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R:Good morning, sir .can I help you? 早上好先生,有什么可以帮到您? G:Morning .l would like to check out. 早上好,我想办理退房。
R:Certainly. Can I have your name and room number? 好的!您可以告诉我您的名字和房间号码吗? G:Thomas Dickson in Room 1218 托马斯.迪克逊 房间号码是1218.
R: A double room for two nights at 800RMB per/night, the meals that you had at the hotel are
250RMB….Here is your bill please check it.
G: Sorry, l am not clear about this item. 不好意思,我对这项消费表示不理解。
R: Oh. This is for the phone calls you made from your room. 这是您从房间内拨打的电话账单。 G: But I didn’t make any calls. 但是我并没有拨打任何电话。
R: Oh, just a moment. l’ll check it . l’m terribly sorry sir .we made a mistake.we will deduct it
from you bill right away.
请您稍等一下我查一下。非常抱歉,是我们的失误,我立即从账单中扣除此项收费。 G: It seems correct now .Can I pay by credit card? 现在看起来账单是正确的了。
R : Yes, Sir. We will cancel your pre-authorization and charge your bill by Credit Card. 好的,先生。我们将会取消您之前刷的预授权再重新收取您的费用。 G: Yes. 好的
R : Have a nice day! We hope to see you again!
