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How Do Teachers and Students Approach English Writing in CET-4 Picture Composition?

Picture composition is an important part of English writing in CET-4. Teachers and students play a significant role in this writing process, but how do they approach it? Here, we will explore the differences and similarities between teachers and students in English writing.

First, lets take a look at the teachers. Based on the CET-4 picture composition writing standard, teachers usually focus on the following aspects when evaluating students writing skills:

  • Sentence structures and grammar usage
  • Vocabulary and idioms usage
  • Internal cohesiveness and narrative logic consistency
  • Relevance to the pictures and cultural appreciation
Teachers aim to evaluate students based on the standard requirements, emphasizing on writing skills and language proficiency.

Now, lets examine the students perspectives. Students often face a series of problems when writing picture compositions, such as:

  • Difficulty understanding the picture, or topic given
  • Limited vocabulary and language proficiency
  • Unclear writing logic and incoherent ideas
  • Difficulty expressing emotions and thoughts in English
Students focus on improving their writing skills and abilities to express themselves through English writing.

How can teachers and students bridge the gap between their different perspectives? Here are some practical suggestions:

  1. Set clear expectations: Teachers should establish clear writing guidelines and criteria for picture composition evaluation, while students need to pay attention to the requirements of the picture composition writing standard.
  2. Improve language proficiency: Teachers can provide instructional materials, such as idioms, word association, and grammar exercises to help students improve their language proficiency. Meanwhile, students can carry out regular English writing exercises to mitigate their writing weaknesses and improve their writing skills.
  3. Make good use of feedback: Teachers should give detailed feedback on students written works, including both strengths and weaknesses, and offer constructive suggestions for improvement. Students need to utilize the feedback as a guide to adjust their writing skills progressively.
  4. Understand the picture context: Teachers and students should understand the pictures context and relevant cultural information. It is also essential that students read widely to improve their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

In conclusion, teachers and students approach English writing in CET-4 picture composition from different perspectives, providing a synergy of different abilities and feedback. While teachers evaluates based on language proficiency and writing skills, students strive to improve and gain language proficiency through continual practice and feedback. Through setting clear goals and expectations, improving language abilities, and utilizing feedback loop, teachers, and students can bridge the gap adequately.