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living conditions of people all over the world would sharply descend as soon as financial crisis breaks out if nothing is done to heal the golobe economic system.
the latest one broke out months ago from the US and has been spreading quickly to China, the largest developing country in the world,where thousands of plants along the eastern coastal cities have bankrupted since the crisis broke out


The year, 2009, is absolutely special to us the senior 3 students, because we are sitting for the National University Entrance Examination before long. Besides, the global financial crisis is continuing, resulting in the serious unemployment through the world. During the special time, we have to consider the university majors we are going to apply for, which were more or less infulenced by the crisis. As a result, some questions always run in our minds. For example, how to apply for the majiot in the future? What kind of major can help us get rid of or avoid such crisis? However, it is almost three months away form the examination and application. Above everything else, nowadays we must devote ourselves to study, and try our best to become qualified students. Only in this way can we achieve our ideal to make great contributions to our society


chinas economy, one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and the biggest contributor to global growth, grew 9.9 percent year-on-year in the first three quarters of this year, according to official figures released on monday, showing a trend of aslowdown amid the current global financial crisis.
in the third quarter, the gross domestic product (gdp) growth rate slowed down to 9 percent, the lowest in five years, from 10.6 percent in the first quarter, 10.1 percent for the second quarter and 10.4percent in the first half of 2008.
chinas economic growth has been on a steady decline since peaking in the second quarter of 2007. the slowing world economy pummeled by the global financial crisis and weaker demand for chinese exports on international markets heavily weighted on the chinese economy, according to li xiaochao, spokesperson for the national bureau of statistics.
another widely watched indicator, the consumer price index (cpi) -- an important
measure of inflation -- rose 4.6 percent in september, over the same period last year. the figure, coupled with 7.1 percent in june, 6.3 percent in july, 4.9 percent


Economy Development Situation In China I think the economic development of China is growing rapidly now. At first, the quality of people today become much better than before. its own to the improvement of peoples living standard. Further more, our country become much stronger than before. It is not what it used to be, we know that all because of the fast developing of economy. Thirdly, other countries in the world know China more and more. It means the influence of China in the world is becoming bigger and bigger. The main reason of this is due to the economic development. Let us wish our country good luck forever.


Dear editor: I am writing to you about the discussion we’ve had about the relationship between economic development and environmental protection. Some students think that we should not develop the economy at the cost of damaging the environment. For instance, in order to boost the economy, they built a lot of factory. The waste of the factory polluted the local air, water and soil. The polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water and soil causes diseases and death. Other students argue that the issues of the environment are unavoidable for economic development. It is just the by-product. We can solve such issues when we have money and time. In my opinion, a strict law should be issued to keep the environment under proper control. We should know that destroying environment means destroying mankind ourselves. Sincerely yours, Mike

我眼中最伟大的发明英文作文带翻译 大概三五分钟 急急急急急 求帮忙

Of the worlds great inventions
Everyones awareness of the greatest invention in the world are different,and I think that,computer is the greatest.
In todays information age,computers have brought us considerable convenience.
It so that we can buy things at home,so that we can meet with friends to chat,so we know a lot of things they dont.
Various signs indicate that the worlds greatest invention is computer
I think the most important modern invention is the Internet.With the Internet,we can do many things.For example,we can shop,learn knowledge,listen to music,and watch movies online.The Internet makes the world smaller.We can meet and talk to friends and relatives far away without spending a lot of money.


Of course, air travel is quite comfotable and can save much time for sightseeing, but it costs more, around 1700 yuan, from Guangzhou to Beijing for example. Train travel costs less, around 450 yuan only, people can take their enough time in the train to enjoy the views along, but from Guangzhou to Beijing the trains will run about if 22 hours. And therere more and more people, they like to travel in their own cars, they could stay anywhere they like as long as possilbe and they can also sleep in their cars, thats quite interesting way of travelling.


Recently, the alarm about the phenomenon of the hot figures on the Net has caused wide argument, and understandably so. With the popularity of the Internet and with so many people dreaming of being the focus of the public, there are some people taking advantage of the net to enter the show business. It just took several months from some photos to the coverage on foreign TV programs. Sister Furong only needs to stage a few poses and be well-known around the world.
Those who favor it hold the belief that people can use the new arising propaganda vehicle to promote themselves. They insist that everyone has a dream; therefore, they can make the dreams come true no matter what the cost is.
There exist some understandable reasons, nevertheless, we have to face that the negative effects that the phenomenon of hot figures on the Net has posed a big problem to people, especially to the youngsters. They will abandon their belief that as common people, high academic degree is the only permit to the upper class. Consequently, they dont study hard to make contribution to our nation but addict themselves to the question how to make themselves hot figures before the public eye. It will lead them to the wrong value to society.
In the information era, the young are exposed to the all kinds of lure. Parents and society should take effective measures to keep their access to the internet rationally available and don not abuse the internet which can benefit us a lot.


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