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环境与垃圾处理的英语作文(急需) 垃圾分类的英文演讲稿


我认为我们应该采取处理垃圾的有效措施,比如说:1.垃圾分类 2、报纸、玻璃的再利用 3、有害垃圾的处理 4、废水处理 5、制定法律
Now, city garbage has endangers our life. They serious environmental pollution and harmful to our health.
I think we should take effective measures of garbage disposal, such as: 1. The trash classification 2, newspapers, glass reusing 3, hazardous waste treatment 4, wastewater treatment 5, formulate laws
We have been working hard, but the road is long, well continue to fight pollution.


  Classifying Rubbish , Improving Environment   Good morning, respectable judges, teachers. Today, standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. The title of my speech is Classifying Rubbish , Improving Environment.   Personally, rubbish has been a big headache in Beijing. As the year 2008 is coming ,every citizen has realized Green Beijing and Green Olympics will bring the far-reaching impact on Beijing and even all China . The scense of rubbish nearly everywhere has given all of us a really bad impression, and Im sure none of us wish to show off the bad side of Beijing to athletes and journalists all over the world, for it would blemish the citys and even Chinas image and leave a bad reputation. So we really have to work hard on Green Olympics.   Now, we are middle school students. We must improve the sense of protecting the environment and make a contribution to Green Olympics .   我这是在文秘中国上面找到的·你可以去看看··如果不合适~他们还有代写服务~~可以找他们代写一篇也可以·价格也不贵


可再生资源、循环利用、绿色食品、低碳生活、节能减排、鸟语花香、垃圾分类、全球变暖、生物圈、污水处理、无氟冰箱、枝繁叶茂、前人种树,后人乘凉、遮天蔽日、节能减排、垃圾桶、 绞尽脑汁终于凑齐了~


Rubbish 垃圾,废物
Garbage 垃圾,废物
Refuse 废弃物,垃圾
Waste 废物的意思,指任何被遗弃的东西。 作名词用时可表“废物”的总称,可指“废品、废料”,如nuclear waste 核废料,还可指“排泄物,粪便”;
debris 也可表示垃圾,着重指分解、分裂或破坏后剩下的碎片;
dustbin & trash can 垃圾箱
dustbin常指置于室外的,如街道上的垃圾桶,而trash can 也指街道上或公共建筑物里的垃圾桶,是美式说法,还有一个 waste bin 可以指室内室外的垃圾桶。


A: Hi, what a surprise to meet you here. What’s that in your mouth?
B: Oh, I am eating candy. Would you like to have some?
A: No, thank you. I don’t take junk food.
B: You mean this candy is junk food? I thought only fast food is called junk food.
A: You’re right. Candies are considered as junk food. Other than candies, soda drinks like
cola and sprite, also potato chips, French fries and burgers are all called junk foods. They
can easily cause overweight and even obesity to teenagers and young children.
B: Why is it so?
A: Because these junk foods have very high calories; if taken too much they can increase the
chance of contacting heart diseases!
B: I see. In that case, parents should be more careful and they should prevent their children
from taking these junk foods.
A: Yes, but it is easier said than done.
B: Why do you say that?
A: Because there are so much enticing advertisements of junk foods on TV nowadays and
with all those novelty gifts given away together with the foods, children find it hard to resist
the temptations. And as the only child in the family, the parents usually give in to the child’s
B: Looks like our government should do something to help the parents. Is there any action
taken to help children cutting down on junk foods in our country?
A: No, not that I know of. But in Britain, the authority is planning to implement a new policy to
help preventing the spread of child obesity.
B: What do they plan to do?
A: They want to ban all junk food advertisements on TV during the prime times on all the
children channels.
B: That’s very thoughtful. I hope our government will take some measures like this also.
A: Yes, let’s hope we won’t have to wait too long.

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