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关于苏州园林的英语作文 求一篇英语作文!Plant More Trees!



Suzhou is famous for its gardens. Suzhous garden art is good at combining natural landscape with poetic and picturesque, creating an ideal state of blending feelings and scenery.
The Humble Administrators garden, Liuyuan garden, wangshiyuan garden, Shizilin garden, etc. are well known for this.
Rockery is the skeleton of garden. Suzhou garden is famous for it.
When you come to the lion forest, the first thing you see is the rockery, and the most impressive one must be it.
Suzhou gardens are also good at borrowing scenery. If there is an old temple in the forest in front of the garden, there must be a window on the wall facing the temple, which frames the forest and the temple.
Looking out of the window is like looking at a picture. The window frame is the picture frame. The quiet mountains and ancient temples are the beautiful scenery in the picture. This is borrowing scenery.
Living in such a garden is like living in a paradise.
If you live for a long time, you will be as beautiful as the scenery in the garden!

求一篇英语作文!Plant More Trees!

first we should find a place ,it is neither too wet nor too dry ,then dig a hole big enough to hold a tree,next put the tree in the hole and knock a stick into the earth ,tie it to the tree to keep the tree straight,after that put the earth back to the hole and push it hard,finally water it .


The human development, ecological destruction, the living environment is seriously polluted by people are punished by nature
We should treat nature, nature will also pay attention to our

一篇以man can conquer nature为题目的英语作文

Man can conquer nature
As the saying goes: "man will triumph over nature."
Perhaps in the eyes of the world, human beings are insignificant, but in some ways, you will find that as long as our intentions to do, you will find the door to win for you are open.
Zhang Haidi, Shi Tiesheng! They are good examples, let us know that a persons strength is infinite, a persons perseverance things infinite.
In my opinion, our lives, though full of difficulties and hardships, but you have to trust the world has been very good, as long as you do not give up there will be hope.自己写的啊!可以借鉴哈!有什么不懂的都可以问我!


The Peace of Wild Things

When despair grows in me

and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound

in fear of what my life and my childrens lives may be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought

of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

waiting for their light. For a time

I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
I HEARD a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.


last year national day, mom and dad took me to mount huangshan to play.
the morning of the second day, we ate breakfast on the departure, came to mount huangshan park. park peaks towering, majestic scene, show peaks overlapping zhi, zhuo li yun biao, with day seventy-two peak, lotus peak, the guangming ding, the beginning letter peak as the representative, the main mountain peaks surrounded by dingli,, main types are dome shaped peaks, cone peak, ridge peak, peak, peak shape of box column.
we first climb tiandu peak, then i was very scared, dad said: "how to dont kid you climb?" i said: "i was afraid." mother said: "you put your courage to enlarge a little, it need not be afraid." after a while, i thought, "i must climb" i grab the chain has been to climb, the mountain wall is very steep, i almost slipped down. after a long time the only halfway up the mountain, mom and dad down there, and i continued to climb, mom and dad see i laughed, climb a long time, we finally climbed up the top of the mountain, the nature is the wind, waves of blowing into my face, is really too cool! i looked down, really is a list of the small hill scene.
suddenly i saw a mountain, called immortals peak, the mountain is like a fairy like beauty, below it there are many flowers and trees, next to a mountain, there is a little gap between, legend immortal here, so people call it the fairy peak. i also saw the fairy guide, welcoming pine, the welcoming pine grow very straight, looks like an umbrella, beside a big stone, engraved above the welcoming pine three characters. then he saw a rock like a peach.
i saw many beautiful scenery, this is from the nature scenery. boys and girls, if you have time then call your mom and dad take you to feel the beauty of nature!

克服思乡英语作文,题目是overcoming homesickness


I left my home to go to a senior high school three years age, which is a boarding school far from my home. I was homesick at the beginning of the new school life. I missed my parents, my relatives, and my old friends at home. At the same time, I didn’t like the foods in the new school. As the result of this, I couldn’t help being absent-minded in classes. And I felt sick then. I even had the idea to quit school.
Meanwhile, I knew I have to overcome the homesickness and concentrate on my study. I began to make new friends and share their feelings. We studied and played together. After quite some time, I recovered gradually and went through the school life successfully.

假定你是中学生李华。美国一个中学校长代表团即将访问你校并出席英语周的一项活动。请根据 写作要点 和

One possible version:
Dear American Guest,
On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. We are lucky to have you here in the middle of our English Week Activities.
As scheduled, we have English Talent Show today. The purpose of this program is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking. The programme consists of the following activities: recitation, singing, word spelling, story telling and so on. The Show will begin at two o’clock this afternoon at the Student Centre. Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in some activities. I hope we students will benefit from your presence.
I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us. Thank you.

试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,材料非常简单,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作目的。考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求是对美国代表团的欢迎词,所以要用一般现在时。考生成文时应注意:1. 结构上:采用三段成文,第一段欢迎美国朋友的到来;第二段介绍英语周的活动;第三段表达愿望:希望获准。2. 时态:以一般现在时为主;3. 人称:第一人称;4. 注意恰当使用一些连词,使文章自然、流畅。5. 适当使用一些高级句型和词汇7a64e58685e5aeb931333335336530以提高作文档次。
【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如on behalf of,As scheduled, consist of, benefit from等等;还运用了不定式to have作状语,to develop作表语等,动名词listening等作宾语,hope后宾语从句等等。
