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哈利波特中所有的魔法咒语 哈利波特咒语(中文发音)!


咒语 中文名 中文咒语
Alohomora 开锁咒 阿拉霍洞开
Lumos 照明咒 荧光闪烁
Sonorus 大声咒 声音洪亮
Puierus 小声咒 悄声细语
Quietus 无声咒 无声无息
Reparo 修复咒 恢复如初
Scourgify 清理咒 清理一新
Incendio 火焰咒 火焰熊熊
Disapparation 移形咒 幻影移形
Mobiliarbus 飞来咒 飞来飞去
Muggle-Repelling Charm 驱逐咒 驱逐麻瓜
Flagrate 标记咒 标记显现
Imperuious 防水咒 防水防湿
Impedimento 障碍咒 障碍重重
Expecto Patronum 守护神咒 呼神护卫
Animagi 变形咒 阿尼玛格斯
Expelliarmus   除你武器
Fubute Ubcabtaten 停止咒 咒立停
Enervate   快快复苏
Colloportu 禁锢咒 快快禁锢
Protego 盔甲咒 盔甲护身
Disillusionment 隐身咒 幻身咒
Prior Incantato 闪回咒 闪回前咒
Wingardium Leviosa 悬浮咒 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨
Apareciym 显形咒 急急现形
Ridikuius   滑稽滑稽
Enforgio 变大咒 速速变大
Reducio 缩小咒 速速缩小
Petrificus Totalus 石化咒 统统石化
Densaugeo   门牙赛大棒
Obliviate 遗忘咒 一忘皆空
Tarantollegra   塔朗泰拉舞
Reducto 粉碎咒 粉身碎骨
Stupefy 昏迷咒 昏昏倒地
Morsmordre (黑魔法) 尸骨再现
Avada Kedavra 索命咒(黑魔法) 阿瓦达索命
Imperio 夺魂咒(黑魔法) 魂魄出窍
Crucio 钻心咒(黑魔法) 钻心剜骨
Morsmordre 食死徒用咒(黑魔法) 黑魔标记
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good (打开活点地图的咒语) 我庄严宣誓我不干好事


阿瓦达索命(索命咒_黑魔法):Avada Kedavra 读音:伊克斯帕里亚玛斯。

魂魄出窍 (夺魂咒_黑魔法):Imperio 读音:伊帕利欧

钻心剜骨(钻心咒_黑魔法):Crucio 读音:克鲁西欧


哈利波特魔法咒语大全配单词音标中文读音下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 【不可饶恕咒】 阿瓦达索命(索命咒):Avada Kedavra / əˈ vːɑ d ə k əˈ dːɑ vr ə / 伊克斯帕利亚玛斯 魂魄出窍 (夺魂咒):Imperio 伊帕利欧 钻心剜骨(钻心咒):Crucio 克鲁西欧 【攻击系】 统统石化(石化咒):


Harry Potter is a seemingly ordinary eleven-year-old boy, living with his negligent relatives, the Dursleys. On his eleventh birthday, Harry learns from a mysterious stranger, Hagrid, that he is actually a wizard, famous in the wizarding world for surviving an attack by the evil dark Lord Voldemort, when Harry was only a year old. Voldemort killed Harrys parents, but his attack on Harry failed, leaving only a lightning bolt scar on Harrys forehead. Harry is invited to begin attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry defies his aunt and uncle, and attends Hogwarts where he begins to learn magic and make new friends, as well as enemies, among the Hogwarts students and staff. Voldemort has been near death, and in hiding, since the attack on Harry ten years earlier, but a plot is brewing for the dark lord to regain his power and strength through the acquisition of a philosophers stone, which grants immortality to its owner. Harry and his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, discover the plot and seek to prevent the theft of the stone, which is hidden in a protected chamber at Hogwarts. 哈利波特是一个看似普通的11岁男孩,与和他关系冷淡的德思礼一家生活在一起 。他的第11岁生日,哈利从神秘的陌生人海格那里得知 ,他实际上是一个巫师,在哈利只有一岁的时候,从魔法世界著名的邪恶黑魔头伏地魔的攻击下生存下来。伏地魔杀死哈利的父母,但他的攻击在哈里那里失败了,只在哈立德前额留下了闪电疤痕。哈利被邀请就读霍格沃茨魔法与巫术学校。 哈利违抗他的姨妈和姨父,开始在霍格沃茨学习魔法并且在霍格华兹学生和教师中,认识了新的朋友,以及敌人。自从10年前攻击哈利,伏地魔已接近死亡,并躲藏起来,但是一个黑魔头夺回自己的权力和力量的阴谋正在酝酿的,通过获得魔法石,一块能给人不朽生命的石头。哈利和他的朋友,赫敏格兰杰和罗恩韦斯莱,发现了这一阴谋,并设法保护,秘密隐藏在霍格沃茨某个地方的石头被偷。 这是一段在爬虫馆的片段: As the snake shook its head, a deafening shout behind Harry made both of them jump. "DUDLEY! MR. DURSLEY! COME AND LOOK AT THIS SNAKE! YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT ITS DOING!" Dudley came waddling toward them as fast as he could. "Out of the way, you," he said, punching Harry in the ribs. Caught by surprise, Harry fell hard on the concrete floor. What came next happened so fast no one saw how it happened -- one second, Piers and Dudley were leaning right up close to the glass, the next, they had leapt back with howls of horror. Harry sat up and gasped; the glass front of the boa constrictors tank had vanished. The great snake was uncoiling itself rapidly, slithering out onto the floor. People throughout the reptile house screamed and started running for the exits. As the snake slid swiftly past him, Harry could have sworn a low, hissing voice said, "Brazil, here I come.... Thanksss, amigo." (当巨蟒正在摇头回答时,哈利背后突然传来震耳欲聋的喊叫,哈利和巨蟒都吓了一跳。“ 达力!德思礼先生!快来看这条蛇!你决不会相信它在做什么!” 达力摇摇摆摆地赶紧朝他们走过来。 “别挡道。”他说,朝哈利胸口就是一拳。哈利惊讶不已,重重地摔在水泥地上。随后 发生的事,因为来得太突然,谁也说不清楚是怎么回事。只见皮尔和达力一下子紧贴在玻璃上,马上又惊恐万状,大喊大叫,连蹦带跳往后退去。 哈利坐起来,大口喘气;蟒蛇柜前的玻璃不见了。巨蟒迅速地伸展开盘着的身体,溜到地板上——整个爬虫馆的人都尖叫着,向出口跑去。 当巨蟒溜过哈利身旁时,哈利清清楚楚地听到一个咝咝的声音轻轻地说:“我是从巴西来到这里的……多谢,我走了。”)
