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求一篇有关国际经济与贸易的英语文章! 英语演讲稿,经济发展对环境的影响


Today, the foreign trade of the country or regions economic development is playing an increasingly important role. one country to achieve rapid economic development of economy must learn to use both international and domestic market. foreign trade, by removing the rewards of resources optimization disposition. the trade of the analysis is usually divided into of analysis and the structural analysis, the total amount is to analyze questions from the angle, and the structural analysis from the perspective of the importance of examining trade act.And structure of foreign trade is a national or regional economic development and industrial structure and commodities in international competition, in the international division of labour and international trade in a comprehensive response and commodity structure and regional structure is an important part of the structure of foreign trade. chinas accession to wto in 2001, foreign trade has increased rapidly to become the united states, the two countries of the worlds third largest trader, but with the rapid development of our foreign trade.The structural problems more and more manifest, for example, the commodity structure is irrational and exports remained low added value of products. moreover, our foreign trade in merchandise trade is far greater than service trade, so the study of our foreign trade structure is a study of our product import and export commodity structure, optimize. the article from our foreign trade structure of goods and regional structure has to start.Analysed our import and export trade, and finally made to realize the import and export of strategic goals. the article falls into five chapters, the first three chapters to focus on the development of our foreign trade and the structure of foreign trade in goods and regional structure, the fourth chapter, the introduction of our foreign trade, most of the current structure of foreign trade import and export trade and development in order to achieve the strategic objective measures and export of the regrouping. 当今社会,对外贸易在国家或者地区的经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色。一国要获得经济快速的经济发展,必须学会利用国际国内两个市场。通过对外贸易,进行物产的互通有无,从而实现资源的优化配置。对贸易行为的分析通常分为总量分析和结构分析,总量分析是从量的角度分析问题,而结构分析更注重从质的角度考察贸易行为。而对外贸易结构是一国或地区经济技术发展水平、产业结构状况、商品国际竞争能力、在国际分工和国际贸易中的地位等的综合反映,而商品结构和区域结构是对外贸易结构的重要组成部分。中国从2001年加入WTO以来,对外贸易快速增长,以成为即美、日两国以后的世界第三大贸易国,但是随着我国对外贸易的快速发展,在结构上的问题越来越多的显现出来,例如商品结构的不合理,出口产品仍然是低附加值产品。而且,我国的对外贸易中商品贸易额远远大于服务贸易额,因此研究我国的对外贸易结构主要是研究我国的商品进出口贸易,达到商品结构的优化。本文将从我国对外贸易结构中的商品结构和区域结构入手,来分析我国的进出口贸易,最后提出为了实现进出口贸易战略目标的措施。全文分为五章,前三章主要讲我国对外贸易的发展现状和对外贸易结构中的商品结构和区域结构的分析,第四章讲,我国在引入外资时对我国进出口贸易的影响,最针对当前的对外贸易结构,提出进出口贸易发展中为了实现战略目标的措施和出口商品的优化措施。


Nowadays, as we blindly pride ourselves on the great economic and technological progress we have made in the last decades, we chose to ignore the consequences that the progress has caused. When we stare into the sky, we cannot see the vast blueness any more, instead, we see dust and mist; when we look at the river, we cannot see the swimming fish any more, instead, we see trash and waste; when we take a look around us, we cannot see green trees any more, instead, we see factories and apartments. Is this really what we ever wanted? I don’t think so.
When we can’t hear little birds singing any more when we wake up, when we cannot breathe fresh air in the city, when we cannot live a healthy life any more, I think it is high time we stopped what we are doing and come up with a plan, a plan for our children and the children’s children to enjoy the once beautiful environment.


  ⑴ 农、林、牧、渔业;
  ⑵ 采掘业;
  ⑶ 制造业;
  ⑷ 电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业;
  ⑸ 建筑业;
  ⑹ 地质勘查、水利管理业;
  ⑺ 交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业;
  ⑻ 批发和零售贸易餐饮业;
  ⑼ 金融、保险业;
  ⑽ 房地产业;
  ⑾ 社会服务业;
  ⑿ 卫生体育和社会福利业;
  ⒀ 教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业;
  ⒁ 科学研究和综合技术服务业;
  ⒂ 国家机关、政党机关和社会团体。
