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When is the English translation qualification exam?

English translation certification is a highly regarded and in-demand certification in the translation industry. If you are considering taking the exam, it is important to know when it is scheduled, so you can prepare yourself accordingly.

So, when is the English translation qualification exam? The answer is: it depends. There are several different English translation certification exams, each with its own schedule and requirements.

The most popular and widely recognized English translation certification exams are the ATA (American Translators Association) certification exam and the CATTI (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters) exam. The ATA exam is offered twice a year, in April and October, while the CATTI exam is typically offered once a year, in October.

However, there are other English translation certification exams with different schedules. The IoL (Institute of Linguists) certification exam is offered in different locations and on different dates throughout the year. The NAJIT (National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators) certification exam is also offered on different dates, depending on the location and demand.

When preparing to take the English translation qualification exam, it is important to research the specific exam you plan to take and find out its schedule and requirements. Knowing when the exam is scheduled will give you ample time to study and prepare properly.

In addition to the exam schedule, it is also important to know the exam requirements and format. The English translation certification exams typically test a wide range of language proficiency, including reading, writing, and translating. Many of these exams also require a certain level of education and/or experience in the translation field.

To ensure success on the exam, it is important to begin studying and preparing well in advance. You may find it useful to review English grammar and vocabulary, practice translating various texts, and work with study materials specifically designed for the English translation certification exam.

Additionally, it is important to stay up to date on the latest news and trends in the translation industry. This may include networking with other translators, attending industry events and conferences, and reading relevant publications and resources.

In conclusion, the English translation qualification exam is an important step towards becoming a certified translator. By researching the specific exam you plan to take and preparing accordingly, you can increase your chances of success and open up new career opportunities in the translation industry.
