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英语修辞手法satire,meiosis,parable 各举一个例子。大神江湖救急啊! 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译以下句子(PS:可以的话尽量不要用电子词典!)

英语修辞手法satire,meiosis,parable 各举一个例子。大神江湖救急啊!

此处的satire 指的是irony。例如
Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it (the cheque ) up. Her present, her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore itsintoslittle bits. (老太太慢慢地弯下腰,把支票从地上捡起来,她的礼物,她的可爱的礼物!用颤抖的手指把它撕得粉碎。)老太太八十岁寿辰那天,急切地盼望女儿回家看望她,稍稍安慰她那颗孤寂的心,然而盼来的却是女儿的一张冷冰冰的支票,这当然不是老人心爱的礼物。故此处her lovely present是典型的irony。
如he wasnt slow to accept the offer (= he was quick to accept the offer)
not bad=very good。
This is a typical case of sour grapes.


(2) syntactic features (1) simple phrase, eye-catching highlights. 2 sentence sought to refine and easy to understand advertising. Concise sentences to seize the audience, generate interest. For example: FreshUpwithSeven-up. (Seven-Jun drink, refreshing).Lengthy and complex expression will make people tired tired, it is difficult for propaganda purposes. (2) the imperative to enhance the appeal. In order to impress the customer for goods, while reducing advertising costs, advertising planners always struggled with a concise and full of temptation in the form of words, and strive to achieve the best publicity of goods. As a "call to action language", advertising itself contains a request to use English more, order called for significant imperative sentence, concise language but also to achieve an impressive goal. For example: Turniton! Wear it!(Puma Puma) / Youreworthit! You deserve! (Loreal LOreal).(3) omit the words, short and powerful. Because advertising is characterized by a limited time, space and cost, the best publicity, so the extensive use of elliptical sentence to become one of the characteristics of advertising English. For example: Welead. Otherscopy. We lead, others follow. (Ricoh) This ad though only a "lead" and "copy" two simple verbs, but clever to point out as a copier copy function (copy) and the Ricoh brand in the category-leading position (lead ), can be said that the idea of ​​clever, do both. Another example: Alwayswithyou. With you. (China Telecom) "always" is the image that this feature of the telecommunications coverage, plain words and shortened the distance between the customer with the company. 3. Rhetorical features Rhetoric is language to enhance the effect of a powerful weapon. As an end in strong language, advertisements often use some English literature in rhetoric, to make their ad unique, dramatic. These methods include rhetorical metaphor, personification, rhyme, pun, etc., to give advertisers a variety of rhetorical concise, lively, humorous and so on. In Featherwater: lightasafeather (Fazewate glasses: light as a feather.) Words in the ad, metaphorical expression of the image of the product lightweight advantages. Another example: Oh, Isee! Oh! I saw it! (OIC Optical Company) American "OIC" glasses, the companys slogan and company name OIC euphony to give the OIC "Oh! I see!" The literal meaning at the same time, "Isee" the brand and product quality together clever .


正因为英汉两种语言中都蕴涵大量的习语,在翻译含有习语的句子时对译者提出了较高的要求。在翻译过程中,译者既要忠实于原文,保持原文习语的生动形象、丰富联想和修辞效果,还要符合译出语的要求,做到流利、地道。在具体翻译过程中,常见的习语翻译方法有下列几种。 1.直译法:即按原文的字面意思直接翻译过来,如:把paper tiger译为“纸老虎”,把lose face译为“丢脸”,把pull a long face译为“拉长脸,愁眉苦脸”。 2.同义习语借用法:英、汉两种语言中有些习语无论在内容、形式和感情色彩上都很相似,在翻译时不妨直截了当地借用。如:Walls have ears .[谚语]隔墙有耳。as strong as a horse力大如牛 3.意译法:有些习语无法直译,在译出语中找不到同义的习语,则只好用意译的方法,如:to be shattered to pieces落花流水(不能译成“碎成片”); kick the bucket咽气(不能译成“踢水桶”) 4.省略法:汉语中有些成语是对偶词组,如“铜墙铁壁”、“街谈巷议”,在译成英语时常用省略的方法,如上面的两个习语在英语中是wall of bronze,street gossip,而不说wall of bronze and rion和 street and lane gossip。 5.增添法:我们知道,无论是英语习语,还是汉语中的成语,都言简意赅,含义深远,有时在译出语中没有类似的表达方式,在翻译时,需要稍加说明。如汉语中有“树倒猢狲散”一说,译成英语可说:Once the tree falls,the monkeys in it will flee helter-skelter.helter-skelter意为“慌慌张张”,是增添的成分,使得整个句子有声有色。 最后,需要说的是,由于一些英语习语无法通过其字面意思判断出其真正的含义,我们应学会在上下文语境中猜测其含义,更多地是需要我们多翻词典,多问老师,勤积累。