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短篇英语新闻稿 谁有简单的英语新闻简讯?(要最新的)


Today we have arrested Ratko Mladic. Extradition prosess is on the way. This is the result of full cooperation of Serbia with The Hague tribunal. We can always believe in our strategy and the work of every one involved in this prosess. Today we closed one chapter... chapter of our recent history that will bring us one step closer to full reconciliation in the region.Over night, we have and we will provide today a list of 232 individuals that we have actual reports that individuals have come in and said they were missing and unaccounted for.We will release that list today. Now keeping in mind that on that list there are individuals that we are working directly with their family members to indentify and notify their love ones that they are deceased. You acturally were close enough to the smell in the trunk of that car, were you not? The only smell that I had was come from oil gas cans that were placed on the ground. And you did not smell any smell of human decomposition on June 24, 2008 in the trunk of yours daughters car? Did not. Since this decision only focuses on licensing and that specific exemption,I do not believe that it is a predictor by any stretch of the imagination of what the supreme court will do, in terms of Arizonas boarder law SB1070.Im hopful that the court will ultimately sustain the Arizona district courts decision to overturn key sections of Arizonas notorious show me your papers law. This is a further example of Congress failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform that is leading to a patchwork of immigration laws. We need a federal solution to our broken immigration system rather than a state-by-state process taking different approaches.


OECD says Unemployment Will Continue to Rise OECD:工业化国家失业率持续攀升

  Despite reports that many industrialized economies are beginning to emerge from their worst economic crisis in decades, unemployment is rising and will likely reach a historic peak of nearly 10 percent next year. The findings come from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris.   经济合作与发展组织星期三报告说,工业化国家的失业率仍在增加,而且有可能在明年达到近10%的历史最高水平,尽管不断有报道说,很多工业化国家正在走出几十年来最严重的经济危机。

  Indications that unemployment continues to rise is grim news for leaders heading to the G-20 summit in the United States next week. The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports unemployment reached its highest level among industrialized nations of 8.5 percent in July.   对于下个星期到美国出席20国集团峰会的各国领导人来说,失业率继续上升真是个坏消息。总部设在巴黎的经合组织说,工业化国家的失业率已经在今年7月份达到8.5%的最高水平。

  OECD unemployment division chief Stephan Scarpetta says the number of jobless among the OECDs 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year, to nearly 10 percent. That translates into 57 million people out of work.   经合组织就业分析和政策部主任斯蒂芬.斯卡皮塔(Stephan Scarpetta)指出,经合组织30个成员国中的失业人数预计在明年将进一步攀升,达到接近10%的水平。也就是说,工业化国家总共会有5千7百万人失去工作。

  "Unfortunately, despite the most recent indicators that suggest the [economic] recovery may be in sight somewhat earlier than we were expecting only a few months ago, it will take far [longer] for the recovery to materialize in terms of significant improvement in the labor market," he said.   “不幸的是,尽管最近绝大多数指标都显示,经济复苏可能已经出现,比我们几个月前的预期有所提前,但是这次复苏可能需要更长的时间才能转化成劳工市场的显著改善。”


1 use simple, easy words, like rhyming words:
"Hall Fall!"
Seton Hall是美国新泽西一大学,蓝球队输了比赛,第二天体育新闻的标题就是这么写的.
2. Use titles from famous novels.
"A tale of two cities"狄更斯的"双城记"常被用在标题上.
3.Use movie titles or movies lines.
"A Few Good Man!"
" Mission Impossible!"
"Men in Black"
"You cant handle the truth!"(From a few good man )
4.Use popular commercial lines.
"Its Miller Time"讲NBA的Reggie Miller(已退休)前一天的比赛如何神勇.
5. Use alliterations(头韵)
Funny Farmers""Super Shaq"(NBA player)
6. Make personal connections.跟当事人有联系的事
"Unbroke my Heart"这是美国歌星Toni Braxton唱的一首很有名的歌,这篇文章是说Toni Braxton患了罕见的心臓病,她在呼吁人们要及早注意心臓检查和维护.


I am here to share with you one of the most exciting breakthroughs in the Science of Regenerative Medicine that I have ever seen. If you"ve been searching for safe, effective relief from the adverse effects of radiation and chemotherapy, your search is over. The good news I am about to share is built upon over forty years of solid science and proven nutritional evidence. Read on to learn about the latest development in high performance molecular nutrition known as Chemovive?/I>.Every year an estimated 400,000 patients develop radiation-induced mucous ulcers (infections) in the lining of their mouth and throat. This is the most painful side effect of treatment and usually requires narcotics.As Chemovive?fortifies your cells, the negative effects of your therapy are reduced, which keeps you on track.The increased risk of infection is the greatest cause of disrupted radiation therapy and dose reduction in chemotherapy. Remember that any reduction in dosage EXTENDS the length of your cancer treatment.


News report 新闻报道
Papers of this kind are full of sensational news reports.


专业英语主要是单词和句子的表达上与一般的不一样。专业英语的单词需要大量积累,句式上往往是复合句和复杂句,要不断练习分析句子成分的能力。所以就需要懂得语法中的从句表达。需要学好英语我认为:首先需要对英语有兴趣,可以听一些好听的英文音乐,如yesterday once more, lucky star, say you say me等的歌曲,还可以去看一些英文电视剧和电影,如肖申克的救赎,飘,罗马假日,老友记等。然后准备一个单词本,将单词一个个抄上来有时间就去记忆,一天根据自己的能力记忆单词,一般可以达到二十到五十个。不断重复标准的英文表达,学习李阳的国际口音,元音必须发得饱满,辅音清晰,这个可以去听理解美国总统的就职演说和精彩的演讲。上课认真听英语老师的课,下课找老外练习。持之以恒,不要放弃。相信你一定能够学好英语。这个对于其他语言的学习也是一样的道理。我认为还有一个“三好”的原则:一是,一本好的字典;二是一个好的学习伙伴;三是好的学习习惯。祝你好运!


Canteens, gyms, and kiosks operating round-the-clock at the Olympic Media Village are ready to cater to accredited journalists. 24小时服务的奥运媒体村餐厅、健身房以及报亭都已准备就绪,等待迎接所有注册记者的到来。 The village consists of two residential compounds - Green Homeland and Huiyuan, and is just 15 minutes away by bus to the Main Press Center and International Broadcast Center. 媒体村包括两个居住区——绿色家园和汇园,距离主新闻中心和国际传播中心只有15分钟的车程。
