先,我们要明白学习英语绝不是看一部动画片,不是一蹴而就的事。要想不下一番苦功夫、不费一点力气就能学好英语,那是绝对办不到的。因此,我们学习英语时,一定要有信心,要有耐心,循序渐进地坚持学习下去,这样才会有收获。 第二,要想学好英语,就得先从听、说入手。课上认真听老师讲,听同学们说,自己积极举手发言,大胆地去讲英语。 课下多听录音带,反复练习,尽量模仿正确的语音语调。每天坚持读半个小时的英语。人们常说的“拳不离手,曲不离口”,就是这个道理。 第三,要想学好英语,就得有股子韧劲儿。学过的生词和句子一定要记住,真正掌握它,千万别把希望只放在考前的突击记忆上。期中、期末考试时,成百上千的单词怎么能一下子背下来呢?所以,记单词一定要日积月累,备一个小本儿随身携带就更好。比如今天学了10个单词,记住了7个,其余3个怎么也记不住,这时你就可以把它们记到小本子上。小本子随身带,有空你就掏出来,看它几眼,说它几遍。看的次数多了,说的次数多了,再难记的单词也能记住。当然,记生词最好连句子一块记效果更好,这样记得牢。通过句子记新单词,不但扩大了词汇量,而且还记了单词的用法,真是一举两得。 第四,要想学好英语,还要多动脑筋。要采用多种方法、多种形式来巧学巧记。 对于一些较难理解的知识,我们可以把它的核心部分用一两句好记、好上口的话概括起来,进行记忆。比如few和little的用法同学们常常用错,就可以用以下的话来记忆:“‘字母少的’修饰可数名词;‘字母多的’修饰不可数名词;有a,就有少数几个,就有一点点;没a,就几乎一点儿也没有了。” 有的则可以用顺口溜、警句等来帮助记忆。 我好想学好英语能告诉我怎么学可以学的 常有人问:学英语有什么诀窍?说老实话,要想掌握一种语言,在缺乏必要的语言环境的条件下,实在没有什么捷径可走。 概括起来,只有四个字:下苦功夫。我这绝对不是随便说说漂亮话而已。 凭我这几年学习英语的体会,只有日积月累,通过量变,才有可能实现质的飞跃。记得曾经有一段时间,在下了一番苦功夫之后,我仍感到自己的英语水平提高的太慢,于是就故意放松了几天。谁知等到再从新开始学习时,才明显的感觉到自己退步了许多。从那以后,我就给自己制定了这样一条座右铭:“拳不离手,曲不离口”,持之以恒。学好英语,兴趣很重要。正如爱因斯坦所说“兴趣是最好的老师”。学习英语的兴趣大大激发了我的求知欲。有人说,英语水平高是将来找到理想的工作甚至出国的资本。 这固然不错,但除此之外,我更觉得,英语是一扇窗口,他向我们展示的是一片广阔的天地,一派新奇的景象。当我能够用英语同外国朋友交流,了解国外的社会、历史、科学和文化,并取得第一手资料时,我才真正的领悟了掌握一种语言的妙处。 学好英语,一套科学的学习方法是必不可少的。由于个人实际情况不同,生搬硬套是行不通的。 但我相信:只要仔细体会,逐渐摸索,人人都可以创造出一套有特色并且行之有效的学习方法。在这里,我想同大家谈谈我在学习英语过程中的一些体会,以供参考。 尽管在中学时我的英语基础不错,但刚跨入大学校门的时候,我还是深深地感到了自己的差距。 要具备一定的听、说、读、写能力,首先要掌握五千到八千词汇。而作为一个高中毕业生,我当时的词汇量真是少得可怜。于是,我决定把迅速扩大词汇量作为主要突破口。 有的同学喜欢背大部头的词汇手册,而我觉得这样做,既枯燥,又不利于灵活运用。我于是就把着眼点放到了阅读上,词汇与阅读齐头并进,产生了事半功倍的效果。 为了迅速扩大词汇量我从一开始就选择一些当时对我们来说难度偏大的阅读材料。上千字的文章,通常会有二、三十个生词。这些文章涉及的范围很广,包括了多个领域的词汇。 我通常采取“两遍阅读法”,即第一遍着重训练阅读能力,第二遍着重扩大词汇量并培养语感。起初进行阅读训练时,我参考了《Active Readers》这本书。 首先从提高阅读速度入手。集中精力阅读一篇长度适中的文章,记下起止时间,并计算单位时间的阅读量。迫使自己进行快速阅读,便成了我的习惯。 在第一遍阅读过程中,我将重点放在训练速度,掌握文章大意及基本结构上,并找出问题,以便进一步阅读时着重解决。 第二遍阅读的重点有两个:一是扩大词汇量。具体做法是:把文章再过一遍,查出生单词,记到小笔记本上,有时间就拿出来背。 背单词,我从不利用整时间。当学习别的
假定你是中学生李华。美国一个中学校长代表团即将访问你校并出席英语周的一项活动。请根据 写作要点 和
One possible version:
Dear American Guest,
On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. We are lucky to have you here in the middle of our English Week Activities.
