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英语观点对比型作文的模板,正规一点。 英语作文里表达观点的“首先、其次、最后”怎么写?


(1) 立论型
It is wellknow/As we all know ______(论点) why ? Firstly ______(supporting sentences). Secondly,_______(supporting sentences) Thirdly,_______(supporting sentences). Finally ______(supporting sentences). Therefore /Thus/In a word /To conclude,_______(结论)
(2) 驳论型
Some people think that/It is commonly believed that______(错误观点),But it is not true/I don’t agree .In my opinion,______(自己的观点).why ? Firstly ______(supporting setences). Secondly,_______(supporting setences) Thirdly,_______(supporting setences). Finally ______(supporting setences). Therefore /Thus/In a word /To conclude,_______(结论)
(3) 不同观点列举型
According to a survey/our recent discussion,people have different opinions over _______(主题).50% think that ______(观点一).on the other hand , about ,30% argue that _______(观点二).Another 20% believe that ______(supporting setences).As to me,(自己的观点)
(3) 利弊型
Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the issue that ______(题目议题).In fact, there are both advantage and disadvantages in _______(题目议题).generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows .Firsty,_______(优点一)and secondly______,(优点二).Just as a popular saying goes “every coin has two sides.”________(题目议题)is no exception,and in another word ,it still has negative aspects .To begin with _____(缺点一),In addition,_______(缺点二)
In my opinion/I think ________(自己的观点)


Firstly 或 First 首先
Secondly 或 Second 其次
Finally或 Last 最后
in general 一般说来 
in the beginning 起初
first of all 首先;第一 
generally speaking 一般地说 
in the first place 首先;第一 
on the whole 总起来说 
lately 最近 
to start with 首先;
第一 presently 现在;此刻 
now 现在



In my school, Students should wear uniforms should not have taken place in dispute. Teachers and students have different views.
  Teacher think students wear uniform is the school a virtue. But I think wear uniform is very ugly. And teacher think students don’t wear uniform will to pay more attention to wear and neglect learning. But I think wear uniform will feel uncomfortable. And this feeling will affect the learning.
  So I think students should be allowed to wear uniform but the uniform should designed by students.


After entering the televised era sports, television fees and sponsorship to become organizers of the largest source of income, the game ticket sales status decreased. Therefore, if the game in the smaller cities and state-run, as long as you can meet the most basic conditions of the competition, the audience seating can be moderately compressed. Strong enough money small city can rely software strengths to compensate for the lack of hardware. If the audience can not buy tickets for venues, organizers can do publicity, encouraging viewers to watch such as the marathon, road cycling, triathlon or open water swimming competitions such as free tickets. During the Commonwealth Games, the host will line these games are scheduled to be held in the city center alone Marathon attracted 30 million people watching, and the game has been raining that day. Even the rich and powerful as the host country, it is not necessary to each venue are built very large, should be based on national traditions and development needs to plan for sports facilities. Such as India hosting the Asian Games, the Cricket Ground cover can have luxury, while Chinese cities it is entirely possible to take a temporary building to solve. London Olympics after finishing two years, we did not find a venue is idle. Because basketball and shooting is not popular item in the UK, the venues are temporary structures, the game is over immediately removed, without leaving a trace. Swimming pool of a temporary seat split, downsizing a half, it became the community swimming center. All in all, if economically developed cities held, should be in accordance with high standards, ensuring that do have beautiful and decent, if weaker cities hosting, it might be appropriate to reduce the standard, which will certainly add a lot of the economy is relatively backward country held interest, both widely disseminated the Olympic spirit, but also provides a stage to showcase their original little chance for the potential host, why not?

英语作文:批判性思维在日常生活中的重要性 100字

Criticism exists here and there. Each and every one of us can get criticised by others from time to time.
Different people treat criticism differently. Some take it as offence and humiliation. And they might argue back when things get intense. While others take it as a breeze and a reflection. It comes and it goes. If they did do something wrong, they took lessons from the criticism. If the criticism is not true, they let it go and never let rumors interrupt their life or ways of thinking.
And me? Im something between the two sides above.


