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努力学习英语用英文怎么说 白雪公主和七个小矮人中英对照剧本 一句英语 一句中文


1、英文释义 Study hard;work hard;swot at;work hard at sth
努力学习中 thanosx
努力学习专业知识 Strive to acquire expertise ; Efforts to learn professional knowledge ; Efforts to learn the knowledge
我们可以努力学习 We can work hard ; We can work to learning ; We can strive to learn
努力学习它 To study it ; Effort to learn it ; strive to learn it
放弃努力学习 Give up trying to learn ; To give up learning ; Abandon the effort to learn
他正在努力学习 He is trying to learn ; He are trying to learn
努力学习/工作 work hard
努力学习各个科目 To study various subjects ; strive to learn various subjects
他很努力学习 He is working hard ; He is very hard learning
You should study hard.
We study hard for our country.
He thinks he should study hard.
I hope you can understand that if you do not study hard, you will be as useless as the oldgardener who can only do this humble job!
Everything is not easy at the beginning, but if you study hard, it will get better.

白雪公主和七个小矮人中英对照剧本 一句英语 一句中文

A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, 很久以前,在一个美丽的王国
there lived a young king and queen, 有一位年轻的国王和王后
the people loved them so much; 人们都喜爱他们
the queen died while giving birth to a girl, 女王去世时,生下一个女孩
her name was Snow White, 她的名字是白雪公主
She was a beautiful princess. 她是一个美丽的公主
Year passed, 一年过去了
the king got married again, 国王再次结婚
The people didn’t love the new queen, 人们不喜欢新的女王
because she was cruel. 因为她非常的残酷
One day, In the king’s palace: 一天,国王的宫殿:
白雪公主: My name is S.w 我叫白雪公主
I am a beautiful princess 我是一个美丽的公主
I miss my mother so much 我非常想念我的妈妈
Where is my mother? Where is my mother? 我的妈妈在哪 我的妈妈去哪了
皇 后:I am a queen 我是女王
I’m very beautiful 我很漂亮
Where is Mirror? 魔镜你在哪?
Mirror, Mirror on the wall,魔镜魔镜,墙上的魔镜
who’s the most beautiful? 谁是这个世界上最美的女人
魔 镜: S.w is much more beautiful than you! 白雪公主是这个世界上最美的女人
女 王:Hunter, go kill S.w. “猎人,去把白雪公主杀掉!”
猎 人:Yes, my queen 是,我的女王。
白雪公主:Help me ,help me, please, please 请救救我 请救救我
小 动 物:what’s the matter with you? 你怎么了
白雪公主:The hunter…hunter… 猎人...猎人...
小 动 物:bite you bite you … 咬你咬你...
白雪公主:I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house 我又累又饿,哦,这有一个小屋子
I will eat a little and lie down. 我要吃点东西然后休息休息
小 矮 人:1/Look, somebody ate my food----:“看,有人吃了我们的东西
2/somebody drank my water---- 喝了我们的水
3/someone is sleeping now---- 而且正在睡觉
4/What a beautiful girl!---- 多么美丽的姑娘”
5/How do you do? 你好
白雪公主:How do you do? My name is S.w …你好,我叫白雪公主
Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴
小 矮 人:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too---- 我们见到你也很高兴
6/ welcome to our house!---- 欢迎来到我们的屋子
7/Would you like to live here? 你想住在这里吗
白雪公主:My pleasure, thank you very much! 我很愿意,非常感谢你们
小 矮 人:Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W 我们该出去工作了,再见白雪公主
皇 后: Mirror, mirror on the wall, 魔镜,墙上的魔镜
who’s the most beautiful? 谁是这个世界上最美的女人
魔 镜: S.w is much more beautiful than you! 白雪公主比你更漂亮
皇 后: What? S.w is not dead? 什么?白雪公主还没死?
Hahaha, I got a good idea! 哈哈,我有个好主意!
女 王:Apple ,apple, beautiful apple, 苹果,苹果,美丽的苹果
白雪公主:Hello, Good morning grandma! 早上好,外婆!
女 王:pretty girl ,would you like a bite? 漂亮的姑娘,你想要咬一口吗?(苹果)
白雪公主:Oh, yes ,thank you grandma! 哦,好的,谢谢你外婆!
女 王:The girl is dead! Hahaha… 哈哈,她死了,白雪公主死了。
S.w wake up, wake up… “白雪公主快醒来,快醒来”
白马王子:A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 美丽的姑娘!她将成为我的女王!
白雪公主:Thank you for your help! 谢谢你们的帮助
白马王子:My pleasure 我很高兴

形式主语用英语怎么说?是formal subject还是form subject?

应该是formal subject。还有形式主语是动词不定式的一种,它也是逻辑主语, 可以把它归类到逻辑主语的第一种(不定式的逻辑主语) 用作宾语的不定式,用作目的状语,用作结果状语的不定式都是属于不定式的大概念里面的。 综述   形式主语it   作为形式主语的it并无实际语义,只是为满足语法上的需要,避免句子头重脚轻,它代替   的是句子的逻辑主语,概括起来会有如下情况: 句子的逻辑主语为不定式   如:It is very kind of you to give me a hand in time.   It is my pleasure to address the meeting.   It was pretty hard for him to bring up the child on his own. 句子的逻辑主语为从句   如:It so happened that the tickets were sold out.   It is extremely obvious that she has been lying about her identity.   It suddenly occurred to me that the message must have been hidden between the layers of the briefcase. 句子的逻辑主语为动名词短语   这类句子远不如前面两种出现率高,主要在(no good, waste, useless, no use, dangerous)等词语的后面用   如:It is no use reasoning with him.   It is no good reading in dim light.   作形式主语的代词只能用it ,不能用that,this等词。例如:   1) It is easier to lose friends than to make friends. 交朋友难而失去朋友比较容易。   2) It is important for modern young people to master at least two foreign languages. 掌握至少两门外语对于当代年轻人来说是很重要的。   以上两句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语。   3) It is considered no good reciting without understanding. 不理解的背诵被认为是没有好处的。   4) It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。   以上两句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是V-ing形式。   5) It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.英语作为一门国际语言正日益为人们所接受,这是不争的事实。(NMET,95)   6) It depends on the weather whether we will go. 我们去不去得看天气行事。(其中的whether 不能换成if,因为if不能引导主语从句。)   以上两句中真正的主语是名词性从句。