As scheduled, we have English Talent Show today. The purpose of this program is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking. The programme consists of the following activities: recitation, singing, word spelling, story telling and so on. The Show will begin at two o’clock this afternoon at the Student Centre. Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in some activities. I hope we students will benefit from your presence.
I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us. Thank you.
试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,材料非常简单,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作目的。考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求是对美国代表团的欢迎词,所以要用一般现在时。考生成文时应注意:1. 结构上:采用三段成文,第一段欢迎美国朋友的到来;第二段介绍英语周的活动;第三段表达愿望:希望获准。2. 时态:以一般现在时为主;3. 人称:第一人称;4. 注意恰当使用一些连词,使文章自然、流畅。5. 适当使用一些高级句型和词汇7a64e58685e5aeb931333335336530以提高作文档次。
【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如on behalf of,As scheduled, consist of, benefit from等等;还运用了不定式to have作状语,to develop作表语等,动名词listening等作宾语,hope后宾语从句等等。
Fellow Students,
May I have your attention please?I have something important to tell you.There will be a lecture on First Aid in our school.It will be given at the school assembly at 9:00am
According to tradition, Confucius was born in 551 BC, in the Spring and Autumn Period, at the beginning of the Hundred Schools of Thought philosophical movement. Confucius was born in or near the city of Qufu, in the Chinese State of Lu (now part of Shandong Province).
He was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese and Vietnamese thought and life.
His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. These values gained prominence in China over other doctrines, such as Legalism (法家) or Taoism (道家) during the Han Dynasty[2][3][4] (206 BC – 220 AD). Confucius thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism (儒家). It was introduced to Europe by the Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to Latinise the name as "Confucius."
His teachings may be found in the Analects of Confucius (论语), a collection of "brief aphoristic fragments", which was compiled many years after his death. Modern historians do not believe that any specific documents can be said to have been written by Confucius,[5][6] but for nearly 2,000 years he was thought to be the editor or author of all the Five Classics[7][8] such as the Classic of Rites (editor), and the Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋) (author).
Dear Professor Smith, Hello.This is Li Hua,a student from XXX Junior School,I am writing to express our thanks to you for your good leture on how to learn English well.Last week you were very busy,but you spared us the time and came to our school.You gave us a wonderful speech and we know much more about how to learn English.Your speech was so perfect that everyone enjoyed it.Now we all know the importance of English and have the good ways to study it.Professor Smith,I wonder if you can come next time.We students look forward to seeing you again. Thank you and good luck. Regards Yours Li Hua 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。祝你进步!
The following lines have been edited: L16 (p6), L5 (p7), L16 (P9), L10 (p10).
Regarding the topic, the following changes have been made: L16 (p6), L5 (p7), L16 (P9), L10 (p10).
At present, some children in the poor areas cannot afford to go to school, we should try our best to help them.Our school is preparing a Charity show for the poor Children .The show will start at 7 p.m. in tomorrow night in the school playground.It lasts about two hours.The aim of this show is to donate money for the Hope Projec.The donation will use to build school and help poor children to attend school.Hope everybody in our school can attend this show and support project hope.Thanks.
.这不是考试的作文么。。。高3???? 嘿嘿。。。。