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写描述家乡美食的英语范文 关于美食。家乡的英语作文


With the reputation of Gourmet Paradise, Hong Kong offers the exotic fusion of Eastern and Western flavours along with a wide variety of culinary delights. But it does not mean that buying a meal would cost us an arm and a leg; instead most street snacks are sold at reasonable prices.
Street snacks are available at every corner of the streets- fish ball, stinky tofu, eggette, pineapple bun, you name it. As the mouthwatering smell and delicious tastes, egg tart is always my favourite. The egg tart bakery from Tai Cheong Bakery is well-known, for our ex governor, Chris Patten, loves it so much. Just $6 each for a fresh baked one, you can enjoy the governor’s delicacy.


一篇关于家乡饮食的英语作文,注重介绍家乡的饮食特色,又快又好的加悬赏。 其实就是你们平时的饮食习惯 把你们平时吃饭以及逢年过节的一些风俗写出来就


am 是
an 一个
at 在
ax 斧头
by 通过,乘坐
do 做
go 去
he 他
hi 嗨
if 如果
in 在...里
is 是
it 它
my 我的
no 不
of 关于,属于
on 在....之上,关于
or 或者
so 因此,所以
to 到,向
up 向上
us 我们
we 我们
TV 电视
ox 阉割的公牛;饲养的牛
ha 哈
ho 引起人注意,表示惊讶
er 急诊室
ma 妈,同 mom,mother
uh 嗯啊
um 嗯


1 )a (large) number of / (large) numbers of + 可数名词复数 A number of birds have flown to the south. 许多的鸟已经飞去南方。 Large numbers of visitors are from all over the world. 很多旅游者都是来自世界各地。 2)a large/huge amount of / large amounts of + 不可数名词 A large amount of milk is overdue. 大量的牛奶都过期了。 Large amounts of money were spent on the subway. 这地铁费了很多钱。 3)a lot of/ lots of + 可数名词复数/不可数名词 There is a lot of water in the pool. 池子里有很多的水。 Lots of leaves of trees have fallen down the ground in the autumn. 秋天里,许多树叶已经从树上掉了下来。 4)plenty of +可数名词复数/不可数名词 There are plenty of cars on the freeway. 高速路上有很多的汽车。 I have plenty of time to do my homework. 我有很多时间去做家庭作业。 5)a good/great many + 可数名词复数 A great many people on the square are looking at a strange man. 广场上很多人都在看一个怪人。 6)many a + 可数名词单数 Many a scientist has gone to the lonely island. 不止一个科学家去过那个偏僻的小岛。 1.很多的: many 修饰可数 much 修饰不可数 a lot of =lots of 修饰可数,不可数均可 plenty of 修饰可数,不可数均可,一般用于肯定句中 a number of 修饰可数 the number of 的意思是“某物的数量”不是许多的意思,这个某物肯定是可数的,要不哪里来的数量 2.很少的: a little 修饰不可数 a few 修饰可数 3.几乎没有: little 修饰不可数 few 修饰可数 4.一些: some any 都可以修饰可数和不可数 但是some 用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句 特别的用于征询对方,希望得到肯定答复时some可用于疑问句 例:Would you like some coffee? 另外这些是在学习网站上找到的。。 、修饰可数名词。表示“许多”的词和词组有:many,a great/good many,a great/large/small number of,scores of,dozens of。eg: There are many people in the park.公园里有许多人。 Im quite busy;I have a great many things to do.我非常忙,我有很多事情要做。 She bought dozens of eggs yesterday morning.她昨天上午买了许多鸡蛋。 I have heard that scores of times.那件事我已听过很多遍了。 注意:1.many用作代词,表示“许多人,许多”的意思。 Many of them have left for the countryside.他们中有许多人到农村去了。 2.Many a/an也表示“很多的,许多的”的意思,后接可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数形式。 Many a young man wants to speak English.许多年轻人想说英语。 3.a great/good many用作代词,表示“很多东西/人”的意思。 A great many of them are out of work.他们中的很多人失业了。 4.the number of...表示“...的数目”’谓语动词用单数形式。 The number of books missing from the school library is large.学校图书馆丢失书的数目很大。 二、修饰不可数名词。表示“许多”的词和词组有:much,a great/good deal of,a large/small amount of。 There is a great deal of snow on the ground.地面上有很多雪。 I have spent a good deal of time/money on stamp collecting.我在集邮上花费了很多时间/钱。 A million dollars is a large amount of money to me.100万美元对我来说是一笔钱。 There is only a small amount of food.只有一点食物。 注意:1.much用作代词,表示“许多,大量”的意思。 I couldnt write much into days exam.在今天的考试中我没答出多少。 2.a great/good deal用作代词,表示“很多,大量”的意思。 He ate a great deal.他吃了很多。 3.a great/good deal用作副词,作状语,修饰形容词,特别是形容词比较级,意思是“非常,...得多”;也可修饰动词,意思是“很多”。 He ran a good deal faster than I.他跑得比我快得多。 “Do you walk much?”“Yes,a good deal.”“你常步行吗?”“是的,次数很多。” 4.the amount of...作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The amount of money spent on the bridge was large.这座桥耗资巨大。 5.1arge amounts of...作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.建这座桥花费了大量资金。 三、修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。表示“许多”的词组有;a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a great/1arge/small quantity of, A lot of/Lots of people went swimming yesterday.昨天很多人去游泳。 A lot of/Lots of work is to be done this week.本周将有许多工作要做。 We have plenty of cakes.Take some more.我们有很多蛋糕,多吃些吧! Dont hurry.There is plenty of time.不用急,还有充足的时间。 注意:1.a lot用作名词,表示“很多,多数”的意思。 He knew a lot about it. 关于那件事他知道得很多。 2.a lot用作副词,修饰形容词和动词,表示“非常,相当”的意思。 He is feeling a lot better today.他今天感觉好多了。 I like him quite a lot.我非常喜欢他。 She laughed a lot.她笑得很厉害。 3,plenty of只用于肯定句,在疑问句或否定句中一般用enough表示“足够”。 Do you have enough time?你的时间够用吗? They dont have enough time.他们没有足够的时间。 4,a large(great,small)quantity of后面跟不可数名词,亦可跟可数名词的复数。跟不可数名词时,谓语动词要用单数形式;跟可数名词的复数时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 A small quantity of water is needed.需要少量的水。 There are a large quantity of flowers in the garden.庭园里有很多花。 5.great/large quantities of无论跟不可数名词,还是跟可数名词的复数,谓语动词都要用复数形式。 Large quantities of food were on the table.桌子上有很多食物。


1、doctor,英 [dɒktə(r)],美 [dɑːktər]    
n. 博士;医生
v. 篡改,伪造;阉割
例句:He is a Doctor of Philosophy.
2、operator,英 [ɒpəreɪtə(r)],美 [ɑːpəreɪtər]    
n. 操作员;技工;管理者;报务员;【计】运算符
例句:I am a computer operator.
3、sailor,英 [seɪlə(r)],美 [seɪlər]    
n. 海员;水手;扁平的硬边草帽
例句:He went about in the disguise of a sailor.

4、actor,英 [æktə(r)],美 [æktər]    
n. 演员;行动者
例句:The young actor pretended to be Hamlet.
5、visitor,英 [vɪzɪtə(r)],美 [vɪzɪtər]    
n. 参观者;访问者;访客
例句:The visitor twisted his neck to look at the photograph on the wall behind him.


演讲语速难以一直保持一致,因为根据内容有时需要字字清楚速度很慢,有时为了表达内在的比较强烈的感情时可能非要快一点。你听听martin Luther King 的演讲就非常清楚了。