The things above are my opinions. Thank you for reading. 如果你是在写论文,如果你是在演讲,应该说,the things I talked previously are my opinion。 Thanks for listening


First impression is the event where one person first encounter another person and forms a mental image about him or her.
First impression is something hard to change, if you give some one a bad first impression, believe me, they will stick on the mental image of yours for quite a long time until they have the opportunity to know you better. This is relatively important when you are going for some interviews, either for your scholarship, school intakes, or job. If you give those interviewer a bad first impression, they will give you a very low marks, even you are graduated from Harvard or Cambridge with first class honour.


To attend college or to begin one’s career: that is a question with which confronted by high school graduates. According to a recent news report, in Chongqing City, there are many students who abandoned opportunities to further their education in college. This is the so-called the idea of uselessness of college education.

  There are several factors accounting for this phenomenon. Firstly, in contemporary society, college education is a huge expense for average families. Thus, many cannot afford. What is more, the knowledge acquired in college is not so closely related to students’ future career. Finally, even completing college education, due to the severe competition in job-markets, hardly can a graduate find a satisfying job. Therefore, many individuals prefer to join in the workforce rather than attend college.

  The above idea, in my opinion, is incorrect and misleading. It is knowledge that enables one to succeed in job-hunting. To solve this problem, on the one hand, government should take measures to eliminate this horrible thought. On the other hand, it is advisable for colleges to reduce the expense of education, and to impart both theoretical and practical knowledge. (188words)


The computer can instead of typing The computer is now a popular, computer has also entered high school life, using computer learning time is much, relatively pen to write less chance, but writing is an important Chinese basic. Writing and writing ability, is the first period of Chinese education. Write contains student good study habits, as the saying goes, the style is the man who saw, saw as. Words are quiet, beautiful, Words are natural and unrestrained, charming, Words are false, secretive, Words are untidy, sloppy. Writing is a kind of art, is a persons appearance, can express ones cultural quality, mental outlook, personality, hobbies, although there are now computer can replace the writing. But in the modern life still occupy the important position, because the Chinese could have inner and outer beauty, it is both form. When you use a conscientious character composition writing an article, you will deeply realized that you will be in the calligraphy art expression comes out, you will deeply realized that writing is a kind of investment. As our national essence, serious still can rise to write Chinese characters of cultivate ones morality raises a gender, can improve students accomplishment, cultivate childrens temperament. This is the computer can never replace. So it has entered the computer era today, writing teaching elementary literacy education is still the key. We ought to assume this responsibility, should write words from students, practice words, of course, we will be like that, even writing teaching emphasized to do better than in the past.

翻译:   电脑不能代替打字     现在电脑普及了,电脑也进入了中学生的学习生活,用电脑的时候多了,相对来说支笔写字的机会少了,但写字是一项重要的语文基本功。写字和写字能力的培养,是第一学段语文教育的一个重点。写字蕴含着学生良好的学习习惯,俗话说,字如其人,见了如见人。字清秀,人也文静;字潇洒,人也倜傥;字诡秘,人也奸诈;字邋遢,人也草率。     写字是一种艺术,是一个人的门面,可表达出一个人的文化素养,精神面貌,个性爱好等等,现在虽然有电脑可以代替书写。但是书写在现代的生活中仍然占有着极其重要的地位,因为汉字本来就具备内在和外在的美,它形神兼备。当你用一个一个认认真真书写的汉字组成一篇文章时,你会深深地体会到你在将文章用书法艺术表现出来,你会深深地体会到写字是一种投入。汉字作为我们民族的精华,认真书写汉字还能起到修身养性的作用,会提高学生的修养,陶冶孩子们的性情。这是电脑永远不能取代的。所以这已经步入电脑时代的今天,写字教学依然是小学识字教学的重点。我们应当好好地承担起这个责任,应该从小让学生写好字,练好字,我们当然要像过那样强调写字教学,甚至比过去做得要更好。
