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速求Living in the City or in the Countryside,的一篇英语作 以my troublesome apartment为题的英语作文

速求Living in the City or in the Countryside,的一篇英语作

Living in the city or country has been the question on many peoples minds. Living in the city is more convenient. We are access more foreign products and services and we are more connected to the world. Also, we expose ourselves to more knowledge and culture. Living in the country will provide you with peace and tranquility. Life is slower and more calm. There is less stress than in the city and you can enjoy fresh air and green pastures.

以my troublesome apartment为题的英语作文

I rented an apartment when I was studying at my university. It was a very annoying apartment.
First, My roomates were a party animal. They hold parties every night after they drank at the bar. They were loudly chatting at the living room, and they were disrupting my sleeping. Moreover, My roomates were not likely to clean up the mess after they hold a party. The apartment was look like a pigsty as a result the landlord was very angry and kicked my roomates out of the apartment.
Second, my apartment dint have a fridge and washing machine. It made me very difficult to clean up my clothes and cook the food. Therefore, I had to wash my clothes by hand, and I had to eat out every day.
Right now, I have my own apartment. I have learnt lots of lessons from my troublesome apartment, and made my place a nice and clean apartment.

my troublesome apartment英语作文

My home is in an apartment building. I live with my mother and father. The apartment is on the fifth floor of a tall building. There are 14 floors and a car park in the basement. My father parks his car there.
Our apartment is not in the center of the city. It is 2 miles from the center.My father works in the city, so he goes to work by train every day. He doesnt drive his car. He uses his car only on weekends. Then he takes us into the country or to the beach.
Our apartment has three bedrooms.There is a bedroom for my mother and father, one for me and one for my brother. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. We do not have a garden, but there is a small balcony. There are some plants on the balcony. In summer we often sit out on the balcony because it gets very hot inside the apartment. Our apartment is small,but we are very happy in it.

求四级英语作文Part time Jobs for College Students

Part-time Jobs for College Students
Nowadays,more and more college students are taking part-time jobs. On this phenomenon, different people hold different viewpoints.
Some people think after-school work is beneficial to the students. On the other hand, it helps cultivate indepenence in young people and make them more matrure;on the other hand,
students who have part-time jobs can relieve, to some extent,the economic burdens of their parents.
But after-school work has brought a lot of problems. For example, part-time jobs often distract students attention from their studies, so some students have shown a decline in their studies, and some even play truant.
As for me, I think the main task of students is to studey hard and learn what is needed for the development of our society. Though students who have part-time jobs may relieve their parents economic burdens, their early contact with society adds greatly to the worries of their parents.

写英语作文Can Money Buy Happiness?

Money makes the mare go. People nowadays attach two much importance to money and they devote all their lives to making money. Is money so important? Can money buy happiness?
Some people believe money can buy happiness. With money, you are no longer worried about hunger, living, and clothes. With money, you can have a nice wife and you can give your children good education and living environment.
However, different people hold different ideas. Some others think money cant buy happiness. Happiness is a kind of emotion.Even if you are very rich, you will still feel sad or lonely because you dont have friends to share with your sorrows. Even if you have much money, you will still live in tragedy if you use the money in a wrong way.
In my opinion, happiness cannot be bought. It is earned. Even if you are poor, you still can be happy if you love your life. If you are rich, you can also be sad if you dont know how to live a life. Everyone has happiness as long as he loves his life and makes every count.
我认为,幸福不是买来的,是你努力去得到的。即使你很穷,你仍然可以幸福,如果你爱的生活。如果你富有,你也仍然可能会悲伤如果你不懂得如何生活。只需要热爱你的生活, 充实的过每一天,每个人都可以幸福。

以a great sportswoman为主题的英语作文

Sports-fan Cody dreams of winning a gold medal in the Paralympics.He doesn’t have the bottom half of his legs.
But he has already proved himself an amazing athlete with a busy schedule of running,swimming,soccer,golf,ice hockey and other sports.He also has other hobbies including playing the piano,hand-cycling,rock climbing,and he is learning to fly a plane.


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