackle these problems, we can reduce the waste of energy and water, use public transportation, and adopt green technologies.

Conclusion: The only way to save the earth for our future generations is by taking immediate actions and making environmental protection a priority.

Sample Essay 2: Social Media and Its Impact on Relationships

Introduction: In todays society, social media has become a part of our daily life, but it has also changed the way we interact with others.

Thesis: By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of social media, we can find out how it impacts human relationships.

Support: Social media can enhance communication, but it can also cause addiction, conflict, and privacy issues.

Conclusion: To maintain healthy and meaningful relationships, we need to be aware of the pros and cons of social media and use it wisely.

In conclusion, CET-4 writing tests your ability to express ideas clearly and coherently in English. By using the common templates and sample essays, you can improve your writing skills and get a good score in the exam.
