I have a little black dog, when it is as big as the palm of my father gave me, Im going to have to feed it every day in the morning drink milk, small eyes and small nose now a see it grow well fast, from the beginning to run to keep up with all my footsteps, to always run in front of the family, now I know it is only ten years of life, now two years old, the rest of the spent eight years we will be happy, I love my dog.
例如:The Doggie can play the violin.那只小狗会拉小提琴
三个字的名字用英语怎么写 格式
单姓:第一个字的开头字母和第二个字的开头字母大写,其余小写。名与姓之间空一格。通常先写名字,后写姓氏。例如:刘德华,英语写成 Dehua Liu.
复姓:姓氏的第二个字也不必大写,比如:诸葛亮就应该写:Zhuge Liang。
1、first name
英 [fə:st neim] 美 [fɚst nem] n.西方人名的第一个字
例句:This comrades surname is Li and his given name, dagang. 这位同志姓李名大刚。
2、family name
英 [ˈfæmili neim] 美 [ˈfæməli nem] n.姓
例句:I have printed my family name, first name, date of birth, and address. 我用印刷体写上了我的姓,名,华诞和地址。
3、given name
英 [ˈɡivən neim] 美 [ˈɡɪvən nem] n.教名
例句:I told him my first name and where I was from. 我告诉过他我的名和我从哪里来。