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“新婚快乐,百年好合”用英语怎么说 关于大学生结婚为主题的英语两人对话翻译


1、Let me wish you and your bride every joy and the best of everything.
2、I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.
3、May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together.
4、My husband joins me in hoping that you have a long and happy and prosperous life together.
5、I wish you much happiness together. 

伴郎:best man
婚纱、结婚礼服:wedding dress
婚礼进行曲:wedding march
结婚誓言:wedding vows
婚戒:wedding ring
婚宴:wedding party
get hitched
hitch的本意是指车辆后的拖钩,get hitched则喻意幸福牵手。
My idol will get hitched tomorrow. This is the most horrible news Ive heard.
make a big commitment
She has made a big commitment to him. 
walk down the aisle
这个词组意思是“步入婚姻的殿堂” 。aisle的意思是“过道,通道”,多指教堂或戏院中的成排坐位之间的走道,是可数名词。这个词组是形容新人穿过教堂两排座位之间的走道,引申为结婚。
They are walking down the aisle.


A: The marriage of college students has been an increasing number of
B: I found
A: You get married so early on college students about his views on this
B: I always feel that the University has been to learn knowledge, not specifically to Shall We said Love, so early on in a marriage for themselves and other peoples irresponsible.
A: I think this is not the case, I think two people feeling a certain stage is certainly want to get married, and this is not age with special ties Ah, college students can Moreover, good or bad points clear of the
B: I think its the thinking of college students is not very mature, the feelings of things rather than a more complete understanding of them now have no economic basis for marriage is built on the economic and emotional two-way thing, not as long as there are feelings on the To maintain a marriage of the
A: What you said makes sense, of course, but wealth can be created by two people, but not on the feelings of money can buy, so I think as long as it should have feelings of the marriage, and not affected by these The impact of the secular to give up their well-being.
B: The reality is cruel, there is no economic basis for marriage is fragile, only based on economic marriage is a long time, the feelings are not always able to eat, the two are not even miss a meal of rice were also What is the time to talk about feelings, ah, what you think is too naive and Latin America, feelings of the people can not live alone.
A: I see, you say, I found that college students that marriage is immature, not thinking, can not be advocated. Thank you, this is an urgent need, so please allow me to do the automatic Gone with the Wind Go. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much-needed gap


我曾在《实用翻译教程》(范仲英著第36页)上看到他是这样翻译的:An Unabridged,Comprehensive Dictionary.
具体理由请看原文,据说他是征求了美籍专家ChistopherP.Cynar和英籍专家Jean H. Haedy的意见后这样翻译的.