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What Are Common Interview Questions in English?

Having a successful job interview can be vital to securing your dream job. Knowing the most common interview questions in English can help you feel confident and prepared, ensuring that you make a great impression on potential employers.

What are your strengths?

Employers often ask this question to understand why you should be hired for the role. Be prepared to talk about your technical skills, communication skills, problem-solving skills, and any other qualifications that could benefit their company.

What are your weaknesses?

This question can be challenging, but its essential to show that youre self-aware and willing to work on your weaknesses. Consider mentioning weaknesses that arent related to the job or that wont impact your ability to perform well.

Why do you want to work here?

Show that youve done research on the company and the role youre applying for. Highlight the unique qualities of the organization that make it stand out to you and explain how your skills align with the job requirements.

What are your long-term career goals?

Employers want to understand if you have a clear vision for your future and whether those goals align with the position youre applying for. Be honest about your aspirations and discuss how this job will help you achieve them.

Can you tell me about a time you had to solve a problem at work?

Your potential employer wants to see how you handle stressful situations and solve problems on the job. Be specific and provide examples of how youve used your skills to overcome challenges and achieve successful outcomes.

Tell me about your previous work experience.

This question allows you to highlight your achievements and your suitability for the role. Be concise and focus on the key skills and responsibilities that you developed in your previous positions.

What motivates you?

Employers want to understand what drives you and how that might align with the companys goals. Be honest and explain what inspires you and keeps you motivated in your career.

What are some of your hobbies or interests?

This question can help employers understand you better as a person and see if you might fit in with the company culture. Be honest but keep the conversation professional and relevant to the job.

What are some of your salary expectations?

Be prepared to discuss your salary expectations and do research beforehand to ensure that your request is reasonable given the market for the job and your level of experience.

Do you have any questions for us?

Be ready to ask thoughtful and relevant questions about the company and the role. This shows your interest in the position and that youre serious about potentially working for the organization.

Remember to be confident and professional during your interview process. Understanding and preparing for these common interview questions can be an excellent foundation for acing your interview, securing your dream job, and advancing in your career.
