Goodafternoon! Its my pleasure to have this opportunity for an interview and I hope I can make a good performance today. Now I will introduce myself briefly. My name is Liming.Im 22 years old and come from Wuhan,a beautiful city in Hubei Province.There are four members in my family:my parents,my brother and me,all of them are farmers.My major is Electronic Information Engineering in department of Physics and Electronic of ** University.I will get my bachelors degree this july. During the past three years,I have been working hard to be an excellent students.I have gained several kinds of diplomas . Teachers are kind, encouraging and helpful,they know how to spark our interest,so Im greatly influenced by them.I am used to thingking and solving problems all by myself.Studying is not so easy,but challenges are welcomed.Also, Im friendly,easy-going and clean-living,I like my compus life.I always take advantage of my spare time to do what I like ,such as reading,playing volleyball,listening to the pop music,surfing the Internet and so on.It makes me happy and relaxed. I think a very important thing for students is to have more practice when we are in the university,from which we make some money,obtain certain practical skills and gain necessary social experience.Ever I have severed as an conductor in the train twice during the peak travel season for Spring festival .The special experience makes know that:Do as you would be done by.If you are kind to others,so are they. I always believe that anything is possible .If you want to make your dream come ture ,you must be hard working ,observant and perservent. Thats all.Thank you very much for you time and attention. 考研复试英语自我介绍其实也是千篇一律的,所以不用太担心的,不怯场,谈吐大方就很好,希望你能顺利通过哦!
考研自我介绍 为什么要上研究生
面试自我介绍的核心要点有两个:WHY YOU,WHY ME. 第一点就是,我为什么要选择贵学院,贵专业,它哪儿好了,哪儿吸引到我了。第二点就是,我哪儿好了,为什么有资格成为你们的学生。两边的事情都说清楚了,再加上其他一些东西润色一下,就基本成型了。
考研 政审材料范文
1、标题。一般应写明被审查人的姓名、报告的内容,如“关于×××同志的综合政审材料”。 2、正文。应分别写明的内容是: ①政审报告的开头部分,简要介绍一下申请人的自然情况,如姓名、性别、民族、籍贯、出生年月、家庭出身、本人成分、文化程度、参加工作时间、现任职务等。 ②本人简历。主要介绍该人的经历,这一部分材料根据本人的档案和组织上掌握的情况来写。 ③直系亲属及联系密切的社会关系的情况。主要介绍家庭主要成员和联系密切的社会关系的姓名、职业、政治面貌及政治历史情况。这一部分可通过本人谈话,查阅有关档案材料,找有关单位和人员了解,以及必要的函调或外调取得。审查中,对发展对象的直系亲属与主要社会关系一般都要有外调材料。 “直系亲属”一般指父母、配偶、子女,自幼抚养其长大的养父母和由其抚养的养子女。长期同本人一起生活的祖父母、外祖父母、兄弟、姐妹等。与本人关系密切的主要社会关系,通常指在政治上、思想上、生活上与其有密切联系的旁系亲属加岳父母(公婆)、伯、叔、姑、舅、姨等。 ④本人政治历史情况。主要写明本人的政治历史表现,对党的十一届三中全会以来的路线、方针、政策和对改革开放以及坚持四项基本原则的态度。本人的政治历史和在重大政治斗争中的表现,主要指要调查清楚发展对象亲身经历了哪几次重大的政治斗争,以及在政治斗争中的政治立场、政治态度、思想倾向和实际言行。主要看他(她)是否站在党的立场,捍卫党、国家和人民的利益,是否同党中央在政治上保持一致。对这几方面的审查,事实要清楚,证据要充分,结论要准确。 ⑤本人现实表现情况。主要写其在政治、思想、工作、学习、作风等方面的表现。有哪些优点,在四化建设中做出了哪些成绩,群众基础如何;(是共青团员的,要写明团组织的“推优”意见。)重点是写本人政治立场以及是否树立了共产主义信念和全心全意为人民服务的思想;根据党员标准衡量,还有哪些差距,今后注意解决什么问题。 ⑥ 党支部对其意见。经过党支部充分酝酿和认真讨论.党支部提出发展的意见。 3、落款。应写明报告的党组织名称或审查人员的姓名,并注明日期。 也是网上找的,希望对你有用。
考研,即参加硕士研究生入学考试。其英文表述是“Take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools”。考研首先要符合国家标准,其次按照程序:与学校联系、先期准备、报名、初试、调剂、复试、复试调剂、录取等方面依次进行。
My hometown Yantai is a coastal city.It faces Bohai sea and backed by moutains on three sides.
Local people are very kind.They are not only genorous in qiving help but also plain and simple as well.
It has a pleasant climate with mild winter and noderate summer.Yantai is a place of people of popular summer resort.Visitors always come here to spend their holidays.
Furthermore,Yantai is rich in fruits.It is famous for apples,pears and cherris.As a coastal,We cant miss mentioning the seafood in my hometown.
It is an interesting place.Welcome to my hometown if you will free.
Yantai City lies in the northeastern part of Shandong peninsula, bordering on the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. It is situated at the foot of the hill and beside the sea with beautiful scenery. There are many interesting places which attract thousands of tourists from all over the world, such as the Penglai Pavilion, the stone Tablet Inscriptions of the North Wei Dynasty(386-532) on Mt. Yunfen, Changdao Island-the fairy land on the sea, Horse Raising Isle, National Forest Parks, natural preservation areas, provincial tourist and holiday resorts. The graceful islands, fascinating gulf and blue water with golden sands make Yantai one of the tourist sites and summer resorts in northern China. The simple and honest life style, fresh and opening culture, rich tourist resources and colorful touring activities of Yantai will bring you a new sense of recreation.
My English name is blablabla...
In Chinese, my first name is Xiaofeng and My family name is Zhang.
美国和加拿大喜欢用 whats up以及How is it going;如果是熟人,就用Hi。Good moring/afternoon之类的在不熟的人间用的比hello广泛。至于Nice to meet you, fine, and you?是标准的chinglish,现在很少有人用,尽量避免