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写一篇关于招聘教师广告的英语作文 英语作文招聘广告1.介绍招聘方的情况并说明招聘原因2.说明招聘条件3.说明应聘者须带的有关材料及


English teacher wanted Are you a teacher? Can you speak English? Can you write English? Can you teach English well? Are you good with kids? Then you can be an English teacher in my house. Please call Mr. zhang at 555-3699. 答案补充 英语老师招聘 你是老师吗?你会讲英语吗? 你能写英语吗? 你能教好英语吗?你能和孩子相处好吗? 那么你可以到我的家做英语老师. 请打555-3699找张先生

英语作文:根据提示写一篇招聘广告。Happy Middle School 想要招聘一些老师,要求会说中英文,会唱歌跳舞,喜欢小孩子。有志者请拨 696—8583与怀特先生联系。 要求:1.内容完整 2.词数50左右 提示:kids 小孩子

答案是:do you like children  ? do you like teaching children ?are you  good with  children ? we wan t some teachers to help with the children ,you must speak both chinese and Englisn,you must be good at  dancing  and singing ,if  you need more information please call Mr Smith at  696-8583.   ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~


wanted: Do you like English ? Can you speak English well ? Dou you like singing and dancing ? Do you hope hard work ? Dou you like children ? Are you good with children ? Dou you want to be an English teacher ? If your answer is "yes",then we have a job for you as an English teacher. Please call Mr.frank at 84497818

英语作文;请写一则教师招聘广告。要求内容包括; 1招聘职位及上班时间 2应聘条件 3咨询电话 不少于50词

Teaching positions:
Two instructors of mathematics for grades 1-3.
Qualification: College graduates. 2-year of teaching experience at the same levels.
Working time: 12 classes a week. Monday to Friday.
Contact: Call Ms. Li at 1 3456 5656

招聘英语老师的英语作文 急急急!!!!

AN ENGLISH TEACHER WANTED: Are you good at English? Do you like to be a teacher? Are you good with children? If your answers is "Yes", then we have a job for you as an English teacher. Call Guangming Middle School at 0796-5326888.


In education, teachers facilitate student learning, often in a
school or academy. The objective is typically a course of study, lesson
plan, or a practical skill, including learning and thinking skills. The
different ways to teach are often referred to as the teachers pedagogy.
When deciding what teaching method to use, a teacher will need to
consider students background knowledge, environment, and their learning
goals as well as standardized curricula as determined by the relevant
authority. The teacher should also be able to deal with students with
different abilities and should also be able to deal with learning

经验是最好的老师 英语演讲稿

Experience— the best teacher
We gain knowledge in different ways. We gain it from books or by doing something. The knowledge gained by doing something, is experience. What we learn through experience is more lasting than that acquired through reading. It is accurate, complete and permanent. It is first-hand knowledge.
We can learn through our own experience and partly through other peoples experience. A child does not stop playing with fire till he burns his fingers. He learns from his own experience. So, experience is the best teacher.

学校的英语广播台**一名播音员 我想写一封英语自荐信 英语作文

自己改动一下就行了$ ·小学英语作文 ·初中英语作文 ·高中英语作文 ·大学英语作文 ·考研英语作文 ·中考英语作

文 ·高考英语作文 ·英语四级作文 ·英语写作资料 ·GRE作文 ·留学文书写作 ·雅思考试作文

·英语六级作文 ^ >


初一英语作文《 招聘英语老师的广告》

Hello,Im the president of this school.
Our school now need a full-time English teacher.
As is known to all,our school is one of the best schools in the education field.So we hope that the teacher have received higher education .Whats more we also hope that he had some teaching experience.Last but not least he must love children.
If anyone conform to these request can come to our school and have an interview .


Wanted:Do you like to work with children?
Do you like to work hard? Do you like to teach English? Do you like to write on the blackbord?If your answer is “Yes” then we have a job for you as an English
teacher. Call Selina′s school at 1234567.
