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求英语作文,写信给李华,介绍大学生活 英语书信作文,恭喜你的朋友大学毕业


Dear LiHua:
I am very glad to know you in internet and be your pen-friend! From the letter and the picture we exchanged with each other a few days ago, I see you are very bright and charming American girl! So nice to have such good pen-friend like you!
Through the passionate chat in internet, You friendly outline about your country culture , history ,people for me , which broaden my view indeed. Yes! It is so wounderful country that the desire from my bottom of my heart to fly there immediately stired my heart from now and on.
My country , where is the opposite land of your country , is still a developing country by far. Recently, With the pace of industry development quicken,the prosperity have been taken on the city, Take my city as an examlpe, there are great changes.eg. The hundreds of tower erect up from the flat land, if you visit the central of city ,the tower is so tensely gathered that your eyes might be dazzled as if were drown in the forest of building.moreover, our city is also an very clean city. There are surrounded by hills and fresh air, so it povides good enviorment for those who are used to excise at their spare time or after work. As my school locates at the joint piont between the city and rural, I can enjoy such pleased atmosphere for my study. If you visit my school, you will find it is very nice school! The peaceful enviorment offer student for good study. In addition, our school build a large library for student to suck knowelege that couldn’t be imparted from the class. Combining with advantage technology, the interesting class is build at opposite side of teaching building as to creat student creativity. In the center of school , it is a large sports field, and at each of sides set various kinds of sport instrument providing for student relax after class.
Well, anyway, our country is different from culture,history and so on, if it is possible, I hope you could visit there! really welcome you to my city and my school ! if you come , I would like to be your guider to show how it is ~!


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