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一条鱼是英语怎么说。 一条鱼是英语怎么说。


A fish was caught. We caught a fish. We caught only one fish. A 跟 one 都可以,只有在很少数情况下需要有差别。至于fish 还是 fishes. 要是一种鱼类不论多少条都是fish. 多种鱼类就要用fishes. 比如:一条黄花鱼,三条黄花鱼 = 1 fish, 3 fish 然而 一条黄花鱼,两条比目鱼和一条鲨鱼 = 1 fish, 3 fishes 哪个说什么“one piece of fish" "two pieces of fishes" 的人打错,写成了 “一块鱼肉” “两块不同种类的鱼肉”


A fish was caught. We caught a fish. We caught only one fish. A 跟 one 都可以,只有在很少数情况下需要有差别。至于fish 还是 fishes. 要是一种鱼类不论多少条都是fish. 多种鱼类就要用fishes.
比如:一条黄花鱼,三条黄花鱼 = 1 fish, 3 fish 然而 一条黄花鱼,两条比目鱼和一条鲨鱼 = 1 fish, 3 fishes
哪个说什么“one piece of fish" "two pieces of fishes" 的人打错,写成了 “一块鱼肉” “两块不同种类的鱼肉”

授人以鱼,不如授人以渔 怎么翻译英语

:Delegate to fish in the fishery as delegate
Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime。


There is a saying in Chinese which says it is always better to teach a person who are hungry to fish than to give him some fish. We can find the deep meaning of the sentence is to tell people to teach others the way to do something rather than give him the things he needs.
In our daily life, our parents often help us too much, which makes us lazy and not know how to look after ourselves as well as others. If the situation continues, we may never develop the good habit and may be too selfish. So they are giving us things directly rather than teaching us how to get the things.
What should we do? We should realize that we should try to study whatever things we can do ourselves and do them.
