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英语造句大全 英语成语造句


At the end of the month, she finished the task. (在月末的时候,她完成了任务.)


two heads are better than one , that is to say the mass has great creativity.


This musics easy on the ear late at night.


Dont let them lead you by the nose.


The police has turn a blind eye to the matter.


My father didnt want to offer money for my education. He could not see beyond the end of his nose.



SV 主谓:I come.SVC主系表:I am a student.SVO主谓宾:I love you.SVoO主谓+直宾+间宾:Mother gives the me the book.SVOC主谓宾宾补:He made us laugh.simple present 一般现在时: The earth moves around the sun.present perfect现在完成时 : I have read the book.present progressive现在进行时 : She is singing a song.present perfect progressive现在完成进行时: He has been working from 8 oclock.simple past一般过去时 : I saw a movie yesterday.past perfect过去完成时 : When I arrived there, there had gone.past progressive过去进行时 : When I entered her room yesterday, she was playing computer games.past perfect progressive过去完成进行时: He is still waiting for her at the station. He had been waiting for her for three hours.


1.you:You are smart boy.
2.twins:We are twins.
3.apple:I like apple.
4.right:You are right!
5.look:This loook isnt prety.
6.love:I love you.
7.can:I can water the flowers.
8.will:I hope you will get better soon.
9.but:She is prety,but isnt smart.
10.if:If you like.
11.father:My father is a teacher.
12.sister:My sister is a student.
13.sewwt:The honey is so sweet.
14.June:June the first is Childrens Day.
15.English:Luxy studies hard English.
16.an:An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
17.strong:Mr.Li looks strong.
18.class:Miss Lins class is funny.
19.phone:Answer the phone ,please.
20.why:Why do you like fall?
21.day:My favourite day is Monday.
22.dog:Lisas little dogs name is Ben.
23.dont:Dont forget tell him this.
24.for:This clothes is for you.
25.China:I love China.
26.boy:The boy is active.
27.girl:The girl is quiet.
28.rain:The rain ,just never seems to bring.
29.one: I could be the one.
30.today:Today is a bad day.
31.by:I often go to school by bus.
32.who:who are you?
33.may:May I have a look?
34.songs:My hobby is singing songs.
35.big:Who in a big big would?
36.feel:How do you feel?
37.miss: Ill miss very much.
38.did:Why did it thve two happen?


Unit 2 used to<>过去一直 You used to be short,didnt you? be interested in<>对……有兴趣 Im interested in English. airplane<>飞机 Did you used to be afraid of flying in an airplane? terrify<>使恐怖 be terrified of<>被惊吓 Im terrified of being at home by myself. go to sleep<>去睡觉 on<>在 I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. insect<>昆虫 I used to be afraid of insects. candy<>糖果 Dont eat too much candy,its bad for your teeth. chew<>咀嚼 gum<>树胶 I used to chew gum a lot. chat<>闲谈 I like chat with others. daily<>每日的 ,每天 Thousands of people cross this bridge daily. comic<>连环图画 I like reading comics. death<>死亡 his death makes us upset. afford<>负担 Hes not rich enough to afford to buy a car. cause<>制造 Car accident caused many deaths. himself<>他自己 He learn English by himself. patient<>有耐心的 He was patient enough to wait for her for five hours. in the end<>最后 In the end they go to a small village. decision<>决定 make a decision<>作决定 They made a decision to go fishing. head teacher<>校长 He is our head teacher,we all like him. necessary<>必需品 Its necessary for us to learn English well. to ones surprise<>使...感到震惊 To my surprise,he finished the work only in a few days. exactly<>恰恰 It was exactly what I need. even though<>即使 I will go shopping,even though it rains. take pride in<>参加 She take pride in her work. attention<>注意 pay attention to<>注意 You should pay attention to taking care of your baby. give up<>放弃 English is hard to learn, but we cant give up. waste<>浪费 not...any more<>不再 Dont waste any time on it. 费了我半天劲,这可是纯人力劳动啊。。。没有功劳也有苦劳啊。。。 多给点分吧。。。我再发1、3单元的。。。 Unit 3 piercee<>刺穿 She wants to get her ears pierced. license<>执照 He just got his drivers license. silly<>愚蠢的 earring<>耳环 He should stop wearing that silly earring. instead of<>代替 We will go there on foot instead of by bus. stay up<>熬夜 I stayed up until 2 oclock in the morning. concentrate<>集中 concentrate on<>专注于 If you concentrate on your work,youll do better in it. study<>学习,研究 Study with a group is a good idea. design<>设计 I think we should be allowed to design our own uniforms. 。。。。。。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。 第3单元也造了几句啦。。。累死我啦。。。一定要给分啊。。。

典范英语8 第6、7、8、9、10本的故事梗概 一百字以上

第8本:Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually, he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him.But my mum found it . and called the factory on the vid-phone.were on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam, at last he was catched by connections squad van. At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet.
空袭就是俩小孩偷偷跑出安全区,从废墟里就出一支小狗,发现了一个地窖,进去以后发现是一个酒窖。不幸的是出口被空袭的爆炸堵上了。小狗在里面喝醉了,他们带着狗从里面的一个小洞准备出去,但是那是个死胡同。他们用手打开出口,出去以后发现了一个大炸弹,等待救援。最后被救了。 乔这个小男孩特别喜欢足球但是他运气特别差,参加一个比赛本来有一个很好的头球结果他因为离开自己的位置错过了这个球。他的同伴骂他是废物。他天天晚出去在两棵树之间练射门。他渴望有一个新球鞋,他老爹没钱,给他一个橄榄球鞋,但是在他的努力下,新比赛的最后几分钟他进球了。
