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考清华的研究生要怎样的努力?详细 《辞海》用英语怎么说?


恭喜你 说实话 如果你英语足够好! 然后在专业课上花得时间足够多(最起码把书翻透)!还是没问题的 考清华的话 英语线相对来说很高 更变态的是,清华的很多专业课很难 它不像有些学校 买上历年的专业课考题之后 一考开研来,发现60-70%的题是以前考过的 考别的学校的时候 大部分会卡在英语上,几乎没人会卡在专业课,而且相对来说还很好考 清华不一样,它的专业课很难! 像你说的参加什么社团啊之类的 肯定还是可以的 别想着为了考清华的研,就天天背着本书 考研相对于高考来说,还是简单得多的 多学点,没坏处 唯一记得的就是,考清华的时候花的时间要比别人多上不少! 不要把考研想得太难 主要是自己学到了,分够了 复试不太差 基本是没什么问题的 要是有什么动手能力的证明比方什么竞赛啊之类的 自然更好了 祝成功 最起友以前我压根就没想过考清华 英语差 哈哈 有难度


我曾在《实用翻译教程》(范仲英著第36页)上看到他是这样翻译的:An Unabridged,Comprehensive Dictionary.
具体理由请看原文,据说他是征求了美籍专家ChistopherP.Cynar和英籍专家Jean H. Haedy的意见后这样翻译的.

英语作文 俗话说 读万卷书不如行万里路 目前,有许多家长热衷于利用假期带孩子到清华 北大等名校参观,

转:In the modern world with a closer link, to experience different cultures and societies is what studying abroad is more about, which may benefit both the individual’s future and the future of the country.
In her speech made in Peking University, Michelle mentioned a famous Chinese saying: “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.” This saying highlights the importance of travelling, which means if one wants to understand people and the world profoundly, travelling is a better way than just reading books directly.
I am strongly for this idea, which is really meaningful and helpful to us. As we know, we gain knowledge from books, and put them into practice finally. Yet most of time, we find that the knowledge of the book is quite different from that of reality. Travelling can tell us the truth, helping us learn the world more clearly. Sometimes, what the books tell us is rather idealized. Not until we experience in person do we realize that the world is not as pure and simple as we think.
As students, we of course should read as much as we can, but meanwhile if possible,we can travel to other places personally, contacting different people, experiencing various cultures, learning different languages. These may not be acquired by reading, but can help us understand the world better and live a better life in the future.


