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今天天气很好英语怎么说 “今天的天气真好!晴朗!”英语怎么说


今天天气很好:The weather is nice today
天气好用英语表示为Good weather,其中weather的英式发音为[ˈweðə(r)],美式发音为[ˈwɛðɚ], 意思是:天气, 气象,暴风雨,晒干, 风化,平安渡过, 挨过。[地]使风化。
I took advantage of the good weather to paint the house.
It being fine, we went out for an outing.
I shall go out tomorrow if the weather is fine.
Today, I went to see the cherry blossoms in the shrine near my home.
If it were to be fine tomorrow, I would go shopping with my friends.
I hope the weather clears up by this afternoon, because we want to go out.
If it is fine tomorrow, we will have a picnic somewhere.
Was the weather good when you were on holiday?
I often go to the sea on fine days.


The weather of today is very good! Clear! 希望对你有帮助


Clear = 晴朗                                        
Cloudy = 多云
Rain Shower = 阵雨                                
Rain Shower/ Windy = 阵雨/有风 
Rain / Snow Showers = 雨或阵雪             
Rain / Snow Showers Early = 下雨/早间阵雪 
Rain / Wind = 雨时有风                           
Mist = 薄雾 
Rain = 雨                                                
Showers Early = 早有阵雨 
Showers Late = 晚有阵雨                         
Showers / Wind = 阵雨时有风 
Showers in the Vicinity = 周围有阵雨        
Smoke = 烟雾 
Rain and Snow = 雨夹雪                          
Scattered Showers = 零星阵雨 
Scattered Showers / Wind = 零星阵雨时有风 
Scattered Snow Showers = 零星阵雪 
Scattered Snow Showers / Wind = 零星阵雪时有风 
Scattered Strong Storms = 零星强烈暴风雨 
Scattered T-Storms = 零星雷雨                   
Showers = 阵雨 
Dizzle = 毛毛雨                                          
Fair = 晴 
Fog = 雾                                                    
Haze = 薄雾 
Hail = 冰雹                                                 
Heavy Rain = 大雨 
Heavy Snow = 大雪                                    
Light Snow = 小雪 
Light Snow Fall = 小降雪                            
Light Snow Grains = 小粒雪 
Light Snow Shower = 小阵雪                      
Lightening = 雷电 
Snow = 雪                                                 
Snow / Rain Icy Mix = 冰雨夹雪 
Snow and Fog = 雾夹雪                             
Snow Shower = 阵雪 
Snowflakes = 雪花                                    
Sunny = 阳光 
Sunny / Wind = 晴时有风                           
Sunny Day = 晴天 
Windy = 有风                                            
frost = 霜 
hail = 冰雹                                                 
snow=  雪 
thunder=  雷                                             
wind = 风 
mist = 雾                                                  
cloud = 云 
haze = 霾                                                  
rain = 雨 
downpour, shower = 暴雨                         
storm, tempest = 暴风雨 
lightning = 闪电                                        
land wind = 陆风 
hurricane = 飓风                                       
cyclone = 旋风 
typhoon = 台风                                         
whirlwind = 龙卷风 
gale = 季节风                                            
gust of wind=  阵风 
breeze 微风                                              
fog = 浓雾 
dew = 露水                                               
humidity=  潮湿 
freeze = 冰冻                                            
snowflake = 雪花 
snowfall = 降雪                                         
waterspout = 水龙卷 
drought =干旱
