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如何定义幸福 英语作文 我的幸福观 英语作文

如何定义幸福 英语作文

What is happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some believe that happiness is that they have much money so that they can live a better life. However, others regard happiness as having a good job or making a progress.
Actually, happiness is a true feeling from our inner heart!
We can consider carefully what our feeling is when we are in the following situations.
First, we help an elderly across the road, or give some solutions to our classmates’ learning problems.
Second, we get some help from others when we are in need.
Third, we make new friends, or have a meal with families, or have a conversation with parents and so on.
Everyone would appreciate the people who give us a hand. What’s more, we are glad when we stay with friends and families. All of these stand for we are happy.
Happiness is just simple like these!

我的幸福观 英语作文

I think happiness is the family health, mom and dad work is smooth, the family can happiness of life together, I am learning achievement is good, the teacher classmates are kind friend as for me, I can get along well with your classmates in school can open happy heart of school, get good grades let mom and dad happy, so that teachers and thy mother are proud of me


幸福是一种心情,它是一种知足、淡泊、随遇而安、乐己所乐、心怀感激之情。幸福与贫富无关。贫者举家共食一锅粥,你推我让,笑语满堂,其乐融融;富者空对满桌山珍海味,却往往难以下咽,各类烦心的事塞满心头。幸福与地位无关;处高堂者怀寂寥和忧戚;居陋室者时闻窗外梅花而心旷神怡。幸福要靠感知,靠捕捉,要用豁达宽容的心去品味,去淘取。这个世界有太多的诱感,我们应该以一颗纯美的灵魂对待生活与人生,以清醒的心智和从容的步履走过岁月,以淡泊的心态对待生活中的繁华和诱感,让自己的灵魂安然如梦,这样的人将会给自己云朵一样的轻松,给别人湖泊一样的宁静; 幸福与心态有关。悲观的心态,使人恢心丧气;而乐观的心态,使人充满活力。“心若改变,你的态度跟着改变;态度改变,你的习惯跟着改变;习惯改变,你的性格跟着改变;性格改变,你的人生跟着改变。”从这个意义上说,心态决定人生,心态决定命运,心态决定幸福。祸兮福所依,福兮祸所伏。在挫折、不幸、灾难或厄运降临的时候,我们务必保持乐观的心态,而不能被悲观的心态所俘虏。我们要以“得意时淡然,失意时坦然”的心态直面人生。我们常常左右不了外部的世界,但是,我们可以把握住自己的心态。把握住了自己的心态,也就拥有了一个美丽而安宁的精神世界,幸福就向我们涌来;幸福源于感激的心。我们要感谢父母,感激生命,感激爱人,感激朋友,感激这温暖的阳光,感激这和煦的春风,感激这蓝蓝的天空,感激这广阔的大地。只有感激才能珍惜,珍惜才能满足,满足才能幸福。当我们感激所有的一切,我们又怎么能够不幸福呢?其实,幸福就是这么简单


Different people give different defines to happiness. From the dictionary, we can know that happiness is to feel or express pleasure, contentment, satisfaction,etc.When we are very busy or earn money crazily,we gradually forget what the happiness is. We don’t understand what the true feeling of happiness is. Maybe you say that I have money so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I have friends so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I get a good mark today so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I get a high salary so that I am a happy man. Many things can make you happy. But the happiness last very short. IF you get happiness, you can share it to others. Even if you are not happy now, you can also recall the happy feeling. Living on this world, it is not easy to feel true happiness.

诚信是什么 英语作文


Honesty is gold honesty means speaking the truth and being fair. If a man lies and cheats is dishonest. A man can succeed not by hard labour is by faith. Honesty is a good virtue, if you have always been honest, youll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon by others and be regarded as an evil member of the herd. Once you lie, even if you speak the truth, people will never believe you. However, in the tide of commodity economy today, many people often abandon faith pursuit of money. In their view, health, beauty, money, intelligence, honesty, talent, honesty is the most easy. They dont understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is one of the most precious wealth, but also is the primary condition to do things. I think these people deserve sympathy. In a word, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation is good, not honest, you will not be respected. Therefore, we do not think that is a lie, but should immediately in sowed the seeds of faith.
