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关于“从师学习的重要性”的名言名句 关于情商英语名言




In any field, the importance of emotional intelligence is twice IQ; on the level of success, emotional intelligence than IQ important times.                               ------ Kai-fu Lee    Future of the world, more important than the direction of the efforts, abilities important than knowledge, health more important than performance, more important than the level of diploma, EQ is more important than IQ.                -------- Former president of Tsinghua University Gu Binglin    Formula for success in life, emotional intelligence is the possession of a certain quality ratio, it is absolutely indispensable part. ---- New Oriental chairman Michael Yu    Master EQ, what can not use it? ---- United States, "Readers Digest" If you do not understand EQ, from now on, we declare you behind the times! --- US "Time" magazine EQ Quiz do it, you will find a new self! --- "EQ" magazine Let us for once again evolved to become the wisdom of God! --- American Declaration EQ Association Intelligence quotient (IQ) decided to hire, emotional intelligence (EQ) decided to upgrade. --- American buzzwords You can mobilize emotions, you will be able to mobilize all --- US President George W. Bush EQ than IQ greater extent determine a persons love, marriage, study, work, relationships and the entire business ---- "EQ enlightenment" by Ke Yunlu Only IQ (intelligence quotient) is not enough, we apply EQ (emotional intelligence) to educate the next generation and help them play inherent potential. People with high IQs may cause nowhere, people with high emotional intelligence, but must be able to show extraordinary, the family is the first school culture EQ with high EQ parents, children have high EQ. --- "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman The childs emotional management, is the most important modern parents required course! While a high EQ kids will learn better and better live out their own light! 在任何领域,情商的重要性都是智商的两倍;在成功的层面上,情商比智商重要几倍。 ------李开复 未来的世界,方向比努力重要,能力比知识重要,健康比成绩重要,水平比文凭重要,情商比智商重要。 --------清华大学原校长顾秉林 在人生成功的公式上,情商素质是占有一定比值的,是绝对不能缺少的一部分。 ----新东方董事长 俞敏洪 掌握了EQ,还有什么不能利用的呢? ----美国《读者文摘》 如果不懂EQ,从现在起,我们宣布,你落伍了! ---美国《时代》周刊 做EQ测验吧,你会发现一个全新的自己! ---《EQ》月刊 让我们再进化一次吧,成为智慧的上帝! ---美国EQ协会宣言 智商(IQ)决定录用,情商(EQ)决定提升。 ---美国流行语 你能调动情绪,就能调动一切 ---美国总统 布什 情商比智商在更大程度上决定着一个人的爱情、婚姻、学习、工作、人际关系以及整个事业 ----《情商启蒙》作者 柯云路 仅有IQ(智商)是不够的,我们应用EQ(情商)来教育下一代,帮助他们发挥与生俱来的潜能。 智商高的人也许事业无成,情商高的人却一定能表现非凡,家庭是培养情商的第一学校,有高情商的父母,才有高情商的孩子。 ---《情感智商》作者 丹尼尔.戈尔曼 孩子的情绪管理,是现代父母最重要的必修课!而一个高EQ的孩子,学习将更好,更能活出属于自己的光芒! 记得采纳哦! 下次继续合作!
