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Takecare这个英文什么意思 take care什么意思


Tack care的意思是照顾,关心;小心。

Take care not to spill a drop of the medicine .
Each one should take care of his strength .
The books are new ; take care of them .
You cannot take care of even such a trivial matter !
Just take care of yourself and do nt worry .

take care什么意思?

[英汉] 现代英汉综合大辞典 注意, 小心... [英汉] 英汉法学大词典 小心... [英汉] 英汉航海大词典 vi.注意,留神... [英汉] 英汉化学大词典 vi.注意,留神,慎重... [英汉] 英汉海运大词典 注意,谨慎... [英汉] 英汉经贸大词典 vi.注意,留神,慎重... [英汉] 英汉计算机大词典 vi.注意(留神,慎重)... [英汉] 英汉中医大词典 n.留神,当心... Ill take care of it. 我来办这件事。 They take turns to take care of him. 他们轮流照顾他。 We must take care of ourselves. 我们必须照顾自己。 They must take care of themselves. 他们必须自己照顾自己。 Your tooth have to take care of. 你的牙齿得去治治。 Xiao Jiang will take care of it. 小姜来负责这事。 They certainly carefully take care of child. 他们一定好好地照顾孩子的。 You should take care of the matter yourselves. 你应当自己处理那件事情 You must take care not to hurt your self. 你要小心不要伤了自己。 Yes,well take care of that,madam. 好,我会留意的,小姐。 We cannot take care of your enquiry at present. 我们现在无力顾及你方的询盘。 参考资料:dj.iciba.com/search?s=take care&t=sentence

Take care的中文意思?

take care
You should take care of your niece for the sake of your sister.
Take care of getting pneumonia.
Ill take care of it.
Take care, take care, take care.
-- www.cikuu.com
Id rather take care of the stomachs of the living than (take care of) the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials.
-- 英汉-辞典例句
Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.
-- 英汉-辞典例句
Take care of your sense, and your sounds will take care of themselves.
-- 英汉-辞典例句
"I dont trust anyone to take care of him," she said. "I just pray that God gives me the health to take care of him."
-- life-汉英
`Ah, well! It means much the same thing, said the Duchess, digging her sharp little chin into Alices shoulder as she added, `and the moral of THAT is--"Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves."
-- 汉英-翻译参考
Ill take care of that." He paused and softly, encouragingly, "Go ahead now, take care of Connie."
-- 教父部分-jiaofu_19
Take care of your chest and voice, my good friend, and leave the law to take care of itself. I give you that advice.

take care汉语翻译

1.(告别用语)走好,保重 take care (that.../to do sth) 1. 小心;当心 take care of sb/sth/yourself 1. 照顾;照料;爱护;小心 2. 负责;处理

take care to-v hat 咋翻译

1. 看护;保护[U] Is he in the doctors care 他有医生治疗护理吗 2. 照料;管理;关怀[U] The baby needs a lot of care. 这婴孩需要精心照料。 3. 忧虑,烦恼;心事[C][U] He is now free from all care. 他如今无忧无虑。 4. 用心;努力[U] Caroline began to devote more care to her work. 凯洛琳开始更加努力地工作了。 5. 小心,谨慎[U] Fragile; handle with care! 易碎品,小心轻放! 6. 所关心之事[C] The dog was the old mans major care. 这条狗是这位老人最操心的事。 vi.[W] 1. 关心;担心;在乎,介意[( about/for)] Do you care if I go 如果我去的话,你不介意吧 2. 关怀,照顾[( for)] 3. 喜欢,愿意,想要[( for)] I dont care for coffee. 我不喜欢喝咖啡。 vt.[W] 1. 对...介意,对...计较[ wh-] I dont care what they say. 我不在乎他们说什么。 2. 喜欢,愿意,想要[ to-v] I dont care to go out. 我不想出去。

take care of是什么意思

take care of直译为“照copy看,照顾”,不同语境下的翻译有所不同。2113
  1、See that you take care of him.
  2、Workers at the North Carolina-based software analytics company can depend on their employers to really take care of them.
  3、Hes counting on his mother to take care of the twins for him; shes had plenty of experience with them.
