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跪求一篇描写黄山的英语作文,100到150词左右 英语作文题目是介绍一个地方150 180词


中文:黄山凌晨的天空还是黑沉沉的,只有景区的灯光照亮了道路。当早晨五点我登上缆车时,夜色渐渐退去,东方逐渐露出了鱼肚白,缆车把我们从云谷寺送到了始信峰站。 走在上山的山道上,只见远处的群峰在清晨中朦朦胧胧、时隐时现,耳边闻到清脆的鸟鸣声,山上的新鲜的空气让人倍觉清新。虽然天空云层很厚,可已看到东方露出了霞光,只见东方厚厚的云层中一个火红的圆球正慢慢挣扎着云层的束缚而欲喷薄而出,天色变蓝,四周变的清晰起来,黄山群峰在晨曦中露出了格外秀丽和俊俏的真容。 沿山道往下走,路上只见黄山杜鹃花盛开,黄山杜鹃的花蕾是鲜红的,当开花后,花瓣变成粉红色,一株株的黄山杜鹃花在群山中显得格外娇媚。还有那散发出幽香的梨花和黄山苇毛樱花也开在那山峦之上,让人赏心悦目。更有那不知名的鸟跳跃在松树枝上,发出叽叽喳喳的叫声,仿佛在欢迎着远道而来的游客们。


Huangshan early morning sky is still dark, and the only scenic spot lights illuminate the road.

When the 5 oclock I boarded the cable car, the night gradually receded, the East gradually exposed gray dawn,

cable car was sent to us from the beginning of the letter Yungu Si Peak Station.

Walking in the mountains of the Hill, we saw the distant peaks of the hazy in the morning, when hidden, at times,

ear, smell the crisp sound of the birds, the fresh mountain air makes even greater fresh.

Although the sky was thick cloud cover may have seen the East exposed Xiaguang saw thick clouds in the East of a

red ball is slowly struggling to cloud the shackles and wish to gushing out of days, pale blue, surrounded by a clear

change up.

Huangshan peaks particularly in the morning revealed the true beauty and the handsome capacity.

Hill Road to go down the road I saw azaleas in full bloom Huangshan, Huangshan Rhododendron bud is red, when

flowering, the petals become pink, a Zhuzhu rhododendrons Huangshan mountains is extraordinarily flirtatious.

Then there is emitting a delicate fragrance of pear and cherry Huangshan Mao Wei also opened in the mountains on

top of that, fun to watch. More that an unknown bird vine jump in the pine, issued twitter cry, as if to welcome

visitors from afar.

英语作文题目是介绍一个地方150 180词

London is a place that is not easily forgotten. Anyone who visited the capita city would know. The Big Ben, Londons Eye and the ferry trip that I took was most exhilarating. I saw the entire London as Londons eye revolved slowed and peacefully. I admired the structure of the Big Ben. The sound of the clock as it struck twelve was magnificent as it echoed throughout London to let the people know the time.
I also went to parks and saw a string orchestra performing Scottish tunes, it was breathtakingly beautiful, as the music juxtaposed with the lovely sceneries in the park. How can anyone forget such memorable scenes?


Due to human destruction, and the loss of habitat and other factors, the endangered creatures on Earth proportions at an alarming rate. In industrial society before the extinction of bird average one every 300 years, the average extinction of a mammal every 8,000 years; but since the industrial society, the Earths species extinction rate has exceeded 1,000 times the natural extinction rate. 1/8 of the worlds plants, mammals 1/4 birds 1/9, reptile 1/5 1/4 amphibians, 1/3 fish are threatened with extinction. So urgent protection of animals, the whole world is called to protect animals.

my troublesome apartment英语作文

My home is in an apartment building. I live with my mother and father. The apartment is on the fifth floor of a tall building. There are 14 floors and a car park in the basement. My father parks his car there.
Our apartment is not in the center of the city. It is 2 miles from the center.My father works in the city, so he goes to work by train every day. He doesnt drive his car. He uses his car only on weekends. Then he takes us into the country or to the beach.
Our apartment has three bedrooms.There is a bedroom for my mother and father, one for me and one for my brother. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. We do not have a garden, but there is a small balcony. There are some plants on the balcony. In summer we often sit out on the balcony because it gets very hot inside the apartment. Our apartment is small,but we are very happy in it.

高中英语作文 假期在家还是旅游

I flipped through the newspaper and sighed. It was the first day of the National Holiday and the neighborhood was already packed with people. Amusement parks, shopping malls, theaters, and libraries, even, were all crowded. There was no point in going out and hanging around since it would be impossible to have fun.
So its safe to say I will choose to stay at home during holiday times. Good grades could only be achieved through hard work, and I would rather spend some good hours with my books than be one of fools that go out at this time.


Nowdays,there many apps on our smartphone,them help us to deal with the problem we met in daily life.Take myself as an example:my fovorite app is baidizhidao.When I was troubled by some problmes,I always tend to smart people on baiduzhidao for help.Its a really useful app.
in my spare time,I also will tap the logo on my cellphone to check if there are any one I can use my limited knowledge to help.Its really nice to share your idea and opinion with others

高中英语作文My hero

My hero
Qian Xuesen,one of the most famous scientists in China,is the hero in my heart.He has the greatest intelligence in the world.When he was young,he studied in many famous universities in the world,being very hard-working.Then he won many big prizes and had many famous discoveries.The most famous thing he did is the first Bomb and Rocket in China.Now,he is the person who make our country stronger and developing.Everyone in China will not forget him


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